Reviews For Finding a Family and a Home
Author's Response: Please - never hesitate to tell me MULTIPLE times how much you like my work! LOL!!!! Seriously, thank you very much. I'm very flattered that you liked the story enough to read it more than once! I will do my best to come up with ideas for a sequel - comments like yours are very, very motivating, needless to say! :)
Author's Response: Thank you very much! I'm delighted you like the characterization of Ron - he's fun to write. :) And yes, Harry's approach to the basilisk is another indication of how much further you can go with kindness! :) Re a sequel, thank you so much for the compliment! I haven't managed to come up with enough ideas to warrant one, but thanks to reviews like yours, I'm trying! :)
I just found your story and could not stop reading it, it was after 3o'clock when i finaly went to bed. it is one of the best i read so far! can we hope for a sequel????? did you write any other stories??? i would love to read more from you thanks for your effort ! Author's Response: Thank you so much! Wow - what a compliment!! I am very flattered to hear that you chose to keep reading rather than sleep. (It's something I do myself, so it's lovely to think that my work can make someone else do the same.) Thanks again! :) Not sure about a sequel. I've been toying with some ideas for Harry's summer activities, but we'll have to see if anything gels. Hope you discovered my other story, Encounter with a Squid, and that you found it enjoyable as well. Thanks again for taking the time to review. :)
Author's Response: Thank you very much for such kind words. I'm so glad you liked the story. :)
SEQUEL Please Author's Response: LOL! Thank you!! It's certainly great motivation to read a review like yours. I can't promise anything re a sequel yet, but I am doing my best to persuade my muse. ;)
Author's Response: Thanks! What a great compliment! (It's always much better to hear "what? it's ended??" rather than "oh lord - isn't it over yet?") Im certainly being motivated to think about a sequel - thanks for adding your vote!
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm really glad you liked it - thanks for taking the time to let me know.
Sequel?! :) Author's Response: Thank you so much for the kind words. I'm really glad you felt that everyone stayed in character. I don't know about a sequel... I'll have to see what I can come up with, but thank you for asking!
For some reason I really like that line. I've been enjoying this story. I don't think I'd read it all on fanfiction.net, so it's nice to read it here. I hope you'll continue into the summer? Or start another story with the summer? Author's Response: Thank you for asking! There's nothing (for me) as motivating for a sequel as reviews like yours asking for one. I'm delighted to see that you like my take on the characters enough to want to know what happens next. :)
In the books he's so flat and static compared to the changes the Trio undergo. Here he's changing bit by bit from his father's clone to being a little boy finding his own personality. You've given them all room to be *children* and I have absolutely enjoyed taking the time to stroll through your version of JKR's universe :) I am also dearly hoping for a sequel to this family goodness Author's Response: Thank you so much! I honestly had NO intention (read "zero") of even including Draco when I started. I never liked the character in the books (for all the reasons you described) and had no thought of including him in MY version of the universe. But - as often happens - my muse had other ideas, and I ended up writing WAY more about him than I'd ever intended. And in the end, to my shock, I ended up liking him (well, my version of him). Go figure!! Anyway, thanks so much for the review! I'm not sure about a sequel, but I'm certainly being motivated to think about it by reviews and encouragement like yours. :) |
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