Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Mischief and Surprises 16 May 2008 10:50 am
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    This is just a fun 'What if...' sort of read. And I enjoyed these past two chapters...the normalcy of Harry's life is very refreshing.

    This line made me chuckle: "Please excuse me, my son has the patience of a gnat."

    Sounds like something Snape would say and it seems to describe Harry perfectly.

    Good job!

    And Congratulations to your sister! Don't worry about posting. We'll wait ;)

    Author's Response: Thanks Jade.  And yes, the beginning is fun, but it'll get very serious later on, as Harry has to deal with Sev's new love interest and Tobias will explain things to him and something bad will happen to some of the children as well. . .but I won't spoil the surprise! 
Title: Mischief and Surprises 16 May 2008 12:45 am
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful chapter. I really liked the interaction between Sev & Harry and Alaina and Lexy! Can't wait to rea dmore! You write supurbly!

    Author's Response: Thank you! What a sweet compliment!
Title: Mischief and Surprises 16 May 2008 12:39 am
Reviewer: burns603 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Grat chapter. Loved Sev's lecture to the twins and how he remained firm with them. I also liked the scene in the office with Harry and the vaccinations, you explained it very well, though my son would've been freaking out at getting any kind of needle. And I really like Alaina and Lexy, can't wait to read about the phone call.

    Author's Response: I know, shots are like the bane of a little kid's existence! 
Title: Mischief and Surprises 15 May 2008 11:00 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Sev is very strict, a no nonsense kind of guy, yet the twins were practically begging him to punish them even spank them than for their mother to find out LOL. Like Alaina and Lexy
    Congrats go out to your sister am sure your entire family is very proud. Glad to see there are heroes outside of stories.

    Author's Response: Yes, Molly can sure put the fear of God into her sons, LOL!  And we are very proud of my sister, and all of the other men and women who serve our country.  They are my inspiration.
Title: Mischief and Surprises 15 May 2008 7:41 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    great chapter, severus telling of the twins was awesome as it shows he treats everyone equally and the shopping trip was awesome, fancy running into a magical person in the middle of a supermarket, i wonder how the phone call will go.

    congratulations to your sister, i hope the ceremony goes well

    Author's Response:

    Yes, Sev isn't going to let the twins get away with too much, though he's glad he doesn't have to deal with them on a regular basis.  And I thought it would be neat to run into a wizard in the supermarket...too bad it wasn't me! LOL!


    Thanks for the congratulations, the ceremony was beautiful!

Title: Mischief and Surprises 15 May 2008 4:21 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    This was a fun chapter, I like your OC's, they sound like nice people and I'm sure Lexy will be a good friend. Glad she's pals with Hermione, that poor girl needs a girl friend her age. I think it's cool Lexy can fly, but I hope she doesn't turn into a Mary-sue. I don't think you'll do that though, so all's good ^^.

    I can't believe what the twins did! Oh wait, yes I can, lol. Guys sure can have a twisted sense of humor, I feel bad for all those poor victims. I'd most likely be one of the few throwing up, by the sounds of it. I had to feel bad for the two when their stuff got thrown away though, all that work and creativity into the dumpster. As Ron said though 'they never learn'.

    P.S. Give my congrats to your sister! One of my cousins was over in Iraq some months ago, (thankfully not one of the ones fighting) and we are very glad that she got sent out of there.

    Author's Response:

    You're right, Hermione needs a girl friend really bad and Lexy will be a good one, she's smart and adventurous.  And Lexy's flying magic was another accidental magic incident, rather like the zoo incident with Hermione, she can't control anything yet. 

    Those twins--double the mischief! I feel bad too, since onece someone lit off a stink bomb in the school I used to teach at and the smell was so bad we had to leave the building for a good hour until it cleared.

    I'll tell my sister you said congrats to her and I'm very glad your cousin came back safe too. 

Title: Mischief and Surprises 15 May 2008 2:03 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful Chapter! Can't wait til the weekend!

    Author's Response: Thanks and I'll hopefully be able to work on another chapter over the weekend.
Title: Mischief and Surprises 15 May 2008 12:31 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    oh and i forgot to review!

    so lexy's a muggle born witch just like Hermione. i love this...is this sev's soon to be love interest?

    Author's Response: Yes, she is and you've guessed it--give yourself 50 House Points, girl!
Title: Mischief and Surprises 15 May 2008 12:28 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    tell your sister congrats for me! and i hope you enjoy your trip!

    Author's Response: Thanks and I will! She really deserves it!  We're all very proud of her!
Title: Mischief and Surprises 15 May 2008 9:08 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Congratulations for your sister!

    I loved the way that Severus lectured the twins and I am glad that Molly punished them. I know that people just loved the twins, but I didn't. Their behavior toward Ron as he was growing up probably led to his sense of insecurity and low self esteem. It would be bad enough to occasionally be made to sneeze endless or fart, etc. But to live in a house where your brothers only viewed you as a target must have been miserable. Percy must have been so relieved when he finally moved out.

    The Marauders were worse. Once source defines the word as "roving around carrying out violent attacks." If they did those type of things in a regular school (without the magic), they would have been expelled and the police may have been brought in.

    Poof, wow, end of vent. Sorry, it is just that practical jokers drive me nuts. Either they don't realize that they are really hurting other people or they don't care.

    Nifty new lady that our two guys meet. It sounded like a bragoff - my kid does more dangerous things than yours.

    Have a lovely time in Virginia

    Author's Response: Your right about the twins, endles spractical jokes can be hell on a younger sibling.  And the Marauders were way worse than that, although in this universe they were toned down a little because of Severus and Remus, who were more responsible.  Thanks and I will have a great time in VA!

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