Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Burnt Out
Title: Owl Escapade 09 Jun 2008 7:39 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Every good, Dudley. And help arrives, maybe they can take Dudley away from the poisonous environment in which he lives.

    Author's Response:

    Never know what could happen with Dudley. I never know what I'm going to write until it comes out, and sometimes at really weird times. Thank Merlin I now have a beta to tell me if things are getting too out-there, I was relying on friends before and that gets difficult when they don't know much about the fanfic world


Title: Owl Escapade 09 Jun 2008 3:10 am
Reviewer: rosiegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Fine so far.
Title: Owl Escapade 09 Jun 2008 12:50 am
Reviewer: Yunacaycaythesecond (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww... poor Harry..

    Author's Response: It will get worse before it gets better... Well, at least, he will. :). Please continue reading!
Title: Owl Escapade 09 Jun 2008 12:17 am
Reviewer: Novelty (Anonymous) [Report This]
    The story's starting out wonderful. I found it a little funny that Dudley's beginning drafts were written really well, but in a desire to be vague, his middle sentence became awkward.
    I'm a little curious on the backstory of Voldemort's death and whether Sirius will make an appearance (I hope so).
    Update soon!
Title: Owl Escapade 08 Jun 2008 11:15 pm
Reviewer: Kaity (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hey, nice start, I love how you made Dudley his own person, and I would be willing to beta your story (ies) for you if you like. If your interested you can email me at Kaity445@gmail.com, I am experienced if that concerns you :)
Title: Owl Escapade 08 Jun 2008 11:15 pm
Reviewer: ranDum InSanity (Signed) [Report This]
    Awesome job!!! I can't wait for the next chapter!
Title: Owl Escapade 08 Jun 2008 10:38 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow this is so great, ten stars for Dudley, he has a heart and even though he is a spoilt brat he can tell that what his parents are doing is wrong. Deep down he loves his cousin and his “big brother” instincts are kicking in. I've always said that Dudley and Harry could make a good team and since Dudley is related to him he would have his mother’s blood protection he does not need Petunia. Good job looking forward to chapter 2

    Author's Response: Thanks a ton! I've thought Dudley would be an interesting character since the final book showed he actually had a heart, but i haven't had a good way to incorporate him. i'm hoping this works out with him in it.

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