Title: Testing boundries
| 08 Aug 2008 12:06 pm
Reviewer: ReginaCaeli (Anonymous)
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Oh poor Harry,(he really should keep a close eye on his sense of self preservation)and your writing keeps getting better and better,thaks for the update.
You're writing Snape as Snape. He's not father-of-the-year by any means, and I think a vast majority of readers forget this. He'll make mistakes, and he'll be unreasonable. Keep writing. You're doing a fine job with this story.
Title: Testing boundries
| 08 Aug 2008 8:51 am
Reviewer: Icepick (Anonymous)
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It's a well written story, but Snape is being ridiculous. Somewhere along the line, when you have teenagers, you have to let them *communicate* with you. I'll grant that Harry's comment to Snape was disrespectful (we'll look past the fact that Snape deserves it ten-fold for how he has treated Harry is the past) but how about making it clear it's not an option, and then discussing why Harry feels that way...so they could actually try to work through it? All relationships, even parenting, need to have communication at their core.
Author's Response: "...but how about making it clear it's not an option, and then discussing why Harry feels that way...so they could actually try to work through it?" I see what you're saying, but is it consistent with Snape? He's never struck me as a 'talk about feelings type'. He's very much a man of action, though often, I would think, subtle, covert action.
Do I make the flourish and blotts cut? Yay!! good chapter, though I feel like Snape was a bit harsh.. Well... not for standing on the chair, certainly, but for the disrespect thing. He shouldn't have mentioned that as part of the punishment, standing in the corner should have been enough for that... Just my opinion. update soon!
ahh poor harry, he just diesnt think does he? i loved his comment that earned him the spanking, it is so true to a child!
That's a really interesting concept for guardians in the wizarding world, but it makes sense; the children definitely won't be abused if there's an Unbreakable Vow about it.
i don't want that album, so i won't review :), does this count as a review?
I forgot to mention - i really liked the part how Snape warned Harry that he had better not catch him drinking. I suppose it's because of his father, Tobias, and Snape has bad experiences with alcohol, along with the fact that Harry is underage?
Love it! Snape's rules are a little scary, but strict, which is so in character. Fantastic job! I liked the Latin, and Harry's observations that anything in Latin wasn't good! LOL.
Author's Response: As a Classics major, I'm only going to say: Harry was dead on :)
Yes, Harry, that is what parents do. They give you the rules and let you know what the punishment will be if you break the rules. The rules have to be sane and consistent and the punishment must be the same.
Harry is fixing to learn that he is out of the abusive Dursley household, but he is in a household that will protect him but also make him a better person, even if he hates it.