Title: Door of Light, Gate of Breath
| 02 Aug 2013 10:58 am
Reviewer: Harry potter freak (Anonymous)
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I love it how do u get your ideas
Title: A Visit and Some Pasties
| 19 May 2013 5:26 pm
Reviewer: Gazer (Anonymous)
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Wonderful! I hope you will continue this story!
Title: A Visit and Some Pasties
| 16 May 2013 8:11 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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I love these chapters you always write ! I've gotten to the point were they are pretty much the only thing i read ! Keep writing!!!!!!!!!!!! ( please forgot to say please)
I really enjoy this story, especially this last chapter!! The relationship between Harry and Snape is really coming along in a realistic way (and I love what you promise for reviews lol) Anyway, please update soon! :D
Title: Choices and Other Serious Business
| 14 Jan 2013 9:26 pm
Reviewer: Jj (Anonymous)
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Title: After the Shrieking Shack
| 06 Jan 2013 12:13 pm
Reviewer: Caitlyn (Anonymous)
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Where's the rest of the story? It is really good but I want to know what happens next!!!!
Title: A Visit and Some Pasties
| 01 Jan 2013 7:40 pm
Reviewer: David (Anonymous)
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Title: Weltschmerz
| 18 Dec 2012 9:10 pm
Reviewer: JD (Anonymous)
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"He methodically sorted them into three piles: Innocuous, Age Inappropriate, and Never in Hell."
I lol'd. Best line ever
I understand that you said CP was normal in the wizarding world, but that's a lot of corporal punishment, even for people to whom it is acceptable. Generally one or two spanks is enough. Even then, spankings on top of a lecture and a long time out is quite unnecessary. Aside from that Harry wasn't even given a warning. Good parenting practice is to at least give a child a warning to stop whatever it is they're doing first and then punish later if they continue the bad behavior they've been warned about. Harry is just taken by surprise after he's already been punished and then punished again, and severely. This may be Snape's personality, but I cannot ever see this as being proper parenting in the wizarding world. Other than the over-doing of the CP the story is good. It seems however that the entire story is based around and geared towards an overload of CP. Is that the point of this story?