Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Encounter with a Squid 27 Sep 2008 5:16 pm
Reviewer: Elle (Anonymous) [Report This]
    awwww that was just to cute!

    Author's Response: LOL! Glad you liked it!
Title: Encounter with a Squid 27 Sep 2008 3:04 pm
Reviewer: AmandaBurke76 (Signed) [Report This]
    please update soon.

    Author's Response: Thank you!
Title: Encounter with a Squid 25 Sep 2008 10:52 pm
Reviewer: Elfwyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    That is so sweet. Sev was great, the "punishment" perfectly done.

    Author's Response: Aw, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.
Title: Encounter with a Squid 25 Sep 2008 5:25 pm
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    I totally want more, I loved it.

    Author's Response:

    One prequel coming up...

Title: Encounter with a Squid 25 Sep 2008 8:22 am
Reviewer: xoangelicdemise (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Very cute! I would love to see more of this! I adore how Harry knows just how to play Severus, reminds me of my nephew.

    Author's Response: LOL! Thank you! I'll post a prequel next....
Title: Encounter with a Squid 24 Sep 2008 10:57 pm
Reviewer: Elizabeth Starchild (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved this story. It was very well-written. I hope you write more like it!

    Author's Response: Thanks! I'll post a prequel next - let me know if you'd like more with Harry too.
Title: Encounter with a Squid 24 Sep 2008 8:37 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    that was great, loved it, harry even at six got into scrapes, definately should add to this fic

    Author's Response: Thanks! That's great encouragement!
Title: Encounter with a Squid 24 Sep 2008 10:41 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    Very sweet and cute. I especially love the "As much as..." bit at the end. IT reminds me of what I do with my nieces and nephews. More please!

    Author's Response: LOL! Me too - it's a little homey touch, but one that I think every child of that age adores, magical or muggle! ;)
Title: Encounter with a Squid 24 Sep 2008 9:14 am
Reviewer: xandersnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Awe that is so cute. The whole thing, though I think its enough... another few chapters and Id be hitting my head on the desk out of sheer cutsey overload.
    It has a really nice voice =D

    Author's Response: Thank you! And yes, I know what you mean. It's kind of a one trick pony - the Snape as marshmallow gimmick. It's hard to see that developing into a full blown multi-chapter story... though I might be cajoled into posting one more story that I have of the two of them, if people don't think it would be too much.
Title: Encounter with a Squid 24 Sep 2008 6:26 am
Reviewer: lunaz (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I really enjoyed this story. Harry's pov of the adults were well done and I really liked your version of Snape. Reading this story was a great start to my day.

    Author's Response: Thank you! I'm delighted that you felt that way and glad that my work could get you started in a good mood. :)

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