Title: Black and Red and Wet All Over
| 13 Jul 2008 6:03 pm
Reviewer: tabbycat (Signed)
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Ha ha ha ha ha! That was me, laughing my head off at your brilliant humour! I love your amazing descriptiveness too. Like, Ron moving faster than a firebolt. The marauders bracelet was a fantastic twist too. I had to read the paragraph twice, and suddenly realised that the slytherin would have been snape! 0: It was also a good idea of Fred and Georges at the end, although I presume it *was* Lily's hair? How on earth is Snape going to get it off... hmmm.. sighs dreamily imagining an irate multi-coloured potions master stuck in a lab trying desperately to remove said hair before leaving the following day... Please write another story!!
Author's Response: Glad you liked the end, :) I like to think that decription and humor are my fortes. Actually, it was never Lily's hair--remember, the lozenge is supposed to make you look like whoever the other person loves the most. So--Harry eats it looking at Hermione, and gets Ron's hair. Then when Harry does that bit of accidental magic on Snape, he transfers the effects of the candy to Snape. So the red hair Snape winds up with is actually Weasley hair. It just happens to LOOK just like Lily's hair. Huh, that might be a good idea for a sequel...Snape attends the potions conference in red hair... Anyway, thanks for the review!
Title: Black and Red and Wet All Over
| 09 Jul 2008 8:46 pm
Reviewer: wolfawaken (Anonymous)
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Funnny! Just love this story
Title: Black and Red and Wet All Over
| 05 Jul 2008 1:36 am
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Signed)
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*cracks up* Oh, that was a brilliant chapter. Snape's reaction, the truth behind the bracelet, and then the revelation about Hermione. Great job :D
Title: Black and Red and Wet All Over
| 04 Jul 2008 12:39 am
Reviewer: rayne_stardust (Anonymous)
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Oh, great kiwi, I was splitting my sides with this one! I haven't laughed that hard ages!
Oh, yes, that was funny. I really hate it that I am so unable to predict plot development that I was surprised by Snape's awarding of points--but points to him for giving the points in a way that could easily be dismissed by the rest of the school. ;-)
Author's Response: Gotta love them curve balls, huh? Oh, I don't imagine the school will get tired of talking about said points before Snape gets back from his conference...
Title: Black and Red and Wet All Over
| 03 Jul 2008 3:06 am
Reviewer: Kelly (Anonymous)
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omg i really want to read more of your stuff this was seriously the best! great great great work every bit of it was absolutely entertaining!!!! Love Kel
Title: Black and Red and Wet All Over
| 02 Jul 2008 7:26 pm
Reviewer: kat (Anonymous)
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oh, this is hilarious! i love it! the dialogue is absolutely spot-on, and there are several priceless lines - "Harry, Ron, and Fred simultaneously discovered the inadvisability of snorting pumpkin juice out one’s nose" made me almost do the same with my tea. :) i hope you keep writing! this is fantastic!
Title: Black and Red and Wet All Over
| 02 Jul 2008 4:59 pm
Reviewer: mwc (Signed)
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uhm, forgot to do the rating. top marks!
Title: Black and Red and Wet All Over
| 02 Jul 2008 4:59 pm
Reviewer: mwc (Signed)
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this is the most HYSTERICAL thing i have read in too long! OMG, the points and the bossy bracelet of interesting origin and the HAIR. thank you, thank you, thank you, i needed that!
Title: Black and Red and Wet All Over
| 02 Jul 2008 2:13 pm
Reviewer: fluff (Signed)
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That was brilliant, very amusing, hope you will be writing more stories, very refreshing!
Author's Response: I have written some other fan fiction...if you have any interest in Star Wars, that's my primary fandom and I have some other stories posted on my account at ff.net. No other HP fanfics yet to speak of, although I do have some ideas. I may yet wrtite a sequel to this, if I get a good enough idea. :)