Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Hello, Magic
Title: Hi, Mum 27 Apr 2009 11:38 am
Reviewer: La Mariane (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm so glad you finished this story. I like how Severus tries to make Harry understand that he doesn't have to cook or apologise for existing.
    I'd just like to see the scene where Dubledore realizes that Harry is not at the Dursleys' anymore (I guess Harry is speaking about the headmaster when he tells Snape that someone made him go back to this realtives). Maybe you could write this scene as a one-shot?

    Author's Response: Hmmm.... To tell the truth, I'd just conveniently placed Dumbledore out of my mind. But, yes, maybe I should deal with that. One day. As it is, it really is fary talesque in its simpllicity but I *like* that. =)
Title: "I have a bed here" III 26 Apr 2009 10:31 pm
Reviewer: LinerRocks (Signed) [Report This]
    :] thank you for that update I just know I'm going to get
Title: "I have a bed here" III 14 Mar 2009 12:53 am
Reviewer: justjoanjm (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm enjoying this. So...how about you post some of those allegedly already written chapters?
Title: "I have a bed here" III 05 Mar 2009 8:48 pm
Reviewer: RhiannanT (Signed) [Report This]
    Exactly. Get off lazy bottom and write more chapters. Wants more now. :-)
Title: "I have a bed here" III 21 Feb 2009 8:22 pm
Reviewer: Lucian (Anonymous) [Report This]
    "Now pester me so that I can get off my lazy bottom and post "chapters" that are, basically, already written."

    I'm enjoying this immensely.
Title: "I have a bed here" III 18 Dec 2008 9:43 pm
Reviewer: AllyKat (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Okay, time to "get off your lazy bottom" and post your completed chapters. OK?
Title: "I have a bed here" III 27 Nov 2008 9:52 pm
Reviewer: waterleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    Haha consider this to be pestering! I'm interested to see where the relationship goes from here, and if Harry's relationship with his peers improves at all!
Title: "I have a bed here" III 16 Nov 2008 1:50 pm
Reviewer: AllyKat (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OK, time to get off your "lazy bottom" and post something. Thanks.
Title: "I have a bed here" III 08 Nov 2008 7:31 am
Reviewer: La Mariane (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I've just discovered your story and I really enjoyed reading it.
    I hope you can show more interaction between Snape and Dumbledore, where the Headmaster realises how wrong he was to leave Harry with the Dursleys (and I don't mind Dumbledore-bashing because he is my least favourite wharacter in canon)
Title: "I have a bed here" III 03 Nov 2008 2:25 pm
Reviewer: Zelda (Anonymous) [Report This]
    i love this story!!! please continue updating :)

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