Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 12 05 Jun 2009 6:51 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I do not envy the Dursleys. I have a feeling that Sirius is going to find a way to get back at them so he doesn't get implicated.

    I'm glad that the Horcrux is gone from Harry's soul. Can you imagine having that inside you. Yikes. I love the sneezing idea. Too cute.
    Update soon please.

    Author's Response:

    Sirius can be predictably unpredictable. I am planning for him to take part in some "prank" on Dumbledore. You'll have to wait and see.

    I wouldn't want to have Voldemort's soul inside of me either. I have anought mental problems as is.

Title: Chapter 12 05 Jun 2009 5:38 pm
Reviewer: hawkswench (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well I could understand the sneeze in context as where Harry's scar is at; is part of the upper sinus cavity. So basically since babies still have soft bone structure of the head it could be possible that area of the skull fractured and part of Voldies soul was lodged there.
Title: Chapter 11 16 May 2009 9:05 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I am so glad that sirius is out and will be able to get harry. I hate the Dursleys.. what is snape going to do to them? Love your story. cna't wait for next post.

    Author's Response: Something worse then what Dumbledore did to them in "The Meaning of One" by Sorvan (a good soul bond story I recommend that's on siye.co.uk). You have to wait and see.
Title: Chapter 11 15 May 2009 8:04 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh wow! Harry doesn't have to go to the Dursely's anymore. It's too bad thought that no one an know what a great thing Snape is doing.

    Please update soon. Great chapter.

    Author's Response: You mean almost no one. Remember McGongall, Remus and soon to be Sirius know about the time travel.
Title: Chapter 11 14 May 2009 6:48 pm
Reviewer: jvalread (Signed) [Report This]
    Good Chapter. Small note - when Sev goes to the Shack to see Remus you have him listed as Lupin Lupin

    Author's Response: Thanks for pointing that out. Its fixed now.
Title: Chapter 11 14 May 2009 6:17 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Really good chapter - looking forward to the meeting between Harry and Sirius
Title: Chapter 10 07 May 2009 1:39 am
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed) [Report This]
    I think you just might be the first to use the Stone to capture Peter. That was brilliant!

    I really like this story a lot, as I think I said before. Congratulations and thank you for sharing it with us!
Title: Chapter 2 07 May 2009 12:15 am
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed) [Report This]
    I started reading this fic on ff.net and am rereading to get back to where I was and track it here, since I rather prefer this site. Anyhow, I obviously like this story a great deal so far, but would strongly suggest you think about geting a beta to help you smooth out the grammar and punctuation a bit (You have a lot of run-on sentences and some problems with subject/verb agreement, for starters). I think it could be quite a fantastic story were you to smooth these details out. :-)
Title: Chapter 10 06 May 2009 10:06 pm
Reviewer: Ramos (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ooops - how is Harry going to explain the Resurrection Stone to Dumbledore?
Title: Chapter 10 06 May 2009 7:04 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow! That was a really original idea having the resurrection stone to bring Harry``s parents back, and thus enabling Pettigrew to be captured.

    Nice work. Please update soon. I'm anxious to find out what happens to the rat. (uh...Pettigrew) LOL

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