Potions and Snitches
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Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Magical Education 22 May 2008 4:09 pm
Reviewer: Poirot (Anonymous) [Report This]
    The seminar was GREAT! I am totally loving this story. Please update soon!

    Author's Response: Thanks and I hope you'll like the next chapter as well.
Title: Magical Education 22 May 2008 3:57 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    I think the seminar went really well. The choice of people was brilliant, they covered a lot of important topics and described things really well. If I were involved in the magical world, I'd definitely want to go to one of their seminars to clear things up.

    Speaking of which, I bet Tobias can both learn and contribute to these meetings. After all, he now knows the WRONG way and reasons for punishing a child, but can also keep learning (like from Molly since she had to raise 7 magical children). I’m glad he showed up, it shows he is trying to be supportive. Plus, I loved his comment about thinking a bomb went off! Lol.

    The kids were so funny! You do such a good job writing them, their comments sound so believable. The stories about their first use of accidental magic was interesting to read, and Ron's was so cute ^^.

    I liked the scene at the end where Remus and Sirius were encouraging Sev to take a chance with Alaina. I loved that one part "How was she looking at me?" I asked. Merlin, but I was pathetic, worse than an adolescent boy on his first prom dance. "Like she was lost and you were the only one who could take her home again," replied my friend. "Trust me, Sev. She likes you."
    I just thought that sounded both funny and romantic ;).

    Can't wait to see how that date turns out! I wonder if they will eventually talk about each other’s pasts? Of coarse, that will be when they are more comfortable with each other. Alaina’s ex-husband sounds a bit abusive, like Tobias used to be. Her EX sounds like the type that are completely controlling over the whole family and if the other people don’t agree he’ll be forceful/physical. What a jerk!

    P.S. I SO want that picture Alaina took of Sev and Inky!

    Author's Response: Yes and Tobias will actually be a speaker in one of the seminars to come.  I modeled the kids after my own nieces and nephews and some of the more embarrasing things they said.  Poor Sev, he's so insecure at this point, but he'll calm down eventually.  Alaina's ex-husband is an evil man, you'll learn more about him later on.  I want that picture too--wouldn't it be soo cute?
Title: Magical Education 22 May 2008 1:21 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    A tea for two. Splendid. I hope you update soon. Little Sun

    Author's Response: Thanks and I'm writing the next chapter right now!
Title: Magical Education 22 May 2008 12:55 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    great chapter, i thought the seminars were great and a good way of introducing people to the world of magic, inky was amusing when he pounced on padfoot and moony being chased around the room, i hope severuses date goes well

    Author's Response: Oh, i think it will, though Alaina has some issues to get over.  Glad you liked the seminars, too bad they weren't real.
Title: Magical Education 22 May 2008 12:35 pm
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    ahh a romance for sev how sweet

    Author's Response: Oh yes, sweet as sugar.  he deserves to be happy.
Title: Magical Education 22 May 2008 10:11 am
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm really excited about the next chapter it sounds very interesting. ;)

    The seminars were wonderful and I really enjoyed them. I loved the one where Tobias showed up.

    Author's Response: Yeah, that was my favorite too!  And I'm working on the next chapter today!  It's going to be sweet, romantic, and funny.
Title: Magical Education 22 May 2008 9:16 am
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Love the seminars they are really going well, I'm glad that even Molly was included because it shows that even if you are from the magical world you could still learn something and it would make the Grangers or Alaina feel not so much like outsiders –everyone there being parents of magical children.
    Loved when you had all the children individually talk about their first accidental magic especially for Hermione and Lexy they wouldn't feel like "freaks" because what they did was something normal for magical children.
    LOL at Sev’s reaction to his father’s statement on how he was scared when he heard the explosion, it was my daddy is the bravest he is not scared of anything LOL.
    While it would not be appropriate to bring up the child abuse, it may be a good idea for Tobias to talk about his fears as a muggle having a magical child and incidences of appropriate/inappropriate reactions or punishments for magical incidences for example Sev brewing a potion unsupervised is punishable (even he punished Harry for the same thing) but making glasses fall when trying to get one is an accident and non punishable. I can see Hermione for one trying to do experimental potions or deliberately trying a few spells – and as a parent you don’t want to discourage your child in developing his/her skill but you would want to make sure they don’t do something dangerous.

