Title: Tale of the Toad
| 25 Nov 2008 1:22 pm
Reviewer: Morgan (Anonymous)
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Good story. Write lots more soon.
I am really enjoying this, it's an excellent beginning. There are just a few wee corrections that would clean it up. Your story's so good, it deserves to be as perfect as you can make it.
Just a few typos to be cleared up: NOT "The two of them did along very well when they were in school together.”, BUT:"The two of them did NOT GET along very well..."
I like what you're doing with this story very much!
Wicked Umbridge! I really wish she'd die! I liked harry's comment about Severus making him gut frogs for getting a detention, it is very much like him.
Title: Tale of the Toad
| 22 Oct 2008 2:36 am
Reviewer: fluff (Signed)
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Good chapter hope more soon
This was a great chapter! And of course we all know what comes next .. .Umbridge! Nasty old toad!
Very interesting story - looking forward to more
Title: Summer Comes to an End
| 01 Oct 2008 1:37 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed)
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Lovely chapter! I'm glad you were able to work on it again. I particularly liked Snape's line about how he could learn more about Harry just from the way he re-told events.
Looking forward to the next one!
Title: The Truth Will Out
| 29 Aug 2008 10:00 pm
Reviewer: Julie (Anonymous)
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“With all of your plotting and planning, using people as if they were mere pawns on a chest board, yes, I believe that scheme would be an accurate way of describing your actions. Now, what is the part I am to play?” BEAUTIFUL! Absolutely beautiful line! ^_^ Great job
Author's Response: Thanks Julie! I have to admit I think that was probably one of my favorite lines to write.
! poor sev, dumped again. would like to see what happened next!