Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Dementors 29 May 2008 4:19 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    What a lovely chapter! You did a great job of incorporating canon events with your own universe, very smooth transitions. It seems things will be different between Harry and Severus from now on, and Remus and 'Sev' seem to have a better relationship, too.

    I loved how Harry fell asleep in Severus' arms...wonder what he'll think when he wakes up!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks so much Kristeh! I'm glad my transistions were smooth, i was hoping they would be. I'm glad you like Remy and Sev's relationship. I love writing it.

    Thanks so much for your review! You're so sweet.


Title: Dementors 28 May 2008 5:45 pm
Reviewer: Moe (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awesome very mysterious!!!!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! You're so sweet! I hope you like the rest of it!


Title: Dark dreams 28 May 2008 2:57 pm
Reviewer: Moe (Anonymous) [Report This]
    i like the first chapter a lot cant wait untill i read the next one!!!!!
    -Moe the home skillet bisuit aka Elise's sister.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, sis. :)

    (I think you meant to write home skillet biscuit, right? lol.)

    Well, thanks so much, you're the greatest. Love ya!

    -Elise :)

Title: A Conversation 27 May 2008 11:58 pm
Reviewer: Midnight Oil (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Interesting fic so far. Keep it up!

    Author's Response:



Title: A Conversation 27 May 2008 10:46 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    This is enjoyable. I wish I could picture Severus' face when asked him about French kissing (at twelve years old!!! - wow, those English boys mature early.)

    How did Remus and Severus become friends?

    Author's Response:

    Hehe, glad you liked that line. I loved writing that part. And, honey, that's not just english boys, that's everywhere. I live in America, and I have an eleven year old cousin who's had boyfriends since she was in the first-grade (about ten in all, because she kept breaking up with them and getting back together again, lol.)

    It's sad, really, that children grow up so fast.

    (But I'll have a lot of fun writing the Slytherin boys. I plan on having a lot of scenes like that one. hehe. *she grins evilly at Severus, who shudders*. lol.)

    And you'll find out about Remy and Sev's friendship soon, I promise.

    Well, thanks so much for the review! You're awesome. :)


Title: In the Lair of the Snakes... 26 May 2008 8:16 pm
Reviewer: writeurlife (Signed) [Report This]
    the ooc sev is okay for the most part- like the train ride was good in the beginning- but the whole happy-go-lucky intro was kind of cheesy. other than that, however, i like the story. the twins meeting harry and snape is kind of cool. like a twist or whatever. anyway, i hope you update soon because although this chapter wasn't my fav, in general it's really quite good

    Author's Response:

    Thanks. I'll probably do a rewrite when I'm finished, so I'll take into consideration what you said. I'm glad you think my story is good, that's really great to hear.

    Hopefully you'll like the next chapter better. (So far there will be a Potions lesson and a chat with Remus, but I'll probably write more stuff in, like the first appearance of Draco.) :)

    Well, thanks for the review!


Title: In the Lair of the Snakes... 26 May 2008 5:03 pm
Reviewer: Elfwyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    To me what Snape said about Gryffindor's even in jest is not right. Little kids, will take the first thing said to them by an authority figure, especially a nice one, and ignore anything else afterwards. First impressions and all that. Those kids will walk away with the impression to hex Gryffindors and that Potters' are bullies. Hell, he is telling things to them that Harry doesn't even know. And he is the biggest bully of them all with his attitude to the rest of the school. Also if the hat was to put all abused kids in slytherin why did it not put Harry there not matter what Harry wanted? Aside from that you need a beta, there are spelling and grammar errors that take away from your story.

    Author's Response:

    Hey, thanks. I understand your points, and I'll think about them. The hat didn't put Harry in Slytherin because the child was desperate, and a desperate, emotional child can carry a lot of magical power (atleast in my universe.)

    And Severus has an agreement with the prefects to tell the children that he did not mean what he said. Now, obviously, there will probably be some complications, and those will be written in.

    And I'd appreciate it if you didn't curse in your reviews, if you review this anymore, thanks.

    And I know I need a beta, I'll think about trying to find one.

    Well, thanks.


Title: In the Lair of the Snakes... 25 May 2008 2:34 pm
Reviewer: Cecilia Farrell (Signed) [Report This]
    The way that you've portrayed Snape here as the head of house reminds me a lot of how other authors have portrayed him. However there is always the danger of slipping OOC, especially as JKR doesn't show us in the books how Snape interacts with his #snakes#. I'm not sure that Snape would act this way, particulary laughing openly, and hugging students and the like. I always thought Snape would be the type to instill values of pride and integrity into his Snakes, probably as a practical measure to prevent his house turning into a pit of vibers. But i've never seen him as an overtly tactile or emotional person, he'd rather keep an eye on them or hint that they can speak to him, but never be blantly sentimental or openly show his softer emotions, the blokes a spy!
    However i can see what your doing in setting up and establishing the character so you have a particular 'Snape' interacting with Harry later.
    I'm always very wary of the whole 'exchange student from America' idea as it changes the whole pathos of the school, but your doing well so far. :) Working like a plot bunny ten to the dozen, lol. Keep up the good work.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for the review, Cecilia. I'm glad you think I'm doing well on the 'student exchange' thing. :)

    And, yeah, I am trying to get a particular Snape going her. I'm trying not to fall into the trap of 'Oh, he's an evil snarky git, but he finds out he has a son and then he's all nice!'

    People don't change their spots overnight, so I'm trying to show that he isn't always evil. *ducks flying jars of frog tongues thrown at her by Sevvy-poo* lol.

    Thanks so much for the review, Cecilia. You're the greatest!


Title: In the Lair of the Snakes... 25 May 2008 11:56 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    I like the twins and foresee much mischief in both houses.

    I could see Severus treating his "snakes" like this. With the house prejudice against Slytherin, someone has to take care of them.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! I'm glad you think my portrayal of Sev is right. I was a little worried about it, but everyone seems to like it. And yes, mischief will abound! lol. I'm glad you like the twins, they're fun to write.

    Thanks so much for your review!


Title: In the Lair of the Snakes... 24 May 2008 12:24 pm
Reviewer: Devilishlycute (Signed) [Report This]
    Awesome. I always thought Severus would act differently around his lil snakes then he does around everyone else. Your protrayal of Severus is exaxtly how I thought he would act when with his lil snakes. Great going!!!!!

    Author's Response:

    Oh, wow, thank you so much! I'm so glad that I got Severus right. I always thought that the Slytherins were a very close bunch. Thanks so much for your awesome review, I am grinning so much right now! I'm so relieved that someone liked my portrayal of Sev. Thanks SO much, you're amazing!


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