Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Father of Mine
Title: Chapter 6 22 Dec 2008 7:50 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, it looks as though you've abandoned this story. Too bad it had so much potential. I dont' suppose that you'll even see this review, but if you're still around and see this, please update soon!

    Author's Response: Nope, not abandoned at all.  Just struggled with Chap 7, and with time constraints imposed by real life.  Hope you like. :-)
Title: Chapter 6 16 Dec 2008 11:14 am
Reviewer: C. Farrell (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh I hate cliff hangers. :(
    One thing that i do like about this story is how you write Snape as being quite possessive of Harry even though he of course doesn't realise it. Poor Harry. I also thought that idea of writing in the flashback was brillant and gave the chapter a bit of context and familiarity. Although Mr. Alios reminded me a bit too much of Mr. Weasley though. One question though ~what's "Graceland"?

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review - glad you like it.  hmmm... i hadn't considered Alios as compared to Mr. Weasley, but now that you mention it, I see it too.  I'll have to consider what to do with that.  Oh, and Graceland is Elvis Presley's ancestral home, which is located in Tennessee, USA.  It's supposed to have a "jungle room," although I can't say for sure b/c, not being much of an Elvis fan, I wasn't too inclined to research it further.  I just liked it b/c it sounds very unsnape-ish.  :)
Title: Chapter 6 15 Nov 2008 7:13 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, have you abandoned this story? It is just too good for that to be so.

    Please update soon. I don't even know if you'll see this review, but I'm hoping that you will, and that you will be inspired to continue this great story! :)

    Author's Response: No, not abandoned at all.  I was working on the next chapter today, in fact.  It's a very busy time of year though, and the weeks have slipped by much more quickly than I could have imagined.  Will hopefully update soon.
Title: Chapter 6 16 Oct 2008 3:21 pm
Reviewer: Luna (Anonymous) [Report This]
    To alter the nature,the very DNA of a foetus...it's abominable.Lily,Severus,Dumbledore,James...all four, are monsters.Sorry,I would have understood a simple charm,but this...I dread to think of it.And nobody in the story seem to realize(or care for) the gravity of the situation......it's too irrational... unrealistic.Reactions,behaviours...the whole psychological survey.I hope the biological alteration of the DNA will result a false alarm...
    However you are a good writer,I hope you'll continue this...with less OOC-ness, a bit more humanity for poor Harry and realism.
    Sorry,I did not mean to criticize you,it's only a suggestion.
    I love sevitus and the father-son relationship.Thanks for writing.

    Author's Response: No apologies necessary. :)  The premise is different than a lot of other sevitus stories, so I understand your views.  And you are absolutely right - they haven't really given much thought to their actions, or how those actions bear upon Harry.  But, maybe we'll see that change as we move along...  As for OOC-ness and the story in general, I'm not sure how much that will change, but maybe I'll throw in an OOC warning on just to be on the safe side.  Thanks for the review. 
Title: Chapter 6 12 Oct 2008 11:49 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I love this story. I was so happy to see a new chapter. Please continue to write. No need to make Snape tonice

    Author's Response: Thank you. :-)
Title: Chapter 1 11 Oct 2008 12:15 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I enjoyed the chapter. You are talented. I am confused by some of Albus' descriptions for Harry and I can't really believe he finds them to be true. How can he "almost always" be "combative and angry" and "immature, obstinate and arrogant" while also being "kind, generous, unfailingly faithful, and remarkably selfless"? Those descriptions contradict one another. I think authors often mistakenly think of Harry in those negative terms, but in reality, Harry was rarely angry, obstinate or arrogant. He was angry during fifth year but that's because he was invaded by Voldemort. I'd be cranky too. LOL Anyway, interesting start to a story. Thanks for sharing.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks.  Albus' descriptions are meant to be that way... sort of like reading one of the tabloid horoscope.  "You're generous, but selfish..., friendly but prone to bouts of seclusion..."  Basically, he's telling Severus what he thinks Severus wants to hear.  He plays into Severus' known dislike of Harry (immature, obstinate, etc.), adds in a little flattery (he has his father's wit and cunning), and then put's out a little hope (kind, generous, etc.) in an effort to push Severus into assuming custody.  Severus will revisit this scene later in the story, and he might understand some things the second time around that weren't exactly clear to him the first time around.  And I agree, Harry had a pretty good attitude, all things considered.  But Severus (and this is Severus' view we see here, not my personal view) doesn't see it that way, and Dumbledore isn't afraid to use those negative emotions to get on Severus' better side ("yes, Severus... we know it's all Harry's fault... not yours... and since I understand you so well, how about doing me this one little favor??").  Does that make sense?  I rambling...I need to go to bed now.

    But before I do, I have to say - you're stories are wonderful.  I haven't been doing much reading lately b/c I've been writing, but I'm going to make a point to catch up on them and a few others.  Thanks for the review. :) 

Title: Chapter 2 10 Oct 2008 9:24 pm
Reviewer: Verdad y Vida (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I do have to agree a bit with your reservations, Lesley, though I loved this chapter. I did find Dumbledore's "partly due to his own transgressions against you" to be a little disquieting. I find it hard to comprehend (and I'm certainly not saying you do, Kodak717) how anyone can blame Harry for most of their interactions....however, I'm at chapter six and still loving every bit of it, so I'll hold judgement until later!

    Author's Response: Does the response to the previous review in this chapter answer this at all for you?  It is hard to figure out how Snape or anyone could see Harry as the one who created and sustained the problem, but Snape has to have an unreasonable belief.  Because if Snape really believed that Harry was innocent, and he was being a total jerk to Harry just for the fun of it, there would be no hope of having Snape overcome that.  He would just be... well...  a jerk.  Period.  But if we give him an unreasonable belief... one that Dumbledore knows of and isn't afraid to play into... it gives Snape an opportunity to realize that he might need to reevaluate the way that he views Harry, and to ultimately change those perceptions in a realistic way.  Does that make any sense?  It's 2:00 a.m. and I could be rambling by now.  And thanks for recognizing that it's Snape's view, as opposed to my personal belief.  I truly hope you continue to enjoy it.
Title: Chapter 6 10 Oct 2008 9:17 pm
Reviewer: Verdad y Vida (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter! Keep up the good work! We're all waiting for more. :D

    "Professor Snape - Betsy Bothers from the Quibbler - is it true you have another child named Ziggy, and that he lives with you and his mother, Moon Beam, in a secret love-shack by the sea?"

    Bwhaha. Snape can withstand all sorts of things... but make him ridiculous at your own peril!

    Author's Response: lol, yeah.  I was trying to figure out the most unsnape-ish thing for her to say when my son flashed me the peace sign (guess that' better than the other digit, right?).  All the credit goes to him.
Title: Chapter 5 10 Oct 2008 1:03 pm
Reviewer: Jonsey (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wonderful. Thank you for trusting us with this.

    Author's Response: :-)
Title: Chapter 1 10 Oct 2008 1:01 pm
Reviewer: Jonsey (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Author's Response: :-)

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