Potions and Snitches
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Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 2:28 am
Reviewer: preposterous purple crocodile (Anonymous) [Report This]
    eek my review went all funny. I was cutting and pasting cos I couldn't read the stupid security code... must have done it twice!

    here it is... (you can delete the other)

    *squeels* OMG welcome to the family Eileen! Oh Merlin! what an ending! that was adorable! Congrats on finishing! Good for you!

    a prequel sounds super - can't wait!

    Sequel ideas: *A family holiday to visit the american side of the family!* Setting: sometime after growing pains and before hogwarts. I imagine that they would decide to travel the muggle way (sev wouldn't want to apparate that far when he doesn't know exactly where he is going). If Eileen is still a baby when they go, be prepared for a very grumpy (and loud) screaming baby annoying everyone on the flight. headaches galore! Anyway, Tobias stays home and looks after Inky. Visiting the inlaws: I like the way Toby and Alaina have a good relationship, but what about Sev's relationship with the inlaws? I really think that could be interesting. Sev really wants them to like him, and he doesn't currently have a mother figure in his life. He probably hasn't worked it out yet, but he could do with a bit of mothering and Susan will consider it her job to do that. Bill seemed a bit like a more sensitive version of Toby, so he and Sev should get along well too. I'm not sure whether Bill and Sue can cope with the entire snape family staying in their home, so they might have to stay in a hotel (but that's up to you). Lexy and Bill will have fun teaching harry and sev baseball, and all sorts of american things that I really don't have much idea about. (I'm assuming that the bad american tv they show in australia isn't really enough a suitable educational resource). I'm sure there are some awesome tourist attractions. like disneyland or something :) though that probably isn't the best place to take a baby. I'd like to meet Alaina's sister too! I bet all the rellies are excited to meet the new baby! and harry too! *squeels for happy family stuff*

    Another Sequel idea: *harry and lexy at hogwarts* by my reckoning eileen would be about 3 by the time lexy and harry get to hogwarts. I suppose Sev and Alaina will have to read her owl post to her :). Harry and Lexy certainly have the gryffndor bravery, but I wonder if that is where they would be placed. They have some of the good qualities from each house - bravery, loyalty, love of learning and a bit of cunning. I can't imagine them being in different houses though (but I can imagine them being competitive at quiditch!). Since voldie is dead *jumps for joy*, there really isn't a whole lot of plot similarities with jk rowlings stories. Some of the slytherins won't like harry and lexy (cos their dad killed voldishorts), but there won't be any of that annoying 'boy who lived' thing or any quirrel possesed by voldemort, and you will need a new potions master! A bit of a blank slate maybe, but full of potential!

    You don't have to take any notice of my ideas, because hey, yours are probably much more interesting! I haven't actually given you any plotlines... I'm not very good at them... anyway, please keep writing in this series - i'm sure I will love any sequels/prequels.

    Author's Response: Hey, I think those are great ideas and I'll have to seriously think about them again, when I'm ready to write the sequel.  I could incorporate one or both of them into the story!
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 2:23 am
Reviewer: dracosgoddess123 (Signed) [Report This]
    aw this was so cute. i like the idea of a prequel and for a sequel you could always have a story line where harry feels upset as his dad now has a biological son and he could feel unsecure then sev and grandpa will have to help him and he'll see in the end that he will always be his dad's son. i dunno...it sounded like a good idea.

    anyway great story and i'll look out for the next one!!!

    Author's Response: I'll keep it in mind if Severus and Alaina have anymore kids, could be a very interesting story there!
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 1:55 am
Reviewer: Laume (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm shocked. I was hoping to read Harry's reaction to Alaina breastfeeding the little one *grins* he might've thought the baby was sucking his mother dry.

    Wonderful ending. I especially loved Tobias making all the furniture for his new grandbaby, that is just the sweetest thing.

    Author's Response: Yeah, but remember Tobias was there too, and I remember my sister telling me that she used formula in the hospital and breastfed her youngest when he came home.  But it would've been funny! And Tobias really loves being a grandfather, surprise surprise!
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 1:29 am
Reviewer: jen77 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Are you joking???? Of course a sequel would be awesome. Let's see how Harry gets on with the new baby when it gets into his things.

    Author's Response: Oh yes, Eileen could play havoc with his things all right! LOL!
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 1:27 am
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Signed) [Report This]
    Great job on this chapter - I love Harry's thoughts on Eileen and changing her nappies, and then the ending part is just gorgeous.

    Like I've said, I'd love a sequel of them at Hogwarts, with Inky attending as well. And a Harry in Slytherin would be interesting to see . . .

    Author's Response: Yes that would be very interesting indeed. Glad you liked the newest Snape and I'm sure she's gonna keep her big brother on his toes!
Title: Happily Ever After 17 Jun 2008 1:22 am
Reviewer: Twinheart (Signed) [Report This]
    Congratulations on a job well done! Loved the ending. Great story - great characters. Thanks for sharing.

    Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing, so glad you enjoyed this one!
Title: Love You Forever 16 Jun 2008 6:54 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    that was fabulous, the wedding was beautiful, i was there in the church with them, and the chat between tobias and alaina was really great as it reasurred alaina that tobias had indeed changed for the better and in the car severus and tobias finally sorted out what happened in the past

    Author's Response: Thanks and just wait until you see what happens at the end!  I love weddings!
Title: Love You Forever 16 Jun 2008 7:37 am
Reviewer: burns603 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Lovely chapter! I cried when I read the last part it was so moving. Loved the talks with all the characters too. Positively beautiful!

    Author's Response: aww, you're so sweet! I love it! Awesome!
Title: Love You Forever 16 Jun 2008 7:28 am
Reviewer: blackmagicwoman (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Woohoo! They finally got married! Loved the humor in this chapter, I nearly died laughing over Sirius's conversation with Severus. And the ceremonies were just beautiful, especially the part with Lily & Eileen coming to wish him well!

    Author's Response: Thank you! That was my favorite part as well!
Title: Love You Forever 16 Jun 2008 1:30 am
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww, such a beautiful chapter. I LOVED it! it made me laugh and cry. Sweet!

    Author's Response: Thanks so much and I'm really glad you liked it!

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