Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Runaway Panther 10 May 2008 5:29 pm
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    Great start to this story so far! I know it's been up for a few days now, but I just got around to reading it. Regretfully I'm trying to cut back on my fanfic reading so I'll probably wait until the next few chapters are posted then read them all at once. I love reading your fics so I'll make sure to find time to read them! :)

    Author's Response: Okay and thanks for reading this one, it's actually quite funny!
Title: Raising Inky 10 May 2008 1:00 pm
Reviewer: Dina (Signed) [Report This]
    That was just the cutest thing ever. Little Harry and baby panther are so adorable. :)

    Author's Response: Awww, thanks and I hope you continue reading the rest of it!  There's more with Inky, Sirius, Sev, Harry, Tobias, Hermione, and Ron too!
Title: Runaway Panther 10 May 2008 3:42 am
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter - I love what Inky wound up doing xD Will Harry get any Inky-related presents for his birthday? I can just imagine someone giving him zoo passes so he can see the big cats, and him using accidental magic to apparate into the cage.

    Author's Response: My cat did that once, LOL! Stole a roasted chicken right off the plate on the table, but luckily we rescued it before she ate any bones.  And yes, Harry should get some Inky things from certain people...the zoo idea sounds hilarious!  I can just see him doing that, the imp!
Title: Runaway Panther 09 May 2008 11:48 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Harry reading his dad to sleep...too cute; Children could be such a joy but there are times when they would give you grey hairs... Sev I think experience a parent’s worst nightmare your child missing. While I felt a bit sorry for Harry as he himself was going a similar nightmare of a missing Inky; he deserved his punishment. Love the evening with his grandpa after; Tobias being strict but not overriding Sev in any way (cuddling or spoiling Harry the way some grandparents do after their grandchild was punished) and yet showing Harry that he loved him and that everything was forgiven. Love that Sev was included in the fun after wards. As usual love the chapter...keep it up

    Author's Response: Yes they can be wonderfully sweet or terrors, depending on what day it is, LOL!  I watched that movie Amber about the missing child who was never found, and it was so heartbreaking, I include a little of the anxiety and terror those poor parents felt in Sev's reaction.  The same with Harry and Inky, though Harry also felt guilty for letting Inky outside as well, which was why he didn't protest getting punished.  As for Toby, he knows that Harry only got what he deserved and he shouldn't undermine his son's authority, ex-military and the chain of command and all that.  The last scene was very sweet, I wanted them to all do something meaningful together.
Title: Runaway Panther 09 May 2008 11:43 pm
Reviewer: Devilishlycute (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter. Hopefully Harry has learned his lesson but knowing Harry I very much doubt it eh. lol Keep up the great work!

    Author's Response: Thanks, and you're right, Harry does try and remember to follow rules, but somehow he always gets in trouble!
Title: Runaway Panther 09 May 2008 11:38 pm
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    At times I wanted to laugh at Severus's reactions to Harry running away. I think it was the image of Snape standing in the backyard worring and argueing with himself. Harry deserved what he got, but I still felt bad for him.

    Tobias's reactions throughout where wonderful. The last paragraph was wonderful, with the three of them sitting around the table and Severus wishing his mother was there to witness it.

    Amazing chapter! The best so far in this story!

    Author's Response: Poor Sev, Harry really does drive him insane sometimes! Then again, so does every kid, at some point or another--but that has to be one of the scariest things for a parent to go through.  And poor Tobias too, sitting at home worrying where his grandchild was.  That last scene was another improv, believe it or not, I had planned on them doing something else, but when I started writing, that came into my head and I just went with it. 
Title: Runaway Panther 09 May 2008 11:34 pm
Reviewer: LindseySnape (Signed) [Report This]
    I was very suprised to see Severus keep his temper for as long as he did, especially when Harry started yelling at the old lady for going after Inky with a broom, poor panther. I thought he was going to lose it right there considering some of the language that came out of his mouth, my goodness. Harry really deserved every second of that punishment, he'll learn eventually. It was very nice to see Harry, Sev and Tobias doing something so productive together, and really handing down a family past time. Can't wait to see Harry's birthday and Remus. Keep up the awesome work. LES

    Author's Response: He could've lost it right there, but he knew he had to keep it together in order to get Inky and then once he was home, he could lose it.  He really does have iron control over that temper of his, thank goodness.  And I liked the moments of family bonding too, it's something the three need to do.  Harry's birthday ought to be a blast.
Title: Runaway Panther 09 May 2008 11:19 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Severus had cows, horses and the whole barnyard. I am glad you told the story from his point of view. Children have no idea of the terror we parents go through.

    Although they didn't get to see a movie, working and sanding the toys was a better day for all three.

    Author's Response:

    Got that right.  Once, I thought I lost my nephew in the toy story, and I nearly dropped dead, I was so afraid someone had stolen him away.  Luckily, I found him after five minutes, he'd wandered down the next aisle.  I'll never forget it.  Sev's reaction was based majorly on my own.

    And it was a better day spending time doing something productive. 


Title: A Trip To The Dentist 09 May 2008 8:07 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh oh, pick me, pick me! I want to sleep with a baby panther! lol.

    Inky is such a sweet boy, he reminds me so much of my cat, Simba. That cat of mine is always going off to get attention from my dad, but when he comes to see me he is very affectionate. I had to laugh with Inky clawing Sirius and then turning around and being so cute with Sev, hehe.

    I could have slapped Sirius for scaring Harry like that, what with his talk of evil dentists! I mean, I HATE going to the dentist (I have a fear of needles), but I'd NEVER tell a kid such things *sakes head*. Glad Harry got calmed down and had an alright time.

    I really hope Mrs. Granger comes around to magic, it'd be quite sad otherwise. I also hope to see more Hermione soon (Ron as well), I love reading about the trio.

    As always, can't wait for your next chapter!

    Author's Response:

    yeah, Sirius is a bit dense when it comes to things like that.   And I love Inky too, he's a very sweet cat, he knows that Sev loves him, even though he pretends Inky is an annoyance.  As for Mrs. Granger, only time will tell whether or not she accepts her daughter's magic. 

    You'll be seeing more of the trio shortly, in the chapter after the next one, when I return to Harry's POV.

Title: Meet Hermione 09 May 2008 7:22 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Hermione, I know what it's like to be picked on. Kids can be cruel, glad Harry went to see why she was upset. You did a really good job writing young Hermione and her reaction to Harry's news. Harry made me laugh with his thoughts about girls, lol, it was so cute ^^.

    When Sirius and Harry messed the place up, it really made me think of my niece and nephew, they are so hyper! Good thing nothing bad happened though, otherwise Sev would be really ticked off at Sirius.

    Can't wait until the trio all meet up! Off to read your next chapter.

    Author's Response:

    Kids sure can be nasty, I remember them picking on me something horrible because I was the only kid in my grade with glasses and they teased me so much I told my mom I never wanted to go to school again.  I had these thick bifocals and I used to pray every night for some miracle cure for my eyes so I wouldn't have to wear them.  Too bad I never found one, to this day I wear glasses still, since my eyes are too bad for contacts.  So I can sympathize with Hermione and harry's thought on girls are similar to my seven-year-old nephew's. 

    Harry and Sirius are like two hyper kids, driving Severus crazy. 


    Thanks for reviewing, as always!

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