your writing is very compelling. the reactions were on the mark. i love stories that begin this way. can't wait for the next chapter.
Title: After the Shrieking Shack
| 18 Jul 2008 8:43 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Signed)
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Making Harry pick his own switch and giving him the spanking of his life was really a well earned punishment but the child also needs love and understanding. His godfather just died and not only Harry knows he was innocent but Harry had hoped that Sirius would have taken him away from the Dursleys with Sirius' death Harry's hope of a normal life has also died. Hopefully Sev can fill the void
Author's Response: I agree, but for Snape to fill the void, he has to overcome his own issues. Snape engages in behavior that could be described as emotionally (well, verbally) abusive-- for someone who's been abused, the struggle not to become one's mother/father can be daunting.
That's not a risk I want to take: I'll review! Great chapter here; I really like the way you depicted Harry's reaction when Snape attempted to cuddle him, of course he'd be unused to that.
Title: After the Shrieking Shack
| 18 Jul 2008 3:24 pm
Reviewer: Nightshade (Anonymous)
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I will take my chances with the jelly leg curse.
I knew what was going to happen the minute he had Harry select his switch. My dad used to do the same thing - only, he would have me strip it for him.
Harry deserved many a spanking at Hogwarts. Hopefully, Severus will see about harry's home life and get him out.
Author's Response: I expect, had Harry know it was a switch, he would have chosen a wimpier branch :)
Title: After the Shrieking Shack
| 18 Jul 2008 2:40 pm
Reviewer: Mysterious Jedi (Anonymous)
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Interesting chapter. Here in Africa, corporal punishment in schools is very common.
Please update soon. I'm excited to see what happens.
Title: After the Shrieking Shack
| 18 Jul 2008 2:33 pm
Reviewer: ReginaCaeli (Anonymous)
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No,No jelly-legs jinx please!I will review I wi.. oh I am, so ummmm,good begining,well written and you left off at just the right place to keep me in suspense,I very much look forward to more.
Excellent beginning. Harry must be *really* upset not to have yelped when he sat down on Sanpe's couch, though. I agree that taking a switch from the whomping willow definitely made the punishment fit the crime. I like the way you gave us both Snape's and Harry's thoughts throughout the encounter, particularly Snape's noticing all the things that weren't a "normal" response. Harry initially thinking the willow switch was for a potion was perfectly reasonable as he'd never faced that kind of punishment before. And his reaction to Snape's order to "Stop this nonsense at once. Now, boy!" was exactly right. He would certainly respond to the words "Now, boy!" in particular as Vernon uses them so much. I am definitely looking forward to the next chapter and the continuation of this story. Bravo and good job!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your kind words. I was thinking Harry would be used to supressing his pain responses in the interests of 'not whining', but I apprecaite that you pointed out an apparent plot hole, because these things are easy to miss.
Hmm, a jelly-legs jinx? Can't have that now. =) Great story, very original. I don't think I've read a story with Sirius dying in POA. Thanks.