Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Runaway Panther 21 May 2008 10:14 am
Reviewer: Mahi (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter. Poor Harry but he was a naughty boy. I felt really scared for Sev. When something like that happens you always think of the awful things like how he instantly thought of the death eaters kidnapping Harry.

    Author's Response: Is that ever the truth! Missing children can really scare the devil out of a parent or caregiver! Thanks for reviewing!
Title: Your Magical Child 20 May 2008 1:59 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful Chapter! Can't wait until they date, wink wink nudge nudge

    Author's Response: Yes, the date's coming up in a few chapters, I have the seminar and they'll be getting more involved through that and I have two more chapters with Harry and Sev bonding before the actual date occurs and then Harry will start getting really jealous, resulting in a nice conversation with Tobias and some bonding there.
Title: Mischief and Surprises 19 May 2008 1:16 am
Reviewer: trust severus spy (Signed) [Report This]
    Congratulations to your sister. That's quite a rank to have achieved!

    Author's Response: Thanks, we're all very proud of her and the ceremony was beautiful and very moving.
Title: Your Magical Child 19 May 2008 12:11 am
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    how was your trip????

    great story...i love the different voices in his head...and him telling them to shut up... almost like having an angel on one should and having an imp on the other....really funny...

    can't wait for the sparks to fly either...about time Sev found another woman...

    R.I.P Lilly

    Author's Response:

    It was awesome! My sister got a great award and the ceremony was beautiful! We are all very proud. 

    I agree, it's time for Severus to find another woman, he needs the companionship!

Title: Your Magical Child 18 May 2008 1:57 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Aaaah, a romance, a romance. I will be waiting for the next chapter :) L-S

    Author's Response: Great and I hope you enjoy the next part the romance isn't far off.
Title: Your Magical Child 18 May 2008 1:47 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks for updateing, i look forward to the next one!!!!

    Author's Response: Thanks and keep reading!
Title: Your Magical Child 18 May 2008 10:48 am
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    what a great chapter, this alaina seems really nice but severus shouldn't jump in to anything without discussing it with harry first, harry won't want to share his dad with anyone else, well apart from tobias and the classes severus is proposing sound awesome and i would like to go to them. i hope inky is ok being home alone

    Author's Response: Inky is fine at home by himself now, he's gotten past the destructo stage.  And Sev knows that Harry must be told about any new person coming into their lives, although Harry isn't going to like it at first, eventually he'll come around, given a lot of talking and time. 
Title: Your Magical Child 18 May 2008 10:11 am
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    The idea about having a class to teach the muggle parents is a great one, maybe he could talk to Albus about the idea get some advice on how to conduct it and possibly invite one or two other muggle parents who live in the area to join them or have this kind of groups established elsewhere. Also he could invite other wizards so the muggle parents can develop a network of magical friends, if not now in the near future. (The guide book – great idea LOL)
    Love Alaina and Sev getting together... the fact that he is thinking about her is an indication that something can be developed. The long talk on the phone, even though plutonic was a good start.
    It is great that Tobias could be a dad to Sev and give him advice and that Sev is taking it (great Father/Son moment)

    Author's Response: Yes, that's a good idea, Albus and maybe even Sirius and Remus could help as well, sort of like guest teachers and stuff.  And yes eventually Alaina and Sev will go out.  And who doesn't nee dsome advice from their parent every now and then? 
Title: Your Magical Child 18 May 2008 1:53 am
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    I found it really funny when Sev was battling with himself about his thoughts on Alaina. Poor Sev, all insecure, lol. When and if those two get together, I wonder how Harry would take it?

    I think the seminar sounds like a very good, helpful idea. I hope all goes well when those start, and that it will help Mrs. Granger come around to magic.

    Tobias and Sev's conversation was funny to read. Tobias has a very good point though, about Lily wanting Sev to be happy and that if he finds someone else he cares for that he can move on.

    As always, can't wait for your next chapter!

    P.S. About Harry's parsolmouth ability: I believe Harry got that ability from Voldemort, so since Harry never faced him off and got the scar in your story, I don't think he'd be one. That kind of slipped my mind, but when you mentioned Harry never having gone against him, then I realized my mistake ^^;.

    Author's Response: Sev is kind of insecure considering he never really went out with any girl except Lily and he knew her from childhood.  And Harry might not be too keen on the idea that he's no longer his dad's number one person any more.  The seminar should be fun for all and hopefully will help Jane come to a greater understanding of her daughter and the wizard community.  And Toby worries a good deal about his son.  About the parselmouth ability, you're right and I don't know if I'm going to give Harry the ability, he's already done some pretty amazing things without it.
Title: Your Magical Child 18 May 2008 12:37 am
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    Excellent chapter! As usual. I loved the scene between Sev and Tobias. There was something else about this one I was going to say by I just worked two 14hr days in a row (again) and I doubt I'll remember reviewing this chapter in 10 minutes.

    Excellent chapter!

    Author's Response: Thanks and hopefully you get some sleep!

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