Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Friends 27 Mar 2009 12:45 am
Reviewer: le skrewt (Anonymous) [Report This]
    good chapter! a bit frustrating... whole chapter is the buildup to the occlumency lesson... and then the chapter ends with the 'legilimens'. a sure way to keep your readers coming back! ;-)
Title: Friends 26 Mar 2009 10:50 am
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Loved this! I really like how you wrote Ron and Hermione here.

    Hermione reminds me of a friend of mine who always gave herself migraines from studying too much. Yeah, I'm one to talk since I had a double major plus a minor in college, so I had books permanently attached to me. But I'm one of those disgustingly academic people who can memorize things after reading them through once. My rommate once asked how I did it, and I told her I was born with it, and she asked if she could borrow part of my brain, LOL!
    Maybe Ron should ask to borrow part of Hermione's brain when they take OWLS?

    I also liked how you had Hermione defend Snape to Ron . .. again . . .(eyeroll) and Harry too. Ron is clueless with a capital C. But his Quidditch obsession is amusing and aggravating.

    Like my nephew's obsession with hockey--the greatest invention of mankind since the wheel . . .according to him. men and sports, God help us all! And this is why the world is in the state it's in . . .

    I can totally sympathize with Severus as well, I'd never ever want to teach his subject, somebody would end up killed. And all that pressure, he needs to get an assistant to help him before he goes bonkers. Maybe one of his seventh years or Hermione?

    Keep up the great work and can't wait for the next chapter!
Title: Interlude 19 Dec 2008 10:54 pm
Reviewer: Anaknisatanas (Signed) [Report This]
    I enjoyed the talk that Snape and Dumbledore had. Will Snape actually try and get to know Harry a bit? Can we expect another update before the New Year or one shortly thereafter?
Title: Interlude 16 Dec 2008 7:36 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm really enjoying this story! You're portraying both Harry and Severus so well, both their virtues and faults.

    Like Dumbledore, I have faith that Severus and Harry can learn to see each other's better qualities and to get along with one another.

    Looking forward to the next chapter!
Title: Interlude 16 Dec 2008 9:11 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Ooh, I love being the first to review such a well-written well-thought out story.

    I wonder what it will take to get Severus out of mindset about Harry, short of a miracle. The poor kid never gets a break, does he?

    But I have faith in Harry's ability to charm even the most hardened heart!

    Well done, please update soon!
Title: Making Headway? 20 Nov 2008 4:10 pm
Reviewer: FrostedMidnight (Signed) [Report This]
    This is hilarious! I love it! Please update again soon!
Title: Making Headway? 19 Nov 2008 6:38 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]

    That “Do not even think about revealing tonight's events to our little friends,” Severus jabbed a finger at Harry. “I have a reputation to keep.”

    “Of course, Professor.” said Harry. The two wizards stared at each other.

    That was so cute! I loved that line!

    I think that Sev is softening! hee hee!
Title: Making Headway? 19 Nov 2008 5:35 pm
Reviewer: guignou (Anonymous) [Report This]
    That's awesome ! I sometimes was about to cry... These 3 chapters are so well written !
    Please update ! Thanks :)
Title: Making Headway? 19 Nov 2008 5:23 am
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Loved it! Very nice emotional outburst, no doubt Dumbledore will feel guilty for avoiding Harry, but maybe glad as well that Snape and Harry finally tried to understand each other.
Title: Enemies 08 Sep 2008 9:59 pm
Reviewer: Anaknisatanas (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved how you handled Snape tracking down Harry in the halls. What will happen next?

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