Interesting chapter. Especially interesting that Dudley has more insight into Harry's motivations than Snape.
Ah, I feel rather sheepish now for my last review. I understand now why Harry must stay there. :) So now Dudley's along for the ride? This should be interesting. Any chance a couple Weasleys and maybe a Granger will show up? :)
Author's Response: Lol... Well, I think it's good that I could anticipate your concerns at that interval. I haven't decided how I'll have done away with Voldy, but as some people seem concerned about that aspect, I'll throw an explanation in somewhere along the line. I appologize that it's getting to be so long between reviews, but I'm the type of person who writes when the muse strikes, which makes me unreliable. I try to make the wait worth it, with varying levels of success. I do hope you'll stick with me though. I did just start school this past week and I also have another fanfiction going which takes up my time but the next chapter is about half finished now.
...I may be harping on the same tune, here, but if Voldemort was dead, then wouldn't Harry be able to live anywhere, not just with his relatives? Why is he still there? Anyway, as I'm assuming it's so that the story can continue, I'll just say that this is another good chapter. I hope Snape feels plenty guilty about not answering Hedwig out of spite, and I'm glad that Dudley stood up to his dad.
Author's Response: Although Voldemort is gone, his death eaters aren't, and some of them are nearly as dangerous as he is.
Excellent writing! I love the idea of this story (though I don't understand how Voldemort is just...dead.) and how Dudley has finally grown a backbone and stood up for Harry. I love the POV changes and how real the characters seem. Dudley's letters are, in a sad way, of course, funnily realistic. :) Can't wait to read more!
short chapter but good! it's quite different to have dudley along for the ride and so far i'm really liking the results. he certainly helped the scales fall from severus's eyes here.
Author's Response: Well, I think what is different is that people only see the Dudley that Rowling portrays, and not to diss a great author, but that's kind of flat. It made sense in the series because she needed Harrry to have that kind of sordid past, but it forgets the fact that the boys grew up together. Even if Dudley was a total berk 95% of the time, 5% of the time he would have been Harry's ally. He would also have more insight into Harry's behavior than Snape, having been around to see what happened to cause the behavior.
Title: Familiar Ways
| 12 Aug 2008 3:13 pm
Reviewer: Kuro_Tori (Anonymous)
| [Report This]
I love it so far. Your take on Dudley is interesting. I look forward to the next chapter!
Great chapter! I could completely understand Harry's reactions, and I was wondering why Snape was having such difficulty, but he has always had a blind spot when it comes to Harry and I guess it's too soon for that to gone away. Glad Dudley was there (and I never thought I'd say that).
Author's Response: I think that a lot of people are surprised by Dudley in this one... I kind of like having him around, it's different than what I normally write. I had taken to wondering why most people didn't include him- after all, you see a lot of stuff where Draco turns around... Ugh. I hate Draco. As for Snape, yeah, he's a bit blind, and he's a bit tired, and he feels a bit guilty about getting there late.... and he's Snape, after all. He will start to turn around in his view of Harry, but as you can see he is incredibly intense.
This was a great chapter. I liked how Dudley picked up on Harry's reasoning before Severus did. Very clever! And what will happen now between the cousins and Severus?
Author's Response: Well, I'm not going to give too much away, am I? Then you wouldn't have to read, after all.... No, I mean, Harry and Dudley have some comradery... and Snape will just have to learn how to deal with teenage boys- he hasn't much choice at this point.
Good chapter, keep up the great work. Post soon
Great job on this chapter - I really liked Harry's reaction and Dudley's defence of him. Huzzah for the cousinly bond :D