Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Mischief and Surprises 15 May 2008 8:45 am
Reviewer: caro (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hi, I really like this fic, the nly thing I find distracting are the Americanisms, which as i'm English are very noticeable to me. For example: -

    - You say Grocery Store we say Supermarket
    - You say Shopping Cart we say Shopping Trolley
    - You say frozen dinners we say ready meals
    - You say Mom we say Mum

    It's just a personal thing really and others might not notice, but I thought i'd point out some of the more obvious ones.


    Author's Response: Thanks for your info, I didn't know a lot of those things, and apparently some of the information I got from other people on the net was wrong.  We say supermarket in NJ too, but someone on the net told me you guys in Britain said grocery store, so I'll correct that and the other things with the shopping cart and the frozen dinners.  Also I did know about the Mum bit, the only reason why Lexy and Alaina say Mom is because they are Americans who've just moved to London from Pennsylvania.  Thanks for the corrections though, I'll go and fix them.
Title: Mischief and Surprises 15 May 2008 7:53 am
Reviewer: Twinheart (Signed) [Report This]
    Thanks for a great chapter, and have a good trip. Please tell your sister that we are grateful to her for her service to our country!

    Author's Response: Thanks and I shall, she'll be very thankful to hear it!
Title: Mischief and Surprises 15 May 2008 7:18 am
Reviewer: Laume (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Montague? are they related to the montague the twins stuck inside a vanishing cabinet in canon?

    *still hopes for some more sev/toby bonding*

    Author's Response: Umm . . .nope, they're Americans, you'll find out more about Lexy's dad later.  And Sev and Tobias will talk more in a later chapter and Tobias will become Harry's mentor as well, so don't worry I haven't forgotten Toby.
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 14 May 2008 3:10 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Absolutely wonderful!!!!!!

    Author's Response: Thanks so much!  Glad you're enjoying this one also.
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 11:36 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    poor sev....

    gotta love the accidental magic!

    Author's Response: Yeah you do! it's so . . . .unpredictable! 
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 10:32 pm
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm tickled pink that you used my idea - you did a great job of it, and I loved how Blaise and the snake-phobic lady reacted XD

    Author's Response: Thanks for such a cool idea, I had a lot of fun playing with it and making this a very humorous chapter, it was lots of fun!
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 7:46 pm
Reviewer: lunaz (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I think my family wants to committ me. I was laughing so hard especially at the part where Severus is crushed against the tree by that woman that my family thought I had gone nuts. Loved the chapter.

    Author's Response: Don't feel bad, I was laughing when I wrote that part and my dad was staring at me and asking if I was all right because I was gasping for breath.  Then I let him read it and he was cracking up too! Glad you enjoyed it, it was a pleasure to write!
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 5:42 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Way to go Alpha Remus...while the adults were totally horrified at that trip all the kids had fun Blaize especially (riding the tiger... children have no concept of fear). I’m embarrassed to say I would have been like that lady screaming hysterically from the snake LOL.
    Like the scene in the kitchen, reminds me of my parent’s home, all my and my siblings friends coming in at any time raiding the kitchen breakfast, lunch, dinner...a real home

    Author's Response:

    Remus rocks, doesn't he? And kids really don't have any concept of fear, just ask my nephew, who liked to play crash test dummy, a game where you rode a child-sized Kett Car, it looked like a mim-race car, into trash cans and bushes and crashed yourself.  he wore a hockey helmet and pads, but there were plenty of times he came home all banged up until my sister finally figured out just what the hell he was playing with his friends and forbade him to ever do that again.  They even video taped it, the crazy kids! 

    Poor Sev, getting trapped by that hysterical lady! LOL! 

    And Sev's kitchen is like my own, people come in and out of it, and eat whatever they want, or I feel like cooking.  I feed half the neighborhood sometimes. 

Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 4:24 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Funny? You think that was funny?! It was HILARIOUS! ^^

    Poor Sev getting crushed by that woman, then Sirius laughing his arse off! The scenes were written so well, I could clearly picture all the chaos. Great work!

    I found it both cute and funny when Blaise was ridding on that tiger and then his comment about keeping Tony as a pet! Sounds like something I’d have asked when I was little, hehe. I loved the little kid's comments too, they were great and sound so realistic for those situations.

    Hermione sure knows how to cause a scene, lol. Ginny and Ron made me laugh, with her wanting to come back and then Sev’s comment; "You get smothered and smashed against a tree by hysterical four-hundred pound women on Wild Kingdom?" Oh the sarcasm, gotta love it! It was so cute when Ron was being all ecstatic over Remus getting the wolves to simmer down, too. Looks like Remus is his new idol, lol. And you gotta love the end! "Dad? Why would you want to give yourself a needle?" I asked, puzzled. "Never mind, Harry. Just . . .never mind." Little kids just crack me up!

    The animals history was really sad though, it really sucks that things like that happen in real life. I think you chose a nice verity of animals for the place. I love felines and canines, and find deer really beautiful. My mom loves little goats, but I don’t think she'd like that big Billy-goat much. Poor Ron! lol. That scene was funny too.

    I half expected Harry to talk to one of the snakes, but then I realized that his parsolmouth (sp?) abilities probably wouldn't come up until he's older. After all, in cannon, Harry didn't have a chat with a snake until he was ten. So, I actually think it's a good idea you didn't have that yet.

    You have a wonderful sense of humor, I can't wait for that next chapter! I wonder what the new student will be like?

    Author's Response:

    You'll find out about the new girl, who'll be Hermione's friend as well as Harry's, because she needs a girlfriend.

    Yeah, Harry's a little young to be talking parselmouth yet, but you know, he might not develop that ability, since he never faced Voldemort in this universe. His father James did, but Harry was safe, doesn't have a scar and was never The-Boy-Who-Lived.  I was never sure if JKR said Harry had that ability because of Voldemort or not, so I guess I can choose whether or not he has it.  It's neat and might come in handy.

    That scene with the billy goat actually happened to my nephew one time at the petting zoo, all the goats charged him and he was nearly trampled.  He now hates goats, poor thing! 

    The zoo was actually based on a real zoo near my home in NJ.  It's called Popcorn park Zoo and it's a charity based organization that rescues animals from all over the US and cares for them.  A lot of these animals were purchased illegally on the black market by people who just want an "exotic" for a pet and then discover they can't afford it or don't have the time to take care of it and just abandon it or abuse it.  It's very sad and I always donate to them, they have lions and polar bears and raccoons and all kinds of animals there, some with physical handicaps--there was a lion with all four sets of claws removed and the person who did it butchered the poor thing's paws so he could barely walk after, they made him a special cat bench that he could lie on with wheels to push him around, sort of like a feline wheelchair.   A lot of the animals can be petted, since they were raised as pets and are comfortable around people!

    I always wanted to ride a tiger when I was a kid! And there's nothing like a good dose of Snape sarcasm!  I'm glad you could see all of it going on in your head, sometimes when I write I'm never sure if I'm "translating" the picture in my mind into words well, but I guess I do a pretty good job! I love to make people laugh, though most of the funny things in this chapter are improvised, not planned out.  Kids really are hilarious! 

Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 4:08 pm
Reviewer: ER (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hilarious! Brilliant. Just great. That was so funny. Amazing chapter. I can't wait to read more!

    Author's Response: Thank you, I'm really happy you share my sense of humor! :)^^

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