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Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Happily Ever After 18 Jun 2008 12:16 am
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    a prequel would be cute...but i'll leave that up to you!

    this really was beautiful!

    Author's Response: Thanks, Amy! I had so much fun writing this one, it made me laugh and cry too at some parts.  And I loved giving Harry a little sister to plague him (hehe!) and Severus a daughter of his own. :) I just adore happy endings!
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 10:07 pm
Reviewer: mmcgonagall (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I would love a prequel. Anything with a toddler Harry would be so adorable. I would have loved to see how Severus dealt with Harry's terrible twos!

    Author's Response: Oh boy, wouldn't that be a fun ride! Poor Sev! Poor Lily too! Because Harry was like mischief incarnate, like my three-year-old nephew Connor. Valium, Severus? LOL! Thanks for reviewing and I'll work on the prequel soon as I finish Heir and start the sequel to HYFP. :)
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 7:46 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Absolutely beautiful ending!

    I love their baby girl! She has a beautiful name and sounds so adorable. I'm glad they had a girl since Sev mentioned before how he wanted a daughter. Harry made me laugh when he was complaining about diapers, can't say I blame him though, lol. I loved Harry's reaction to his sister, it was a very sweet moment. They are a happy little family! Good idea about adding Inky to the picture, that’s a handy little trick ;).

    Sounds like Alaina had a pretty good pregnancy, that’s nice, less stress in the house. The twins were funny when they were going on about how their mom was like when she was pregnant, they make it sound like they went through hell! I remember when my old math teacher was having a baby and our science teacher was always teased her about waddling around the school, so I had this perfect little picture in my mind of poor Alaina trying to make it around the house, hehe. Her baby boy was so cute! I got to hold him ^^.

    Thanks SO much for the shout out! I’m really glad you used my suggestion about the flowers, it makes me feel really happy :) Glad I could contribute to your story, I've loved reading it! I feel so honored *sniffs* ;)

    I think it'd be GREAT if you posted a prequel and/or a sequel! As for ideas, maybe Harry and co. could be going on their first year at Hogwarts? They could all go to some big event, like a pro Quidditch Match? They could all go on a family vacation too. Umm… Harry could meet Luna, since she and Ginny live in the same area and were friends (though I’m unsure if they were friends before Hogwarts or not). Or, Harry could finally meet/run into his relatives! Now there’s a scary thought, lol. Maybe that dragon tamer has another show coming up? *cracks brain for more ideas* Maybe Regulus can take them to some event in the states, like a football match or car race or baseball game… I’m sure Tobias would be enthused, he seems like the sports-loving type.

    Hope I could help, but for now I’m out of ideas ^^; I’ll keep my eye out incase you decide to make another story. Good luck!

    Author's Response: Those are some really really great ideas, beth! just what I need to start thinking of more storylines.  But I need to put this one on hold for a bit so I can finish Heir and the sequel to Prisoner, since I promised I'd do the New Orleans caper with Harry, Remus, Severus, and Aria.  And I really did love your idea with the flowers, which was why I chose to use it. 
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 7:43 pm
Reviewer: Mitch (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well, this was another fantastic story from you! I LOVED this sequel to NA.. SOO perfect! :D Very, very sweet! I love Alaina & Lexy :) And little Eileen! I am formally requesting that you write a sequel to this. I'd be lost if this was the end of the NA universe!


    Author's Response: Your request has been logged and noted.  LOL! And I would really love to do a continuation of this, this AU is just too much fun to leave alone. There are about a billion things I could do here and never get tired of writing.  Harry could write a book called 1001 Ways to Drive Your Dad Crazy....and give it to Eileen to read when she's old enough...LOL!
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 5:20 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Beautiful! harry and lexy make the best older siblings all excited about their new sister, Eileen! Love the name you chose for her too!So fitting! This wasthe best story I've ever ready about children and families.

    I don't know what or how they pick featured stories, but this should be one!!

    Please write more I'd love either prequel or sequel!

    Author's Response: yes, i had a hard time deciding what to name her and then it came to me!  I'm very pleased with how this turned out and thank you for your lovely comments, they mean a lot to me!
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 5:17 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Loved it! The part with harry thinking Alaina was going to die was funny and sad at the same time, the poor kid's known too much death in his life. But I loved the part with the bedtime story and Tobias. beautifully done! sequel, sequel!

    Author's Response: Okay okay!! I get the picture! LOL! Thanks and I'm so glad you enjoyed this!  it was a blast to write!
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 5:12 pm
Reviewer: blackmagicwoman (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Aww such a sweet ending! i was hoping Sev would have a daughter and now he has two! yay! I'm really sorry this has come to an end but I LOVED it! Everything was so well written, it made me laugh , cry, and shiver. Please write more, I'm begging you!

    Author's Response: So many people want a sequel and prequel, goodness! I'm very excited, but I need to finish Heir first and then i think I might start HYA sequel since it's been awhile since I updated that one.
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 5:06 pm
Reviewer: burns603 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    What a beautiful ending to a beautiful story! I loved it for the first page to the last! Please write a prequel or a sequel! Please!

    Author's Response: All right, I will.  Soon as I finish Heir!
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 4:45 pm
Reviewer: Nightshade (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm sorry to see this story end, however, I LOVE THE IDEA OF A PERQUEL!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE IT! You asked for requests/ideas so heres one; what if you started the sequel when Harry and Lexy start Hogwarts ( i'd lol if Lexy became friends with draco malfoy). And because they'd be in the magical world now you could most likely come up with or get suggestions for a new villian. You also could have Eileen showing signs of magic? But hay, its really your story and your choice. whatever you deside to do will most likely be good.
    Thanks alot for writing this story, it was fun to read.I hope you write that prequel and a sequel.
    Thanks again and good luck:)!!!!!!!!

    Author's Response: Yes, villains aren't hard to create, so long as they are believable.  And Lexy being friends with Draco...wouldn't Severus just die??? LOL! Thanks for your reviews-you're awesome! 
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 4:37 pm
Reviewer: Ali (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great fic yet again. Would like to see a fic about sibling rivalry after all Harry has two sisters to share with.

    Author's Response: Yes and they'd have plenty to argue about!  hanks again for all your reviews! they made my day!

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