Reviews For Growing Pains
Author's Response: Thank you, I liked writing this one, it was sweet and touching.
Author's Response: Thanks!
I don't think I've reviewed in this series before, but I absolutely adore it. Very few kid fics catch my attention, but this one is truly remarkable. Keep up the great work! Author's Response: Thank you! If you like this one, you ought to read Never Again, the prequel. It's third person and you get more adult POV's as well as Harry's of course!
Phantom is awesome! *sings* "Angel of Music!" I am curious what sort of punishment is in order for the prank! Poor Harry! Don't be /too/ harsh on him- he didn't really mean any harm- he just was stupid and didn't think about what he was doing. He's at an age when kids don't really feel like they should have to be supervised, and he lives in a world where giving potions to people is normal, so I don't suppose the significance and consequences of drugging your babysitters would really have occured to him. I bet he will work it out soon though! Author's Response: Yes, I wish there were more of them too! Phantom is my all time fav musical. And the punishment for the prank is coming up, and even though Harry is young he DID know that what he did was wrong, and Severus will make sure he understands that what he did was dangerous.
But two little boys are going to get it! Author's Response: I don't know. When i find out, I'll let you know, haha!
Author's Response: You and me both! LOL! As for Harry & Ron, what makes you think they're gonna get out of it? Severus is NOT happy.
Author's Response: Phantom is mine too, I've been too see it three times (once with Michael Crawford as Phantom--sigh!) so I just had to have them go there. And I want one too, because he sure knows how to treat a lady.
Author's Response: All right! That line was one of my favorites too! You're sweet! And the punishment is coming, unfortunately for two naughty boys.
Author's Response: You, me, and I think everyone else who read this, LOL! Glad you liked her nickname and that's the kind of man I want, who likes me just the way I am. Where are they?
What is good about what is going to happen next is that Alaina will see Severus at his angriest. And she will see that although those two will be well and truly punished, they won't be abused or belittled. Sometimes you can't trust those you love until you see them at their angriest. Can't wait for the fireworks to start. And I imagine Tobias will have a little something to say about being drugged. My only question is that the twins created this snack. They are only a couple of years older than Ron, so they are between 8 and 9. If they could create that at that age, how did Hogwarts survive? Author's Response: yes, it was.
And Alaina will indeed see Severus angry, but also realize that unlike her ex, he can control himself. Tobias will have PLENTY to say about this the next morning.
And the twins? They were brilliant child geniuses and God only knows about the school--it's the mystery of the decade! LOL! |
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