Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 2:57 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    What was the shot about? CLIFFHANGER!!
    Other than that the story was GREAT!!!!

    Author's Response: I think poor Sev was considering pouring himself a stiff one, but he doesn't keep any Scotch in the house.  And Harry doesn't understand what a shot of alcohol is, he only knows shots in reference to hypodermic vaccinations.  That's why he asked his dad about needles.  Get it?
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 12:11 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    that was so good, i loved the fiasco at the zoo and the animals running around the place, i now have a picture of a child on a tiger in my head and can't stop grinning, i wonder if severus will ever find out what happened, keep writing this fabulous fic

    Author's Response: Sev can only find out what happened if he reads Harry's journal.  Otherwise, myabe they'll tell him  . . .when they're 30 and too old to get punished for it, haha!
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 11:51 am
Reviewer: LindseySnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Dad groaned. "Merlin, but I need a drink! Too bad I don't have any firewhiskey on hand. I could use a good shot right about now . . ."

    "Dad? Why would you want to give yourself a needle?" I asked, puzzled.

    "Never mind, Harry. Just . . .never mind."
    That was hilarious, this was an extremely funny chapter. I can jus imagine Blaise hanging on riding the back of a tiger. Poor Sev being crushed by that crazy woman. It's funny how Sirius and Remus always manage to lose control the minute Sev is out of earshot. Really looking forward to whats going to happen next. Keep up the great work and update again soon. LES

    Author's Response: Yeah, I love that last part myself.  it's such a typical little Harry statement.  I always wanted to ride a tiger when I was a kid.  And that crazy woman, I had to do something to Sev, since he kept missing all the action with the goats and the wolves and all, hehehe!  And yes, the minute you turn your back those two are in trouble. 
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 10:12 am
Reviewer: Devilishlycute (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG I laughed so hard while reading this chapter!!!!!! Thank you for a good laugh. :) I can just imagine Severus' face when that woman is trying to climb him to get away from the snake. lol Awesome chapter.

    Author's Response: Thanks so much.  I always think a story needs some humor and this particular scene struck me as hilariously funny, even before I wrote it. 
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 9:16 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hahaha. It was hilarious.

    Author's Response: Thanks a lot! I try!
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 9:06 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    I meant barking, of course. Barkley was smart but he couldn't drive. His feet couldn't reach the pedals.

    Author's Response: Yeah I got that! ha1 Ha! Good one! I'd like to see a dog try and drive! It could only happen in the movies though! :)
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 9:06 am
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    LOL. Adorable. That was hiliarious. Sirius and I can't stop laughing.

    I'm really interested in the next chapter! I can't wait!

    Author's Response: Neither can I.  I'm still laughing from last night!
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 9:05 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    I would like to know what healers make because it must be costing a fortune to feed Inky and when he is grown, it is going to go higher.

    Yep, all Snapes have the look and the voice.

    That was delightful. I would like to visit that zoo (and have the same thing happen).

    Billy goats can be mean and it makes sense that they didn't fear Padfoot but one whiff of Moony sent them running. There is a difference between a domesticated animal (dog) and a wild one (wolf).

    This is true story. A friend of my sister has a wolf dog (she is three quarters wolf). I have two dogs (both mutts) and they are in a large 2 acres fence. One day, John brought over Dakota. She was awesome. Her coat felt like nothing I had ever stroke before. Her eyes were so different from our dogs and she just carried herself with such dignity. Well, our two dogs were going nuts. They were parking and snarling and raising "total hell". Dakota ignored them for a while and then, she turned her head and looked at them - just a look. They shut up in mid bark. There was total silence and then, on their belly, they crawled back to their doghouse and there they stayed until she was gone.

    The other panther probably smelled Inky on Harry and accepted Harry as a friend.

    Lovely story and I wish I could have a picture of Severus being trapped by the overly large lady.

    Author's Response:

    Actually Sev's one of the highest paid Healers at St. Mungos, because he has a duel Mastery.  But a panther is expensive to feed and he'll be looking into finding a wholesale butcher or something to get Inky's food from.

    The billy goat thing really happened to y nephew when he went to a petting zoo.  Only there was no Remus to save him, poor thing!

    My brother and I owned a wolf-dog when I was in high school.  He was 85% gray timber wolf and Alaskan Malamute.  The wolf made him extremely intelligent and fast as hell, the malamute made him huge, he weighed in at 155 lbs, pure muscle, and he looked like a gigantic gray wolf with huge amber eyes.  He was beautiful, his name was Myatuk (White Fang in Inuit language).  He's been dead for many years now, but he was one of the smartest animals I ever owned.  He rarely barked and only occasionally howled, but when he howled it was the true timber wolf cry, and sent shivers down your spine.  And other dogs, except for my sister's Sheltie, were scared of him, but he was very gentle and not dominant, he was afraid of people and shy at first.  Once I was walking him down the street and a truck pulled over and asked what the hell I was walking and I looked at the guy and said "My dog." And the guy whistles and says, "Hell, lady, that one cool mother-f-ing dog! Where can I get one?"  I told him the breeder was out of puppies, because they don't sell to just anyone, you have to sign an agreement and they teach you how to train your puppy, you have to practice wolf behavior on them, no hitting, you correct with a sharp shake to the scruff and make the pup submit, which is rolling them over on their back and shaking their throat lightly and saying No!  Myatuk was so smart, he learned everything I taught like lightning and some things I didn't. 

    Wolves are amazing animals and I love them. 

    I wish I could have a picture of Sev with the lady too, it would make me laugh over and over!



Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 9:03 am
Reviewer: burns603 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    hahaha *falls off chair and rolls on the floor* Okay, I think I can write now. That was the funniest thing ever! I want to read it all over again and just keep laughing. It was sooo good! Twelve frogs!

    Author's Response: Thanks so much! We all need a good laugh! 
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 13 May 2008 9:00 am
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG! I think I just DIED laughing! ROTFLMAO!! You really out to be a comedian! Excuse me, I have to get off so I can lugh some more!! Great job! Hahaha!

    Author's Response: Tahnaks and I'm glad you really thought it was funny!  I can't believe some of what I wrote, this stuff isn't planned, I just write it off the cuff!

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