Reviews For Growing Pains
Author's Response: Got that right and now Harry's got two Snapes mad at him. Can we spell trouble?
I just knew you'd leave it off right there...lol. We're quite the cliff-hanger devils tonight, I suppose. *sly high five* By the way, I think you're right about Severus being the one to deal with Harry's behavior. The more I keep thinking about what they did, though, the more I just can't believe how dangerous it was. I hope Severus emphasizes that point... Anyway, really great chapter :) Looking forward to the next! Author's Response: Yes, Sev and Tobias have a lot of their past to live down, and it will take time for them to do so. And there will be plenty of consequences for both Harry and Ron to deal with. (An angry Molly is no fun to deal with either!) And I do love my cliffies! Severus will have a lengthy discussion with Harry about the dangers of trying an unknown magical substance and also a rather fierce argument with Tobias over who and how Harry should be punished.
Author's Response: Yes, poor Harry and Ron too! Molly won't be forgiving either!
Author's Response: Thanks, I liked writing this part, it was funny and sweet.
Author's Response: I like putting my wizards in ordinary situations, because for the most part they go through the same problems everyone else does. They're still human beings.
Great chapter. I can just see three hyper kids acting like that. *shivers* Glad it was Tobias and Sirius babysitting and not me. Sev is going to be a little upset when he gets home I think. (Thats probably an understatemnet) Author's Response: me too, although my nephews tried something similar on me once, though not with drugged candy. They tried to replace my Tylenol with some Tylenol PM and didn't think about how the caplets are different colors, so I didn't fall for it. And yes, Sev is going to be quite PO'd when he comes home!
Author's Response: Yes, that's definitely true!
anyway, what an end to a romantic evening it will be to come home to that chaos! poor sev! poor harry - no more sleepovers i bet! harry and inky for you :)... http :// au.geocities. com/chocoholly1/ i_should_be_studying. html Can't wait to read the romantic night out! *squeels* xox Author's Response: It just happened like that, and Sev thought with Tobias there, the kids would behave. They did, until Ron's brilliant idea. And Lexy won't be blamed, since Ron and Harry won't want to get her in trouble. And it's true about sleepovers, it's just one big party all night long! LOL!
Wow, talk about a party! The boys sure know how to live it up, those darn hyper kids. Harry and Ron are SO dead! Either the adults will wake soon and demand an explanation, Sev will arrive and pitch a fit, or worse, Sirius and Tobias will stay out of it and Harry and Ron will be forced to make a call to Sev and explain the situation. Either way, it does not bode well for the boys. Cant wait to read your next chapter! I want to see how the date went and what will happen to everyone involved in the sleepover. Author's Response: Aww, I'm glad you like reading my stuff so much, Beth! And heaven help the two when Sev DOES come home! He's going to flip out! I'm writing the date right now.
Author's Response: No way, that's for darn sure! |
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