I really loved this chapter. You do a great job characterizing Harry as a sulky, often humorous teenage boy. The imagery in this chapter is fabulous. Keep posting; this story has become one of my favorites on the site
Author's Response: Thank you. I used to work with kids this age-- they're fun, but so frustruating!
Title: Weltschmerz
| 27 Sep 2008 4:53 pm
Reviewer: Meg (Anonymous)
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I love this story. Update soon!
Great story; looking foward to another chapter.
I loved it! I love the interation between Harry and Snape. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Title: Weltschmerz
| 06 Sep 2008 5:39 am
Reviewer: Muggle49 (Anonymous)
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Good story please continue with this wonderful entertainment :)
Title: Weltschmerz
| 01 Sep 2008 2:21 pm
Reviewer: Muggle49 (Anonymous)
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Wonderful story! You have described how each of them is struggling to find their spot in this relationship. It is refreshing to watch both characters grow. Keep up the good work
Wonderful story! Nice little Hedwig bit there! I love seeing Snape do all these little fatherly things like checking whether the books are appropriate and being angry that Harry balances on a wobbly chair. Great stuff- it adds more believability to his character that he clearly takes the idea of being a guardian so seriously!
Haha I normally don't review until I've read something through but this is absolutely hysterical! I loveee the little add on not to be caught drinking, and the part about telling Harry he can "skulk around" haha is hysterical! I lovee your story!
I knew that Snape's robes billowed, but I never knew that they bellowed--and vigorously--as well. That they bellowed at all is pretty unusual!
Interesting chapter. I like the viewiiiiii of Snape's childhood, he's clearly had a fairly unpleasant one in this tale. I look forward to the update :D