Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Punishment 11 Dec 2008 12:38 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Ooh, I could almost feel Harry's pain. Poor kid.

    Oooh, shivers down my spine. I'm amazed DD allowed this! 10 is so harsh; shame on you Sev!

    Nice work though, and well written!
Title: Next morning 11 Dec 2008 12:34 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Again I'm flinching everytime the cane is swung, but no one can fault your writing skills. Well written, original and well-thought out.

    Again, I love the view from both perspectives! Please update soon.

    Oh, and don't get discouraged that some readers will be upset that Snape is not cuddly or nice, you have kept him true to Canon, and we are supposed to be reviewing the writing and the storyline, not criticising you for portraying Snape exactly how JK wrote him!

    I'm waiting with baited breath for the next update! :)

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for reviewing again! You really are a faithful reviewer!

    Yes, Snape is definitely not nice, I am glad you think I've kept him true to Canon, that's what I wanted!

Title: Dinner 11 Dec 2008 12:13 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I am a little upset that this chapter didn't get more frogs. Whether or not you agree with CP, and I really am against it, and don't usually like reading stories with it, the review should be based on your writing skills and how the story is composed and I, for one, think that this story is very well written and it is quite unique and well-thought out.

    You definitely deserve five frogs for this chappie! Nice work!

    Author's Response: Thanks! Yes a story with CP is probably bound to provoke heated controversy... Well, and I write from Snape's point of view, how I think he would feel. That does not mean I agree with him. 
Title: Next morning 10 Dec 2008 8:14 pm
Reviewer: kella (Anonymous) [Report This]
    aww i like this one much better than the other chapter, but that one was good too!
    Thanks for updating!!
    I was totally waiting for one from you!!
Title: Potions 05 Dec 2008 6:50 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh wow, is Snape going to cane him for every infraction now? I thought that it was just for having almost killed Malfoy.

    I can't believe that Dumbledore would agree to it's use for anything other than something really serious or dangerous.

    Fantastic chapter as usual. can't wait for the next one. I hope that Snape has a little mercy on Harry! I don't think the poor kid can handle anymore wacks from the cane. :O
Title: Potions 05 Dec 2008 4:33 pm
Reviewer: ela (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Snape probably would have burned the book, and never returned it!
    He has had soo many chances to redeem himself with harry and what has he done? NOTHING!!
    The git!
    I can not believe dumbleD is letting Snape cane harry AGAIN, i mean the first time it was serious, but this time its just stupid, i mean, what student doesnt do what harry did? Everyone does it! Its not worth a caning, i just hope he doesnt break the kid,

    Author's Response: "i mean, what student doesnt do what harry did?" - Exactly. But will Snape see it like that? Nit likely, IMO. Thanks for reviewing!
Title: Dealing with The Chosen One 03 Dec 2008 4:43 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    So, Snape did suggest the caning. And he htought he was going to be done out of his prize when DD asked HArry if he wanted HIM to cane him.

    Once again, DD did not ask eithr Severus or HArry what Draco was doing while Harry cursed him. He wasn't just producing flowers or stars from the end of his wand. But of course, DD and Snape both know what a little darling Draco is...never done anything wrong in his whole Hogwart's career. HE has always been the bullied, not the bully.

    Frustration rearing its ugly head again. Sorry to rant. I just don't like injustice. And Draco getting away scot free isn't fair. Especially considering the fact that both Snape and DD know that Draco is up to something sinister within the school.

    Something I have never thought of before. You would think Madam Pomfrey would have to remove Draco's upper clothing to check his wounds. You would think that she would have had to see the Dark Mark on his arm.

    And if this follows canon to this extent, Severus know Draco is a DE anyway, so he knows he would have been using the darkest curse he could think of against Harry.

    Still ranting...sorry.

    Author's Response:

    I never thought of Madam Pomfrey seeing the Dark Mark either, but you're right. Makes me wonder why even in canon Draco didn't protest when he was taken to the hospital wing....

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me!

Title: DADA 02 Dec 2008 5:05 am
Reviewer: ivanoma (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Harry changed the covers with the new book he'd bought. would this preventsnape from recognizing it when closed?

    Author's Response: You'll find out soon...
Title: DADA 01 Dec 2008 9:45 pm
Reviewer: Missy Eye (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh no! I fear Harry is going to have a rather humiliating potions lesson, maybe he'll just leave the book in the common room....I can NOT believe you gave him permission to CANE harry again..i just know that dreadful man is going to over do it sooner or later...gahh...my heart goes out to Harry...kid doesnt knw whats coming at him...
    Well you know what to do! UpDAtE !!!!

    Author's Response: Yes, I wouldn't want to be in Harry's shoes either, that's for sure...
Title: Detention 01 Dec 2008 9:38 pm
Reviewer: Missy Eye (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OoO I wonder if Harry is going to take that offer... but I think any teenage boy would totally avoid it!!
    poor kid

    Author's Response: *... but I think any teenage boy would totally avoid it!!*  I absolutely agree, especially with someone like Snape!

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