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Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Grandpa Knows Best 29 May 2008 3:03 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    How do you do it? How do you remember how kids talk and think?

    The last time I acted out that badly, I wasn't able to sit down for a day!

    Severus and Tobias are a lot more patient than my folks were.

    Hooray for Tarzan (the book version, not the movies). I discovered them when I was ten and then proceded to read everything Edgar Rice Burroughs ever wrote.

    Author's Response: yeah, mine too, LOL! And I've lived with and babysat for so many of my sisters' kids and their grandkids and I used to teach preschool (3,4, 5 year olds) so I remember quite a bit and after that I just don't know.  I try and put myself into the persona of the character I'm writing at the time and I guess it works.  I love Tarzan too, which is why I put the reference in there. 
Title: Grandpa Knows Best 29 May 2008 1:14 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Harry's jealousy another normal "growing pain" for an only child who suddenly has to share dad and grandpa. Love the Harry/Tobias moment - I’m glad that Tobias was able to realise that Harry's tantrums were due to his jealousy over Lexy and was able to deal with it both tantrums appropriately - notably that he was able to talk with Harry about Lexy. Grandpa seems to know best (except when it comes to knowing how to get a girl pregnant LOL). Sev also comfortable leaving Harry (and Lexy) alone with Tobias, it seems that the trust has truly been developed. I also noted that Harry knows that he could get away more with Dad than with Grandpa – Sev reached three (and Harry was still defiant after the count) Grandpa didn’t (Harry was already on this feet after one). Love the father’s day gift that Tobias is making it is wonderful.

    Author's Response: Yeah, Tobias is pretty smart, except when it comes to pregnancy--LOL!  And Severus has finally begun to trust Tobias more than a little with the children again.  And yes, Harry knows who he can get away with more, Toby is stricter than Sev, for obvious reasons.  And Severus will love the gift Tobias is making.
Title: Grandpa Knows Best 29 May 2008 10:36 am
Reviewer: Hasi (Anonymous) [Report This]
    "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." ?? What kind of rule is that? Is that some kind of American thing?

    Author's Response: Yes, i suppose so.  It basically means, if you don't have something good to say about someone, you should keep the bad or insuting comments to yourself.  That way you don't hurt someone's feelings, especially if they're a friend or family member.
Title: Grandpa Knows Best 29 May 2008 10:33 am
Reviewer: Twinheart (Signed) [Report This]
    HA! HORNMOANS!! I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at that! Priceless! I also loved Harry's pregnant question to Sev and Harry's talk with Tobias. Great moments!

    Author's Response: Thanks, i thought it was hilarious too!
Title: Grandpa Knows Best 29 May 2008 7:33 am
Reviewer: ER (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow. Great chapter. I love jealous!Harry. He sounds adorable when he's pouting. I can't get over how well-written this is. There are very few who can write children well. Thanks for the update. I can't wait to read more!

    Author's Response: Thanks and I write kids very well because I have 11 neices and nephews and also 5 grand-nieces andnephews, plus I was a preschool teacher.  So I have a lot of experience there.  Every one of my neces and nephews is  quite a character and I still remember over half of the things they did and said, some of them are still small. 
Title: Grandpa Knows Best 29 May 2008 4:38 am
Reviewer: Laume (Anonymous) [Report This]
    awww. poor Harry. jealousy is a difficult thing.

    Still, children have a limit to their capacity to share so it's quite normal. I expect that once Lexy starts to share her mother with Harry, she'll have jealousy fits too. After all, so far only Harry has had to share and Lexy is about to get a taste of what having a brother is like. It wouldn't surprise me if she had difficulty with it, as well, seeing how much she and her mum relied on each other after the divorce as well.

    The baby question was hilarious lol

    Author's Response: You're right, and Lexy will have her own fits as well, since her mother has been her constant, but she has only had Alaina all to herself for three months, while Harry had Sev to himself for three years, so he's bound to react more strongly.  And I find the way kids describe babies and pregnancy hysterical.
Title: Grandpa Knows Best 29 May 2008 4:37 am
Reviewer: caro (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hi there, still loving this - just to point out, Harry should know what Brownies are as we have them in the UK. We have Girl Guides though rather than Girl Scouts, but pretty much the same idea.

    Author's Response: I figured you guys did, since it's pretty much an internation organization, but I thought it'd be funnier if he had no clue about such things, since he is an only child and a boy who doesn't really have many girls to interact with.  He only just met Hermione and Lexy during the year after all.
Title: Grandpa Knows Best 29 May 2008 3:28 am
Reviewer: preposterous purple crocodile (Anonymous) [Report This]
    squeels wow -

    looks like harry needs a sex ed talk. lol. My mama didn't end up ever giving me one. She tried once, I think I was 11, and by that time I knew all about everything. I had been a bookworm for many years at that stage, and I definetely hadn't limited myself to books designed for children! I always found it funny that mum wouldn't let me watch high rated movies, but she never worked out that the books I was reading were completely unsuitable for my age. Anyway, mum started to give me 'the talk', but she looked so nervous I told her not to worry about it. No point really, I'd read up on the subject.

    I really liked this chaper, and all the others. The mother's day breakfast is a cute idea.

    Author's Response:

    Ha, that's pretty funny! My sister had to tell me everything, my mother was too embarrassed, she was brought up in the age when women still called getting a period "the curse" and no, I'm not kidding.  So my older sister, who is now an OBGYN, explained everything to me.  Good thing, otherwise I'd of been very confused. 

    And Sev will make sure Harry understands the facts of life too when he's old enough, right now he's only seven.

    Thanks for your review and see, i had Harry and Lexy upside down in a tree too!

Title: Grandpa Knows Best 29 May 2008 2:52 am
Reviewer: little-sun (Anonymous) [Report This]
    "Maybe he'd forgotten or something." - haha, that was hilarious! Lil Sun

    Author's Response: Yup, kids say the funniest things!
Title: Grandpa Knows Best 29 May 2008 2:16 am
Reviewer: Devilishlycute (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved Severus' reaction to Harry's question. hehehe Great chapter.

    Author's Response: yeah, it's a classic and I had to bring it up, especially since my nephews have had various questions on that subject with all of their parents and relatives at one time or another.

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