Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Atoning The Past
Title: Changes 11 Oct 2008 12:18 am
Reviewer: aloveablegimp (Signed) [Report This]
    How cute! Snape is getting parental even with that heartbreaking monologue! It truly almost broke my heart I am getting overtly attached to your story. Please update soon and tell me it will end happily.

    Author's Response:

    I do that so much...get overly attached to stories that is...and yes Snape is going a little parental...just a little bit...lol...but it's one thing for him to act slightly parental and another for him to accept that he is in fact acting like a father and that he is a parent.

    thanks for your review. Glad you're enjoying the story so much.

    I don't know yet about how it will end so I can't really tell you...I don't know myself...lol..

    I shall update next weekend so it isn't that long a wait and I have tons ready so...I shall post...


Title: Changes 11 Oct 2008 12:18 am
Reviewer: RJL (Anonymous) [Report This]
    You are a fantastic writer. I wish severitus' were my thing, but even if they aren't you're still a great writer. The only thing I noticed is that you said Harry was a baby in the year 1996, when he was born in 1980. Is this a mistake or am I missing something?
    Anyways, keep writing because you're really talented.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you. I really am not that great a writer...I wasn't a big fan of severitus myself until quite recently...and then after I finished one of my other fics...a Severus/Hermione marriage law I was sort of looking for something else to write and this sort of came to mind and now I love it...lol...

    As to the 1996 thing...I said that was the date because Harry was dreaming...so the dream happened in 1996 but he was dreaming about the memory he had just witnessed which was set in 1980...so a little confusing...

    Just thank you again, I feel very flattered now...lol...thanks for the review.

Title: Changes 10 Oct 2008 8:27 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I love your sense of humour! Nicely done. I hope that Snape lightens up as time goes on. Poor Harry, he really could use someone who cares about him, even if it IS Snape. Of course Snape will have to come to terms about being Harry's father first!

    Hope you update soon; I want to see if Snape DOES make breakie! ;)

    Author's Response:

    And Snape is ever so stubborn...lol...

    as to my sense of humour...people do tend to like it...I don't think I'm funny at all...lol...

    Harry does need someone to care for him...and having Snape be the person is just too good to pass up...lol...the possibilities behind those two...lol...

    As to Snape making breakfast...he does make breakfast...lol...I actually didn't go into it in the next chapter...as in I didn't write it but it is mentioned somewhere within it...

    anyways glad you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for the review

Title: A Letter 05 Oct 2008 7:22 pm
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Great Chapter. I wonder of the two of them will ever discuss what they recieved in their boxes?
    The letter was well written, I'm glad this version of James realized that he was being unfair and mean to Severus, and regretted his actions, it makes me like him better. I couldn't stand him in canon, or Sirius either, who made excuses for him when there should have been none. Anyway, great job.

    Also, if you need a beta, I'm available, just email me in my profile.

    Author's Response:

    yes...I wonder too. -rolls eyes- I would have thought by ch. 8 something would have been discussed but they're so stubborn...lol...

    I think James grew up. I mean people always write him as such a terrible person...but I think children are cruel...and I took in what Sirius said, James was 15 when that incident happened. he was a 15 year old boy who didn't know better...sort of...so writing him like that when he is twenty-two is like saying that James never changed with the war.

    I think you find in a lot of Severitus fics that the author will make James petty to make Severus a better person...

    But James had to be a good person...or something like that...he couldn't have been so terrible if Lily married him.

    As to the whole canon thing...I never saw James as much more than just Harry's father...and I always knew he was a bully...but who isn't even just a little bit?

    I'm a character writer for the most part so I really always focus on that a lot...and James was really interesting to explore...

    i don't generally use a beta...I just don't think I can handle it much...lol...but thanks for the offer...might take you up on it maybe...lol...

    thanks for the review...

    by the way I did start reading your fic it's pretty good, haven't gotten around to reviewing but yeah, I like it...

    glad you enjoyed the chapter... 

