Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Growing Pains
Title: Happily Ever After 31 Mar 2019 8:06 am
Reviewer: Dezra (Signed) [Report This]
    Great story, enjoyed it.. Harry is like a super kid. He learns his lesson in record time and never makes the same mistake again.
Title: Magical Education 27 Mar 2016 7:44 am
Reviewer: RellahSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Good for you Severus! You never know when you might get lonely. You might have found 'the one' again.
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 06 Aug 2013 12:40 pm
Reviewer: Guest (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ha ha ha! soooo funny
Title: Happily Ever After 13 Jul 2010 7:55 pm
Reviewer: Dream Painter (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw! Bra-vo! So CUTE! Seriously, I think I must be grinning like an idiot, just now. LOL

    I LOVE it! Beautifully written and just... ^^

    Author's Response: Thanks so much! I love this series!
Title: Happily Ever After 15 Mar 2010 1:12 am
Reviewer: RangeMan007 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I liked Alaina. She's one tough chick. Heaven help me, but I actually wanted to gag at the nicknames and I am well pass my teenage years. At least it wasn't snookums. I also had a laugh when I read the word "tire." After over a decade here in the US I still expect to see "tyre." Anyway, I read the last few in order so it was interesting and I wasn't reading outside the timeline. *snicker* Anyway, this was great.


    Author's Response: Yeah she is and you'll be seeing more of her in the two small sequels, Severus' Christmas Wish and The Fourth of July Deer. I thought the nicknames were kind of funny. The ones that she threatened to call Sev when they were in the restaurant, I mean. Thanks for reading and hope you like the rest of them. You'll get to see more of little Eileen in them and in the deer one Lily makes a startling reappearance.
Title: Who Let The Wild Things Out? 28 Feb 2010 11:56 pm
Reviewer: Penny (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Remus with those goats was one of the funniest things I have EVER EVER readd. I'll be chuckling for days.

    Author's Response: Thanks I loved writing that part it was just so fun!
Title: Happily Ever After 28 Dec 2009 1:54 am
Reviewer: snapeswidow (Signed) [Report This]
    another Great story, hon.

    Author's Response: Thanks so much! Hope you like the rest of them! This series is very long!
Title: Raising Inky 20 Dec 2009 1:36 pm
Reviewer: snapeswidow (Signed) [Report This]
    aww. thats a cute chapter! im so jelous! i want a panther cub too!LOL

    Author's Response: So do I! I couldn't resist putting this in here, since I love animals.
Title: A Stranger Is Watching 05 Aug 2009 5:15 am
Reviewer: GRIFFINDORLADY (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for the offer. I'm Italian too, on both sides, my Dad came from Calabria and My Mom from Naples, I'm a second generation Italian American.

    I know that already, but Sev wouldn't, which is why he told Harry that the way that he did.  It fits better with his character, as he has only been exposed to British culture. 

    Thanks for the review!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for the offer. I'm Italian too, on both sides, my Dad came from Calabria and My Mom from Naples, I'm a second generation Italian American.

    I know that already, but Sev wouldn't, which is why he told Harry that the way that he did.  It fits better with his character, as he has only been exposed to British culture. 

    Thanks for the review!

Title: Happily Ever After 30 May 2009 5:04 pm
Reviewer: Ginny Potter (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww! They had a baby!

    Author's Response: They sure did and you'll see more of her in the little sequel, Severus's Christmas Wish and the last chapter of the short story Forbidden Flight.  Thank you for reading and enjoying my work!

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