Title: Conflicts and mysteries
| 19 Jul 2008 11:13 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed)
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Great ending!! I also loved how the fireplace swallowed Snape when he went through the floo- very descriptive. Good job!
Title: Conflicts and mysteries
| 19 Jul 2008 11:08 pm
Reviewer: mithrilandtj (Anonymous)
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I think you double posted chapter 2.
And here I thought you had posted something new.
Good so far, hehe you posted the same chapter twice.
Hey great chapter really loved it. It'll be intresting to see the conversation that Severus and Dumbledore have. I love the banter and arguing that is going on between Harry and Severus. I don't know why it's just really cute. Keep up the great work and please update again soon. LES
Oh and just an FYI I think you accidentally posted chapter 2 twice.
Title: Conflicts and mysteries
| 19 Jul 2008 8:14 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous)
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This has been very engaging and since I don't want Dragon pox, I thought I'd tell you that I'd like to read another chapter soon:) Soothing Syrup sounds nice right about now. I think Harry needed the rest and Snape needed some answers. Will he get them soon? I can't wait to find out!
Author's Response: Soothing Syrup was actually a real thing-- Victorian parents dosed their children with Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ( mainly gin and sugar) to quiet them. I could do with either version right about now ;)
Title: Conflicts and mysteries
| 19 Jul 2008 8:04 pm
Reviewer: hpmara727@yahoo.com (Anonymous)
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An interesting story so far, however the posted chapters of 2 & 3 are the same.
I really enjoyed this chapter - seeing Dumbledore questioned by Snape is bound to be interesting. You seem to have posted it twice, so you might want to fix that.
Title: Conflicts and mysteries
| 19 Jul 2008 5:57 pm
Reviewer: Nightshade (Anonymous)
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Nice chapter. I was crushed when i discovered the third chapter was actually a repeat. Mite want to delete that. But again Great Work.
Hey, This is really good! (Although I always get confused between what the Dursley's are supposed to have done to Harry). Just one thing - you would say 'dragged' rather than 'drug'. It took me a while to figure out what was different. (:
Author's Response: My idea is that the Dursleys would not be the sort of people who would beat a child ( though there are several excellent stories that deal with that very thing; I recommend "Whelp", by jharad). Their behavior seems more consistent with emotional abuse, which is essentially using words and emotions to hurt someone by undermining their sense of self. Children are especially vulnerable to this, because they tend to believe what others (especially those who care for them) tell them. This can cause people real pyschic harm-my fic is dedicated to exploring how this scenerio could play out.
Title: Conflicts and mysteries
| 19 Jul 2008 5:35 pm
Reviewer: GoLd (Signed)
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Love the story! But you posted the same chap twice!!