Title: Decorum Disaster
| 16 Apr 2009 10:03 pm
Reviewer: Rebel_Dream (Anonymous)
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Title: Decorum Disaster
| 11 Apr 2009 2:12 pm
Reviewer: HeartStar (Anonymous)
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I love this story please update soon!!!!!!!!
Definitely enjoyed - loved the way Snape managed to trick Harry into eating his lunch! I'm curious about what Snape will say about the essay Harry worked so hard on... and about whether Harry can manage to find a way to get out of staying another week! Great chapter.
Author's Response: Well, I'm glad that you're curious, although I don't intend to tell you the answers. Gotta have you coming back, don't want to spoil it. Thanks for the review! ~Cait
Best chapter yet, seriously! Good insight into Harry's unwillingness to disobey even in the smallest things. I also really liked the bit where Snape tricked Harry into eating lunch. :-)
Author's Response: Thank you!!! I'm glad that it was worth the wait *grins sheepishly*... I'm hoping that the newfound insight insn't a fluke thing on my behalf- i'm taking psychology this semester and i'm hoping i'm actually learning something.
Hmm I think I may need to re read this...I seem to have forgotten some things...I thought Harry was already at Snapes house...never mind lol I will just look back, good chapter though : )
really well done. I like how Snape got Harry to eat and take medicine without threatening him and how he realizes there at the end that he ahs to take it slowly and not yell because Harry is so damaged. The chess game was a nice touch too and I look forward to seeing more of how they all interact together.
Oh, and Sev's last comment was priceless!
Author's Response: Haha, thank you for the great review. I'm glad that you like how Snape is acting- I hope that I'm not moving him OOC too soon, but it seems imperative that he tone things down a bit because of how damaged Harry is... Obviously he still has a temper on him, but I'm trying to get him to deal with it better than he does in the books.
Oh, I'm sorry that I seemed to have overlooked this story. Maybe when it first came out, I hadn't joined P & S yet, but I'm glad that I took the time to read it now, because it's different than the usual, and I like the Dudley addition.
Nice work.
Author's Response: Well, I'm glad that you are sorry to have overlooked it- better than you saying you wish you had kept overlooking it, haha. I don't update that regularly which is probably why you hadn't seen it yet- I think I'll probably get more acclaim for it when it's finished because then people will read it, knowing that they won't have to wait months between chapters that way.
You posted, I had almost forgotten about this fic, its great to see it on the recent list again. Brilliant chapter, post soon
Author's Response: Haha, yeah, I know, my updates are irregular at the best of times *makes a face*. The ironic thing is how annoyed I get when other writers don't update quick enough, when I'm the worst of all of them.
Title: Decorum Disaster
| 08 Apr 2009 4:26 am
Reviewer: fanficaholic (Anonymous)
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Looking forward to more! :-)
Awwww, poor Harry. It must be terrible to be stuck there. I really liked the chess game, and Harry's thoughts about how Snape should be good at logic. I liked how Snape got him to take his potions and eat some of his lunch. Nice chapter, thanks for the update!
Author's Response: I'm glad that you enjoyed the interactions. Yeah, Harry's having a hard time of it, but the Chess game (hopefully) helped alleviate some of his boredom.