Title: The Bedtime Prank
| 02 Jun 2008 8:42 pm
Reviewer: burns603 (Anonymous)
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Thos ekids would be dead meat if they were mine! Some serious punishment is in store for them!
Author's Response: Got that right!
Title: The Bedtime Prank
| 02 Jun 2008 5:47 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous)
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Not only was the prank naughty - they drugged their babysitters to do things they knew they were not allowed to do- but when the two mischievous young men realised that Sirius and Tobias had not woken up they continued partying. Obviously something has gone wrong. What if the sleeping potion has been made badly (I’m sure it’s probably illegal as well) - the twins should be what 10 years old... Sirius and Tobias could be damaged and need medical attention or worse something could have happened to Harry or Ron or Lexy one of them could have gotten hurt – what if they actually crashed into a tree or someone got sick or someone had broken in... as a parent I am horrified thinking of all the things that could have happened...but the boys only see it as fun. Both young men are in for sound spankings when Sev gets back home (Molly is not going to mind – I’m sure Ron is going to be in for a second spanking for behaving badly at the sleep over). Tobias should be the one to spank Harry but his disappointment in Harry would be a punishment in itself (but Tobias should give him at least a swat)... Harry begged Snape for weeks for this sleepover it’s going to be years before he could get another chance of having another sleepover. What were they thinking ...obviously they weren’t.
Author's Response: Oh my, yes, they are both in soo much trouble. They have no idea what could've gone on. Anything could've happened while Tobias and Sirius were sleeping. Maybe Molly will punish the twins too, for inventing the stuff.
Trouble, trouble, trouble. I know two little boys who are in serious trouble.
I can understand it though. Little children never think that they are going to be consequences or that things may go wrong. That is the reason the "little devils" need us to watch out for them.
Author's Response: Got that right, they are in REAL trouble this time.
Title: The Bedtime Prank
| 02 Jun 2008 7:39 am
Reviewer: ER (Anonymous)
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Oh boy. Sev won't be too happy with the boys or the babysitters. At least Lexy can claim she fell asleep.
Author's Response: No, he won't. Definitely not.
Eeek! Sorry for not reviewing lately. My life has been a whirlwind of craziness...
Harry and Ron were quite the naughty ones in this chapter. I'm sure Ron will be sent home, but I sometimes feel like Severus is too easy on Harry. Maybe Tobias should take over this time seeing as he's the one who was in charge. Sure, Harry's only seven and he's going to get into trouble without a second thought sometimes. I love how you've made Harry as impishly recognizable as he should be. He *does* deserve to be punished for this one. (Sorry, Harry.) ;)
Wishful thinking...but I'd love to see a more stern, less easy-going side of Sirius, as I think he's definitely got it in him if provoked.
Over all, I really enjoyed this one. I'm thinking poor Harry won't enjoy the next chapter, though... lol.
Author's Response: Oh yes, he definitely does, and Severus will punish him, believe me. It has to be Severus, because it's he who comes home and discovers what went on and he is the parent, after all. Tobias will have something to say, however, a great deal, as a matter of fact, you'll find out two chapters from now. You're right about Sirius, if the kids had done something truly dangerous, like play with matches or whatever, then he would lose it, but considering it was a prank, he'll just think it was amusing.
Hm... Methinks I see a spanking coming soon... For the twins, too!
Author's Response: Yes, that's a very good possibility!
Oooh boy, those kids are in for it! Severus is not going to be happy. I think harry's in for a good talking to, grounding and a spanking. No doubt about it. But first comes the love part.
Author's Response: Are they ever!
Aww that was really sweet. Especially how Harry made Alaina the card and all! I remember when my son used to do things like that for me and I loved it!
Author's Response: Thank you!
Loved it. It was sweet and funny and I can well understand Harry's jealousy. He's never had to share people before in his family. The baby question was hysterical too!
Author's Response: Great! And thanks for all your reviews--you're awesome!
Title: The Night You Were Born
| 01 Jun 2008 10:52 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed)
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Wonderful, couldn't have written it better myself! You did a terrific job and you should be very proud.
Author's Response: Aww, you're sweet!