Awesome. It seems that Remus and Sev are friends in this reality good for them! I've always liked it when they were friends, which is why I keep making them friends in my fics too! I like the dream sequence and the last line was great too!
Hey,Elise! I finally got around to reviewing. What a frightening and prophetic dream. I'm surprised Sev isn't taking a Dreamless Sleep potion. Then again, the dream brings him closer to Lily, right? And might I assume that the sound of wings is significant?
Great job!
Title: Bloody Potions...
| 19 Jun 2008 8:53 am
Reviewer: SnapesYukuai (Anonymous)
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I'm thrilled to know what's behind the twins' actions. Oh, and Sev can be so gently and charming, if he wants to be. ^^ I long for more, so PLEASE update quickly. Yours truly, Melfis.
Title: A Conversation
| 18 Jun 2008 9:03 pm
Reviewer: SnapesYukuai (Anonymous)
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For a "filler" chap as you call it, it was absolutely brilliant. So, don't tell your readers that little detail and they won't notice a thing. ^^ It was great. Your Melfis.
Title: In the Lair of the Snakes...
| 18 Jun 2008 8:51 pm
Reviewer: SnapesYukuai (Anonymous)
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You've drawn a very amazing, adoring picture of Slytherin house there... I LOVE it!! ^___^ Nobody shall say our dear Potions Master isn't a caring head of house. You made me most curious about the alligeances of the parted twins. I can't decide if I should be suspicious or if I should trust the fact that Harry heard the "giggle" and that it can't mean anything bad if Lily is really involved in this. Your happy reader, Melfis.
Title: Interesting Developments
| 18 Jun 2008 8:31 pm
Reviewer: SnapesYukuai (Anonymous)
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Wow, the end was suprising. ^^ Oh and Fred is the cutest, loveliest twin (and big brother) one can wish for... especially Harry. ^^ wink, your Melfis.
Title: New Faces
| 18 Jun 2008 8:22 pm
Reviewer: SnapesYukuai (Anonymous)
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Hmm, if Harry hears this certain giggle I suspect Lily has something to do woth it. Now I'm even more thrilled to learn what's going on with them. By the way, (I forgot to metion it in my last review) I like the fact that Sev and Remus are getting on better as it seems. Well, bye, your Melfis.
Title: Dementors
| 18 Jun 2008 8:12 pm
Reviewer: SnapesYukuai (Anonymous)
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I'm melting... this is sooo sweet. ^^ Exciting chap and the relation between Remus and Severus is highly interesting... okay, I'm of to read more. Goodbye, Melfis.
Title: Dark dreams
| 18 Jun 2008 8:06 pm
Reviewer: SnapesYukuai (Anonymous)
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Oh my God, if I had known that yuo write such cute stories, I would have read this one earlier. ^^ I'm really curious about how it goes on. I likes the dreams although they were very sad. Your Melfis.
Title: Bloody Potions...
| 10 Jun 2008 1:02 pm
Reviewer: momothehomeskilletbuiscuit (Anonymous)
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I liked it it showed an unfamiliar side of snape and i hope to see it come back!! Make sure u do a point of view from hedwig!! peace outt, your sis
Author's Response: aaw, thanksies, Mo! I'm glad you like. And I'll def. think about Hedwig's POV, promise. Love ya! -Elise