Title: Harry Potter and the Different Path
| 31 Mar 2021 2:00 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed)
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This was an enjoyable read! Thanks for your story.
Title: Different Path: Chamber of Secrets
| 22 Jul 2016 7:40 am
Reviewer: yokishko (Signed)
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I honestly hope this WILL be continued....
Title: Harry Potter and the Different Path
| 22 Jul 2016 6:17 am
Reviewer: yokishko (Signed)
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To the sequel! ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(;a07;◇a07;)┘
Title: Different Path: Chamber of Secrets
| 19 Jul 2016 11:50 am
Reviewer: Tobie (Signed)
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This was awesome please come back and write more I loved how this story is going.
Title: Different Path: Chamber of Secrets
| 19 Jul 2016 11:50 am
Reviewer: Tobie (Signed)
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This was awesome please come back and write more I loved how this story is going.
Well, I already dropped you a 'note' :wink, wink:, over on FFN about abandoned stories; I'd just like to understand why you'd drop this story when it appears you were going 'great guns' with a terrific and intriguing storyline? Of course I'm shocked at your portrayal of the MOB/Headbastard, but if you want to write a 'redeemed' Dumblefuck, it's your choice. Please come back, someday, and finish this? You've got an amazing talent for one so very young! Thank you! MelJ
Title: Different Path: Chamber of Secrets
| 12 Dec 2015 2:40 am
Reviewer: PharaohsLoyalMagician (Anonymous)
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This is a wonderful story. I love how he begins to move around between the houses and how the others don't seem as afraid of the Parseltongue. I'm happy Hermione was he first to get over fear and that his housemates don't mind. I also like that Draco is being neutral/nice. Than I like all the plot twists like how they're not going at it alone and so much more. I especially loved the duel scene. You're a wonderful writer and author. I very much look forward to reading more. Cheers and ta.
Title: Harry Potter and the Different Path
| 11 Dec 2015 10:36 am
Reviewer: PharaohsLoyalMagician (Anonymous)
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This was a brilliant story. I love that Snape sees over his anger for James and that Siri is free and that he worked well with Remmy. I think what Snape did to the Dursleys was wonderful in ways of revenge. I love that Harry is getting along with everyone and wants Siri is his life and that Snape and Siri will be tolerant of each other for Harry's sake. I wouldn't want to face Remmy and Siri and Severus when they ban together, or Madam Pomprey and Minerv and Snape and Dumbledore. They would make a scary sight when angered. You're a wonderful author and writer. Cheers and ta. I'm so glad my twin sent this to me. I am very eager to start reading the sequel.
Title: Harry Potter and the Different Path
| 17 Nov 2015 9:39 am
Reviewer: KatieWho (Anonymous)
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That was brilliant! I'm so gonna read your sequel, this was fantastic! :) Though I'm kinda waiting for a hug. :D Anyway, you have an amazing writing style and your characters...brilliant! Loved it. :)
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