Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Raising Inky 01 Jun 2008 9:47 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Great beginning! I love how Sev lets Harry keep Inky. Too cute!

    Author's Response: aww, you're sweet!
Title: A Mother For A Day 01 Jun 2008 4:07 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Good stuff

    Author's Response: Thank you, glad you like it!
Title: Mischief and Surprises 01 Jun 2008 2:31 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ooh, perhaps a love interest for Sev...

    Author's Response: Definitely, that's the way it's going.
Title: Now I'm Seven 01 Jun 2008 1:54 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    What a neat birthday party!

    Author's Response: Yeah, they sure know how to throw them, huh?
Title: A Mother For A Day 31 May 2008 7:24 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    oh wow....poor harry...glad he was nice about it though!

    can't wait to see what happens next!

    Author's Response: thanks and soon enough they'll be in trouble in the next chapter!
Title: A Mother For A Day 31 May 2008 10:17 am
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    Ahh...such a sweet chapter. Harry was adorable. And I loved when they were talking about what Sev and Tobias would do to Dan if he ever showed up. "...scare the socks off a dementor.." Hiliarious!

    Author's Response: Thanks, I loved that part too!
Title: A Mother For A Day 31 May 2008 1:14 am
Reviewer: preposterous purple crocodile (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I wasn't joking about the request thing. Any ideas?

    Author's Response: Umm . . .how about one of harry and Inky?
Title: A Mother For A Day 30 May 2008 7:56 pm
Reviewer: preposterous purple crocodile (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hello again! What a cute chapter! I really liked the mother's day breakfast and it was reassuring that harry isn't the only one with a sharing problem. and Hermione is so adorable! Alaina is great and I love how she included harry like that!

    Daniel just gets more and more awful. He's not going to find them is he? Maybe Sev could set some wards on the house or something. Nothing violent- like a repelling charm or transfiguration into a toad perhaps. Or what about Sirius and Remus come to put up the 'violent' wards?

    Alaina is such an 'open' person - she doesn't mind telling people her problems. I think that's a great way to be - "a problem shared is a problem halved" and all that, and it definetely makes the story go faster. I was wondering about how comfortable sev is about telling his problems though. He doesn't strike me as the type to want to share his past. -Even after Alaina had practically told him her life story in date number 1, all Sev really told her was that his mother is dead, his dad is a recovering alcoholic, they went through a period of not speaking to each other and had to work through some 'issues'. There has been a lot from the kid's point of view, so I'm not really sure how far the relationship has gone beyond kissing (on the lips! - like eww! gross!). Has Alaina seen Sev's scars? does she know about the 'old Tobias'? What was her reaction?/what will her reaction be? and on a completely unrelated note, what about taking Alaina wizard christmas shopping? :) Maybe I'm only saying that because it's something I want to do. Lexy would like Honeydukes too.


    http: // au.geocities.com/chocoholly1/ doodles_from_pharmacology.html

    here is another tree picture for you. It was really sweet of you to put another tree reference in last chapter - thank you! I will have to draw other stuff now as well. lol Do you have any requests? Bearing in mind my very limited drawing capabilities. As I have mentioned before, when it comes to art, I'm good at chemistry. Hell, I'm even better at maths. :(
    I also have a not quite finished doodle of sev and alaina kissing, but it isn't turning out right so I might redo it later.


    ps. omg I once stuck beads up my nose too! lol and ate play dough! *giggles* how embarrasing for the poor kids!

    Author's Response: Glad you liked it! Yes, sev does tend to be very private, but he will open up to Alaina more in an upcoming chapter and I loved the picture.  It was so sweet!  I'm very flattered my work inspires you so much.  Thank you!  My sister stuck pearls up her nose too! nd drank perfume and ate a whole bottle of baby asprin! LOL!  That's where half of my ideas come from, my crazy family.
Title: A Mother For A Day 30 May 2008 7:03 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    great chapter, i'm so glad that the mothers day meal went well, harry will get over getting abit of teasing about kissing hermione and i'm glad that harry had his wish for a mum for a day

    prince henry (harry) is 3rd in line to the throne after charles and william

    Author's Response: Yes, well we all go through that! And thanks for the tip about harry I wasn't sure, and i corrected it.
Title: A Mother For A Day 30 May 2008 6:23 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    I think the Mother's Day Breakfast was a really nice idea, I'm sure the moms really appreciated it. You have really good taste, once again the decorations and food sounded really wonderful! I think the gifts from the school were really nice too. Seems Harry isn't the only one getting jealous, Lexy sure was ticked when her mom read Harry's card first. He did a really good job on that card too. Oh well, now they can see things from the other's prospective.

    I will continue to be amazed at how well you write those kids, I LOVE reading in their point of view! Their thoughts and comments are really amusing, sometimes I can relate to them, and other times I feel like I'm going to fall off the couch laughing. Darn those embarrassing parents! Those poor kids, major sympathy. The scene after Alaina got the flowers was funny too, Harry's comment "I don't want to be a prince anymore," I said quickly. "Too many people want to chop off your head." lol! Then poor Hermione got all upset and Harry was all sweet and tried to make her feel better, awwwe! I had to laugh at Harry's horror when she kissed him. I think Sev's story of Lily when they were little was equally cute! Makes me want to hug them ^^.

    Next chapter sounds great! Can't wait to see what happens on Sev and Alaina's night out. I wonder what Harry, Ron and Lexy will get into while they are away? I shudder to think what Tobias would go through if the twins were added to the mix! I think he’d sue, hehe ;).

    P.S. I have a sinking feeling Alaina hasn’t seen the last of Dan. Please tell me I’m wrong? If not… run Alaina, run! lol

    Author's Response: Thanks for your great review! I tried to think of what I'd like at one of these affairs and that's what I came up with.  As for the trouble the kids get into . . .just wait till the next chapter!  It's quite funny!  And for Dan . . .I can't answer that question yet. 

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