Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Magical Education 04 Jul 2008 2:10 pm
Reviewer: brenda-wood (Signed) [Report This]

    loved the personal nature of all the characters involved and the hijinks of the kids and the ahem - boys too LOL

    Author's Response:

    thanks Bren!

    Wasn't it a funny chapter? I loved writing it. :)

Title: Your Magical Child 03 Jul 2008 8:41 pm
Reviewer: brenda-wood (Signed) [Report This]
    LOL sev and alaina sitting in a tree


    this is gonna be fun

    Author's Response: Boy, is it ever! And that's right, sev and alaina will be kissing come a few chapters! Yay for romance!
Title: Mischief and Surprises 03 Jul 2008 8:35 pm
Reviewer: brenda-wood (Signed) [Report This]

    sorry its taking so long for me to catch up - but I do love this story and i will get there

    Author's Response: yay! You're reviewing again!!! I was getting worried there.  I've been writing like crazy, guess you can tell that, huh? LOL!
Title: Grandpa Knows Best 02 Jul 2008 4:49 am
Reviewer: mik (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Funny, I thought they weren't being very fair to Harry - oh, and I'm a girl, so it's not gender bias. Frankly, if I was in Harry's shoes, I too would've wondered why I wasn't getting a special day for myself with my Dad, something that is always recommended for single parents who begin to date again to do. Lexy's offering of a fish at first would seem like a slap in the face(Honestly, she knew he didn't get a bite yet, so asking if he got one is just pouring salt in the wound), and if Harry had said exactly what had happened probably might've earned her a timeout as well - she did kind of provoke it.
    Anyways, Harry was already sharing his dad, so Lexy only sharing her mom and getting two in the deal wouldn't seem too fair to any child unless they get the idea explained to them first ("because I said so" doesn't cut it - never did with me at any rate...) And, besides that, Grandpa has two knees - he could've shown them both how at the same time, or he could've just knelt between them and demonstrated to both - but then, most adults don't consider how their actions look to children.
    Oh, and the homework on Friday? If I was Sev, I would've offered Harry a choice: he could do it right then, or he could do it in place of his bedtime story, and make sure he's in bed by the same time, no exceptions. Harry probably would've jumped at doing it then (he likes his stories.)

    Author's Response: Actually at the end of the last chapter, Severus does tell Harry he has a special day to spend just with him whenever he's off, since Healers don't get regular days off but he did promise him that.  As for the fishing trip, kids will usually argue over stuff like that, I know my three nephews did, and inevitably one of them would get in trouble for it.  And Tobias did eventually get around to explaining how he still loved and always would love Harry, it just took him a little longer to realize why Harry was acting that way, since normally he behaves around his grandfather.  And the homework, that was a good idea, but Sev didn't think of it.
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 28 Jun 2008 8:25 pm
Reviewer: brenda-wood (Signed) [Report This]
    testing the review sorry - I liked it but this is my fourth review that is rejected

    Author's Response:

    Yeah, sometimes it does that, don't ask me why.

Title: Happily Ever After 27 Jun 2008 10:12 am
Reviewer: Glamorbaby2011 (Signed) [Report This]
    I love this serious. You should do a seual and a prequal. Im looking fowrd to both :)

    Author's Response: yay! And thanks, I'll be working on them soon!
Title: Happily Ever After 20 Jun 2008 12:19 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    this story has been great from start to finish, i think harrys reaction was normal about having a little sister.

    i vote for both a prequel and sequel

    for writing such wonderful fics i give you a crate of butterbeer, hundreds of chocolate frogs and products from zonkos

    Author's Response: yay! And thank you very much, I love all of that stuff! LOL! I'll be working on the next stories in this universe as soon as I finish Heir and the new one for Hide Yourself Away.
Title: Happily Ever After 18 Jun 2008 10:02 pm
Reviewer: lorenstribling (Anonymous) [Report This]
    i loved these two stories especially the chapters from harry's pov. you really should do a sequel (or two). i would love to read more.

    Author's Response: Thanks very much! I'm planning on it, as soon as I finish the other story I'm working on. 
Title: Happily Ever After 18 Jun 2008 2:28 am
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww that was a really cute ending! This entire story was so entertaining too. I loved how you switched POVs throughout it as well. Wonderful job! :)

    Author's Response: Thanks very much! I like doing differing POV's sometimes, because it really lets you get inside someone's head and see what motivates them and makes them behave a certain way.  Especially from the POV of a child. By the way will you be updating Raindrops soon?
Title: Love You Forever 18 Jun 2008 2:15 am
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    It's A Wonderful Life is one of my absolute favorite movies! As soon as I read the line, listen for bells, I knew which movie you were talking about. This chapter was absolutly awesome with the entire wedding ceremony. And the last bit about Lily and Sev's mum even made me a little teary eyed!

    Author's Response: It's mine too, which was why I had that reference in there! I love that movie and I also love weddings. And I had to put that last part in there, for I really believe the souls of the departed can come back to visit on special occasions.  My grandmother did for me when I got confirmation and again for my sister on her wedding day.

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