    Author's Response: yes, and I plan to have Tobias do just that in the next chapter, towards the end of it, and it would really show Severus that he has realized the extent of his mistakes in the past and is trying to discover alternatives and so forth.  Hermione would be one to do such a thing, oh yes, and so would Lexy.  And Sev's comment about Tobias shows how much he admires his father even after what happened to him.  Thanks as always for your review and just wait until the teashop. 
Title: Magical Education 22 May 2008 7:24 am
Reviewer: burns603 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Loved the seminars, can I go to one? LOL! Go Sev! Have fun with Alaina and hope it all goes well.

    Author's Response: I want to go to one also! And Sev and Alaina should have a good time.
Title: Magical Education 22 May 2008 7:21 am
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved the seminar, it was awesome and I wish I could go to one. The kids were hilarious, especialy Ron. He reminds me of my son. Loved the talk at the end and Tobias's appearance. Can't wait for the date!

    Author's Response: So do I! Who wouldn't? 
Title: Magical Education 22 May 2008 2:08 am
Reviewer: preposterous purple crocodile (Anonymous) [Report This]
    yay! Your story is beautiful! I love it!
    Not only is it an inspired idea to have magical seminars (why didn't jkr think of it? *shrugs*) I think it is amazing to see a 'human' severus! There is obviously a lot to his character than just 'the bat of the dungeons'! I don't suppose he is in his cannon character, but that just makes me want to hug him even more. As an AU character, I can totally believe that Severus could be the way he is in your story. He's talented and shy and caring and strict, which is all very believable. I probably would have made him a tad more angsty (but I love angst more than most). Has severus completely forgiven his father? I know things are looking pretty resolved in that sector, but I'm just wondering because it still looks like sev is supervising. Anyway, I wonder what Alaina thinks of Tobias. It seems to me that the husband she left was abusive (and Lexy protected her with accidental magic, or am I just seeing clues where there aren't any?), so I can't imagine she would take kindly to Tobias if she hears what he used to be like. She probably doesn't approve of spanking too (which is fair enough - my personal belief is that spanking is just solving problems with hitting, which can't be teaching kids the right way to solve problems).
    Neway, you didn't explain why sev was a target to the 'terrorist attacks', and I think you scared the muggles. They prolly think that attacks are common..
    I hope the date goes well! If the tea shop is near the hospital, does that mean that sev can take Aliana on a tour or something? Maybe later they could go on a 'date' to the park with the kids? Don't worry- not asking you to write it or anything - I just have this mental picture of sev pushing aliana on the swings. lol

    Author's Response: Wow! and I just love you review!  I don't know why JKR never thought about seminars, probably because she was too busy making her story into an action/adventure type and who knows? I've tried to make Severus here as believable as possible, he's not as angsty as he is in canon because he doesn't have the added pressure of being a spy/DE here and hating Harry and the Marauders.  The only one he hated was Tobias, and for good reason! And speaking of Tobias, yes father and son are reconciled, but as per the agreement they made back in NA, Sev still has supervised visits.  It may change soon, but currently, the visits serve a dual purpose, to make sure Tobias still remains on the straight and narrow and to give Severus some time to spend with his father in a normal relationship.  Alaina hasn't discussed Tobias yet with Sev, though she will next chapter.  And you're dead on target with Alaina's husband and Lexy, you'll find out more about Alaina's nasty husband in the next chapter.  Sev is reluctant, naturally, to bring up his and Toby's past to her at this point, when things progress further, however . . .he will, or Tobias will, I'm not sure which, tell her.  Alaina is like Sev with regards to spanking, and as for the terrorist attacks, the Muggles did eventually learn during the sessions about Voldemort and Sev's role in bringing him down . ..yes he is dead forver-Yay!!  And yes, Sev may just take Alaina on a tour if she wants, good idea! You'll also see them doing things with their children together, though Harry will still react jealously towards the fact that his dad is being "taken away" from him since he's never had to share Sev before.  And I can see Sev pushing Alaina on the swings too, and sharing an ice cream sundae with her. LOL!

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