This seems like a good start to a longer story.
Title: Chapter 1
| 13 Aug 2009 4:19 pm
Reviewer: Kim (Anonymous)
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Sorry, but that was confusing and far too short. There's not really a point to it, so I don't like it that much. And Harry's supposed to be rather pathetic at Occlumency, so I can't really see him impressing Snape. ;) Sorry.
um.. What was that? I'm sorry, but I don't get the point of the story. May be if you make it a bit longer everything will be explained. You know, it's not like a complete story, but a part of it. A really small part that gives us only questions with no answers. So please, prolongate the story a bit!
You write well, and I know you intended this as a drabble but it just feels too short, and I feel like I read it before. No offense? :)
Title: Chapter 1
| 26 Jul 2008 11:24 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous)
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That was quite provocative.
Well I guess that is good but then they will have to figure out how Voldie is able to link with Harry and realise that he has the bond...would have been better if it rebounded and Harry ended up in his mind
Ok, that probably scared the potions master.