I like the way Dudley and Harry are starting to resolve their differences. And also that Sev is learning how Harry was treated.
Author's Response: I thought it was important that Snape didn't just believe, right off the back, that Harry's life was imperfect and start loving Harry wholeheartedly from the get go. I can picture it taking a lot of time and that each little situation would heighten that. Plus I can't see him being as affected by Harry's bloodied state at the beginning of the summer as other people were; as a Death Eater he'd have seen a lot of that. I thought that the long term neglect and emotional torture would affect him more.
Title: Olive Branch
| 02 Nov 2008 2:13 pm
Reviewer: Mysterious Jedi (Anonymous)
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Good chapter. I'm glad Harry and Dudley are considerate of each other. Snape seems pretty in character,too.
Author's Response: I'm glad that you think that Snape seems in character... I was trying not to make him have this big drastic change all at once, although I don't know how long I'll be able to carry on the snarky persona before I have to develop him a bit.
Ahh it was cute how Harry was worrying about Dudley eating : )
I really enjoyed this chapter! It's nice to see Harry and Dudley building a better relationship, and I loved Harry's reaction to Dudley receiving the leftovers. It seemed very in character.
I'm looking forward to more!
Author's Response: This chapter was really more of a building block/ filler chapter. I realize that not a lot happened here and there wasn't a lot of Snape/Harry interaction, which might bug some people, but I really do think it's important to build up the relationship between Harry and Dudley. I really want to portray them to be more siblings than cousins, having grown up together, and I want people to be able to see that even though he's been mean to Harry, Dudley really would know a lot about him- like with the PB&J.. I want it to be obvious that there's some level of affection there, and that it's not just a new thing Dudley is doing out of pity...
Some Death Eater Snape is. Can't he tell that Harry's responses are conditioned?
Author's Response: Normally he might be able to, but he's always had a blind spot when it comes to Harry... Eventually he'll be able to see past that but unlike some of my other stories, I didn't want him to seem too OOC to soon. There has to be some time to build up to it. After seeing as much torture as Snape's seen, I don't think that seeing Harry bloodied up the one time would make him completely change how he feels. Not to mention the fact that, although he needs to look for certain things for his spying duties, they are usually pertaining to adults. Snape hasn't really been trained in child psychology.
glad that harry is in a safe place along with dudley, severus is tending to the boys needs very well
Well, I am seriously impressed that with school, and your busy life, that you have found the time not only to update, but to write such a wonderful chapter.
I really like the way that Harry has forgiven Dudley for his past transgressions, and using a peanut butter sandwich to prove his point!
Nice writing style too, and I like the originality of your story too.
Author's Response: And the fact that my update has managed to impress you, when it has been so long overdue, pretty much makes my day. Yeah, I don't really want there to be a tension between Harry and Dudley, and I think that Harry might have been able to at least beging to forgive Dudley for what he'd done. I'm glad you like my story and thank you for the wonderful review.
great chapter, glad that snape got to surrey in time and rescued harry and has taken dudley in at the same time, i hope vernon gets whats coming to him, snape must be livid and want some vengence
Author's Response: haven't decided what's going t ohappen to vernon/petunia yet, although I'm guessing that's one aspect in which I'll have to dissapoint most of my readers. I've never been one for vengence... or any of that kind of violence, really. You'll notice if you read a lot of my works that Voldie's usually dead or mysteriously not around. That type of thing's not really my ideal to write.... But something will happen to Vernon that's just, at the very least. I'm big on justice.
Title: Familiar Ways
| 28 Aug 2008 2:24 pm
Reviewer: sevvysnack (Anonymous)
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So far, so good. I think what sets this story apart from the traditional Snape-saves-Harry story is Dudley's role. Very nice.
Author's Response: Yeha, I like the idea of Dudley being around, and changing. I think that his performance in Book 7 proves that he could be good, if he'd been raised differently, and then I got the idea that he might have learned a thing or two at boarding school....
this is looking really good. please update soon. i can't believe how dudley is so nice. (that's not a critisism)