Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Burnt Out
Title: Quidditch Fanatics 20 Feb 2010 5:54 pm
Reviewer: alifromnm (Signed) [Report This]
    Just found your story this weekend. I have really enjoyed it. You have a wonderful, refreshing style of writing. With your youth, you have the of the kids down. Poor Severus, live will never be the same again, Wesley's are in his life. Question, I browsed through your other stories as well. Great work there as well. Have your older works been abandoned or do you hope to update them? Thanks for a wonderful read.

    Author's Response:

    lolz!  My creative writing teacher says that I am good at writing "teenage boy interactions".  I think it's a mix of the youth and the fact that I have three older brothers.  I hope I won't lose that with age, though.

    As for my older works...  Thirteen Is a Strange Age for All isn't abandoned, per se-- I still think that I might get back to it at some point in time, when I'm a little less busy--but it's not really in the works.  The others, however--  Evan, Lost Boy, and Burnt Out-- are all still very much in the workings.  Sorry if future chapters suck, though.  I was sick for a chunk of time this past year and my updates were so irregular that I fear my betas gave up on me :).  No worries, though.  I'm sure y'all will tell me if I write something awful. 

Title: Quidditch Fanatics 20 Feb 2010 3:27 pm
Reviewer: heartstar (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow I want more please
Title: Quidditch Fanatics 20 Feb 2010 3:22 pm
Reviewer: fizzywizzy2006 (Signed) [Report This]
    bangs!!!! bloody BANGS!!!! I love the story, I honestly do, but BANGS!!! the first time I read that in a fanfiction I had to google it! I thought it was something to do with sex!!! why is it that every time I get into a fanfiction I get jolted out of the moment by a word like, trash, or bangs, or a phrase like "making out" (what does that mean anyway? is it like snogging or is it something else?) RANT OVER. sorry. it just bugs me is all. if I were wrighting an american based fanfiction I would probs have a bit of difficulty too. we call it a fringe in England. I love this story, its really well written and I cant wait for the next chapter. I hope you're not too annoyed at me for my rant, I just needed to get it out of my system. strawberry lolly pops to you if you get the next chappie up soon. LOL

    Author's Response:

    haha.  No worries.  I guess it's pretty obvious I'm not Brittish--I'm from Maine (USA).  I'll try to remember to use the word fringe in the future--I didn't actually know that was a Brit thing.  I had noticed that people used that word, but as unfamiliar as bangs was to you when you first read it, that's how I felt about the word "fringe".  To me, fringe ought to have something to do with fabric.  It seems weird to use that to describe hair.  I'll adjust though :p.  I'll try to remember to edit that out of this chappie in a bit.  I actually thank you for commenting on that--too many people let the britishisms go when that's one of the things I need to get a handle on to make my fics seem believable.

     As for making out, I haven't any idea if it's like snogging.  I've never used that word in my life, and I've only really heard it once on an episode of Gilmore Girls.  It means kissing or something, right?  Making out, as far as I can tell (I've only had one serious boyfriend, so maybe it has a technical meaning) is... kissing for a really long time.  Like, when you need to come up for air after.  But... they don't use that term in Britain either?  I wouldn't have known that.  Of course, it took me forever to learn that "garden" means yard to you guys.  I kept imagining little Harry running through Snapes flowers or something and I was like "how is he not getting in trouble for this?".  Haha. 

     Thanks for the review!  Will try to have another chapter up soonish, but you can never tell with me. 


Title: Quidditch Fanatics 19 Feb 2010 11:56 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Excellent Story. Haven't read one like this before!
Title: Quidditch Fanatics 19 Feb 2010 11:39 pm
Reviewer: KKJ (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Excellent update! Harry's worry that Snape's promise would be something which might possibly cause him hard was in keeping with the abuse that he has suffered and it was quite believable. It was great to have a visit from Hermione and the Weasleys as well. This was highly entertaining and well written.
    I look forward to the next chapter.
Title: Quidditch Fanatics 19 Feb 2010 9:03 pm
Reviewer: DazzlingD (Signed) [Report This]
    great update
Title: Quidditch Fanatics 19 Feb 2010 6:35 pm
Reviewer: Mervoparkite (Signed) [Report This]
    Glad to see an update!

    How amazing--Snape was NICE and let the gang all come an visit. And as annoyed as he was, that was funny--thinking the kids had Rum Balls!

    Thanks for the update.
Title: Quidditch Fanatics 19 Feb 2010 4:32 pm
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    Great to see an update :)
Title: Decorum Disaster 22 Jan 2010 11:48 am
Reviewer: ceara (Signed) [Report This]
    loved it. cant wait for more
Title: Decorum Disaster 13 Jan 2010 5:06 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Loved Dudley uing Shakespeare to defend Harry thank you I hope you update this at sometime

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