Title: A Letter 04 Oct 2008 1:17 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I saw that your other chapters were properly paragraphed, so I assumed that there is a glitch somewhere when it uploaded. That is too bad because I have so been enjoying your story, and the way it is presented without paragraphs makes it hard to read.

    I think your story has alot of potential and I can't wait to see the direction that you take it. I wonder whether you will allow Harry's appearance to change.

    Please update soon, I am anxious to see everyone's reactions to this discovery.

    Author's Response:

    yes, a glitch in the uploading...my fault really for not checking on it after it was posted and fixing it. But I have fixed it and now it is much more readable.

    Thank you for your review...mmm...potential...lol...I'm still not completely sure about his appearance...in fact a lot of my plot ideas have changed...I blame it on the characters. I'm writting ch. 7 (the end) and ch. 8 (also the end...mmm) and I can't help but wonder how long this will be because most of those two chapters still keep sounding like the begining to me...lol...

    anyhow, thanks for the review, again and I'm so glad you're enjoying it.

Title: A Letter 04 Oct 2008 10:18 am
Reviewer: Zarathustra (Signed) [Report This]
    Not bad, watch your formatting, though. It posted as one long paragraph, which I don't think you meant to happen. ;-) Also, the letter needed betaing...

    Other than that, I'm enjoying this fic.

    Author's Response:

    The letter did need a lot of betaing...I think that might have been my third or fourth attempt at it and in my opinion every one of them sucked...I don't write letters. I just couldn't capture James' voice in the letter. I couldn't keep it together myself while writing it that at times I just thought of giving up on it...but my best friend made me write it. lol...she insted on it.

    As to the formatting accident. It was my fault from earlier last night. My flashdrive and computer weren't happy with each other and might have accidentally messed up the formatting...I mean when I closed and re-opened the document it wa in a different font even...so I think that was the problem even though it looked fine when I was uploading it...I also didn't check on it afterwards like I usually do to make sure it's okay...but it has been fixed and it's fine. thank you for telling me about the problem.

    and thanks for the review...glad you're enjoying the story.

Title: A Letter 04 Oct 2008 8:31 am
Reviewer: Kaz (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I love your story so far. However, you might want to repost chapter 4 as it's appeared as one gigantic paragraph.

    Author's Response:

    I'm glad you're enjoying it so much.

    I did go back and repost it...I hadn't realized it was posted that way until I came to look at my reviews...but the problem has been fixed.

    Thank you for informing me of my mistake...it happened while it was uploading and might have been because I had some trouble with the document earlier.

    thanks for the review.

Title: A Letter 04 Oct 2008 12:57 am
Reviewer: mithrilandtj (Signed) [Report This]
    Did you forget to format this chapter? Or did something screw up when it was uploaded?

    Author's Response:

    Something screwed up when I put it up. I think it might have happened because earlier I had some trouble with the document...so I'm hoping that it didn't make the entire story like this and that I have to go back and put spaces between every paragraph...that would be terrible tedious...anyhow I have fixed it and it should be easier to read now...thank you for the review and informing me of the slight problem...

Title: Birthday Surprises Part 2 03 Oct 2008 2:16 am
Reviewer: kella (Anonymous) [Report This]
    A bit?? Are you kidding??? Thats not a bit thats a great big cliffy!!
    Update RIGHT NOW

    Author's Response:


    it was a bit of a cliffy compared to others I've written, that's what I meant...

    as to updating. I shall update this weekend...possibly tomorrow, otherwise sunday...but the next chapter is ready...you won't have to wait long...lol

     really glad you're enjoying it...thanks for the review...

Title: Birthday Surprises Part 2 30 Sep 2008 10:21 pm
Reviewer: aloveablegimp (Signed) [Report This]
    AH!!!!! An evil cliffy! How rude! lol I cannot wait for you to update this is very well written and I am so very intrigued as to what comes next...

    Author's Response:

    i love writting cliffies...thank you...

     I'm glad you're enjoying it so much...I'll probably update saturday or sunday.

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