Title: Something To Look Forward To
| 28 Jul 2010 6:43 am
Reviewer: Kaona (Signed)
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Oh that is so totally sad! But then I want to cry everytime I read something about him actually dying (still in denial ^-^). You did a fantastic job of his emotions though and there was that great little hint in there that he really had noticed Harry's less than perfect appearance in the past. I'd love to read more from you, you're really good and you manage to draw such powerful emotion with your writing ^-^ have fun x
*Smile* This is rather a sad story, but for some odd reason it made me smile. I like to think that even Snape had peace at the end. Very well-written.
Everything is wonderful. All you need to do is correct 'methed' to "method", and it will be perfect. Thank you for the better finish to Severus' story.
Aww, I loved it! I felt really bad that he died in the book, I thought it would have meant so much more had he lived and then people would've had to eat crow and say they were wrong about him, and all.
But the way you wrote his feelings in those final moments, showing how he sees Lily in Harry and saying James should have been in Slytherin was very touching. Poor lonely man, but at least he didn't die alone. RIP!