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Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Confessions In A Teashop 23 May 2008 4:05 pm
Reviewer: burns603 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Lovely chapter, everything was so well done and believable! I love this story! Can't wait to see how Severus handles Harry.

    Author's Response: Thanks and you'll be seeing it soon!
Title: Confessions In A Teashop 23 May 2008 4:01 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay! I loved the way Sev and Alaina relate to each other. The gossamyrs were cool and so was the discussion about Merlin. I really want to strangle her ex-husband and the part with the donuts cracked me up. Poor Harry, he's really jealous and Sev needs to sit down and have a long talk with him.

    Author's Response: Yes, he does indeed.  And I'm glad you liked the donuts, I felt that way after more than one diet believe me!
Title: Confessions In A Teashop 23 May 2008 3:46 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    great chapter, i am amazed how nice sev and alaina are with each other, they do make a great couple, sev has a problem though, harry is jealous of there relationship and is showing it in full force.
    severus shouldn't punish harry for his outburst, he is only venting his feelings, i would if i was sev have a special day just for him and harry once a week, they do on that day whatever harry wants to do and nothing else, just to show that harry is still loved

    Author's Response: Yes, Harry is very jealous, as can only be expected with him being the center of attention for so long.  And in the next chapter, Sev will have a long talk with Harry and explain things to him and help him to understand that you can love many people and not love one more than another.  And I think the Harry day is a great idea, my sister did something similar with her son when he was jealous of his baby sister. 
Title: Confessions In A Teashop 23 May 2008 9:38 am
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Just love it… the part where she declares herself damaged goods and Sev declares I am a Healer I fix what’s broken… so romantic… the two of them seem perfect for one another they are just what the other needs right now.
    Poor Harry he is not accustomed to sharing his dad, it would be hard for him, it has been the two of them for so long and as Sev never went out with anyone else in the past this is an all new experience for Harry and he does not know how to handle it. Sev and Harry need some father/son time to talk

    Author's Response: yes and when I wrote that part I went aww . . .after I re-read it!  I agree, Harry and Sev need some time to talk and they will be doing that in the next chapter!
Title: Confessions In A Teashop 23 May 2008 7:41 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Oops, looks like Severus forgot that children are only willing to share so much. Harry may be getting a little scared here.

    Author's Response: Yes and Harry has had Sev to himself for so long, it's a big thing for him to have to share HIS father.
Title: Confessions In A Teashop 23 May 2008 5:17 am
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    i love the speed of your updates! there isn't anything quite as annoying as waiting for me! thanks and brilliant chapter, the interaction with sev and alaina is so sweet!

    Author's Response: I know, me either, which is why I try and write at least a chapter a day so my readers don't go nuts waiting to see what happens and I don't lose the flow of my writing, because it's really difficult to pick up a story when you've been away from it for weeks at a time.  Thanks for reviewing.
Title: Confessions In A Teashop 23 May 2008 4:10 am
Reviewer: preposterous purple crocodile (Anonymous) [Report This]
    ouch! poor harry and poor sev! Harry could well be right, this is a big change in his life, and unless sev puts the effort in to make harry still feel special, he's going to think of it as a negative change. It is a massive change having extras in your family. I can still remember when I stopped being an only child (I was 7). I don't remember being jealous, but i suppose i was. I do remember that suddenly life was different and I didn't want it to be (and the baby crying gave me a headache and I no one had enough time and energy to take me to the swimming pool and I wasn't allowed to wake up the baby even though I really wanted to put the radio on). I always loved my little sister, but it took me a little while to stop thinking of her as an annoyance.

    I think Harry is probably feeling nervous about all the changes - he's not used to having all these people around. It really is a lot different from just having friends over. What harry needs is sev to convince him that having a girlfriend isn't going to make him love harry less. I mean- it's not as though you can run out of love - there will always be enough for everyone.

    Anyway, apart from harry's disapproval, the relationship is looking good! I expected a bit more awkwardness o.0, but maybe that's because I'm a teenager. lol dates always turn out awkward for me! Lexy seems like a nice kid. Harry and Lexy will probably get along quite well if they ever become siblings (well - as well as siblings ever get along).

    Lol - go tobias! Admitting his mistakes is a very good sign! I suppose he gets practice with that at AA meetings :).

    Neway - every chapter of growing pains and never again has made me smile. Sometimes it's because you are so damn funny, sometimes it is adorable, but always it's honest and interesting and well written. Even when you talk about issues like abuse, you write it with a lot of sensitivity and maturity. I have this story stuck in my head now - I have a (very messy) sketch in my chem book of harry and lexy hanging out of a tree. It's all your fault I got distracted in chemistry! I don't have a scanner tho, or i would show you lol

    Author's Response: You're right and Sev will be having a long talk with Harry about how he will never love him any less and just because he has new people in his life doesn't mean Harry will be put aside.  And I'd love to see that sketch of Harry and Lexy, who will be doing a lot more togther now, including get into trouble! 
Title: Confessions In A Teashop 23 May 2008 2:14 am
Reviewer: Laume (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ouch. of course Harry reacts like that. No matter how much he might like alaina and lexy, the sudden change from having Daddy to himself exclusively to having to share him with two other people ( three if you include Tobias) would be too much for any child to handle without tantrums and being upset. Punishing him for it would be the worst thing Severus could do, that would mean he tells Harry that he isn't allowed to have mixed feelings about all the change going on in his life. Has he even bothered to sit Harry down before and explain what is going on?

    Love how much Tobias is changing and I hope he and Sev continue to bond

    Author's Response: Yes, you're right and Severus will not punish him, he now realizes that Harry's initial acceptance of Alaina and Lexy was a temporary thing, and they will have a long discussion about what is bothering Harry and how much Sev loves him and will always love him.  Tobias will also get in on this transition in a later chapter and help Sev convince Harry that his dating Alaina is a positive thing.  Thanks for reviewing!
Title: Magical Education 22 May 2008 11:50 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    the seminar was great!

    can't wait for the date to come!

    Author's Response: Thanks and I'm almost done beta-ing your chapter too!
Title: Magical Education 22 May 2008 7:42 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Author's Response: Thanks and I'll be updating probably tonight ot tomorrow morning!

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