Aw... Sad this is unfinished!
awww can't wait to see more and see how this relationship will blossom
Dumbldore was amazing i could feel the tension but also the understanding and the challenge, Dumbldore does know what he is asking as For Snape Dying for Lily's son nice job including it as in the end he does
This is a great story. I like seeing how Severus is trying to help Harry without really making it seem like he is. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Title: Not Totally Indecent
| 08 Dec 2009 1:22 pm
Reviewer: Tunnnia (Anonymous)
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well the fic is pretty decent ^^ I like it :D but I don't like that Snape is such a bastard :S I mean, I definitely see that Harry is in the right and Snape is just abusing his power... bastard :P but its pretty canon ;D soo keep it going :)
'dense as lead' - great simile! snape's got real 'teacher' qualities type thing here. Though how good he actually is at doing them... But definitely has the feeling of a classroom with a teacher not getting the point!, At least from the pupils view. Great story. ;)
Hi, I'm really liking this story. Good that Sev has to reign in his temper for once. The idea of hermione reading extra texts is brilliant. And then brewing the potions after asking snape! lol. x
Title: Not Totally Indecent
| 02 Jul 2009 3:25 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous)
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Just found your story and love it! Love Harry and snape together, Draco needs to get his comeuppance from Sev.
Interesting chapter.
I loved the Patronus scene. They know better than their casters that they are friends.
I also was amused by Severus' wilful blindness. His approach to teaching is so arrogant: "Severus spent the next forty minutes demonstrating his utter grasp of the discipline to Harry..." Someone should tell Severus that the point is not to demonstrate his own competence, but to instill that competence in his student! (And then that person should duck!)
A few typos, (if you don't mind a reader taking on a temporary "beta" hat):
"Harry braised himself for another assault." (braised should be braced)
"One, two, three. Legilimence." (Should be Legilimens)
"And control, Potter, is (one) the very thing you seem to lack." (delete one)
"The concepts are not (as) difficult as intricate" (might be better: not so much difficult as intricate)
"It seems that he has took Dumbledore's words to heart" (took should be taken).
Enjoying this fic. I'm looking forward to the next chapter!