Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Literary Minds
Title: Literary Minds 06 Jan 2010 9:26 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww! I liked this a lot! I like that Severus was THE ONLY one to take Albus, and that he was relatively nice and good. And what happened to Belsy: PRICELESS! Serves him right, the git! And now Severus is like, rich, isn't he? But he doesn't really care does he because he got Belby in trouble.

    I liked the idea that Draco became an author. I kinda had a hunch he would be when I read Al and Sev were going to the bookstore. But he's still a down right prat, isn't he?

    Yay Severus being Headmaster! Yay Severus seeming to get along with his family! Yay Severus finding a girl! He better hop on it though if he wants kids (which I'm not sure he really does) I know wizards live longer and all that, but still, the time IS ticking. I thought it was funny Harry still trying to act like Sev's father and all. *snickers*

    And the end with James and Albus was cute! XD I'm glad you wrote this, so I can see that Severus does have a family that he seems to really like and all. VERY GOOD WORK!! Thanks for another wonderful story, Attackfish!!

    Author's Response: Severus is ridiculously wealthy, which is why he won't really be sharing in the inheritance.  (That and he's twenty years older than his dad, so outliving him... Not likely.  Snape's just happy Belby's behind bars and humiliated, yay schadenfreude!

    I remember deciding that Draco was going to idolize Draco, and showing how Draco would act, and using it as a bit of a mirror of Snape's actions towards Harry, given that he's obviously rather fond of his siblings, especially Al.  He's an author, he's smart, he got over the pureblood thing.  He's still a twit.

    I like Snape getting to be headmaster and getting to do the job properly this time.  I wish I got to see it in more fic.

    I think Snape's ladyfriend is post-menopausal, and besides which, he thinks children are the spawn of dementors and things beyond the veil.  Also, since he's related to James, the kids might get those recessive pranking genes, and then it would be all over.  Maybe she has kids of her own?

    My oldest sibling is fourteen years older than I, and the youngest is ten years older,  and I'm very close with all of them.  At times, it was like having three extra parents.  I wanted to write a similar sort of sibling bond between Snape and his much younger siblings, because after all, they're as related to him as Harry without the awful history.  You do anything to their big brother, and you'll have a hoard of angry Potters to deal with, even James Sirius.  Also, I wanted to show the little brothers using pranks as a bonding activity, given the Potter family history (Including Snape) with them.

    I'm glad you like it.
Title: Literary Minds 20 May 2009 10:23 pm
Reviewer: Phoenix Phyre (Signed) [Report This]
    Good story. Moved a little fast though.

    Author's Response: Thanks.  it's the sequel to "No Difference", so It' just supposed to be an image of life down the road.
Title: Literary Minds 08 Oct 2008 7:21 am
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    This was sweet & funny too, I like the idea of Draco signing books, but I wonder how many big name authors really sign them? I work at B&N and I know the local authors do actually sign them, but the big ones probably use a stamp or something since they've got so many to sign.

    Couldn't you see Draco with some kind of fancy stamp, one that wrote his name in gold and silver ink with flourishes, stamping away at the copies? or maybe he's get a house elf to do it?

    Author's Response:

    Calculating the size of the Wizarding World from the size of Hogwarts graduating classes, it's tiny.  Even the biggest author would have time to sign his books.  Lockhart did, the scumbag.  Really though, seeing as it's Malfoy, I can just see the man having some poor house elf suffering writers' cramp for him.

Title: Literary Minds 07 Oct 2008 6:00 pm
Reviewer: tabbycat (Signed) [Report This]
    Like the kids.

    Author's Response: Thank you much.
Title: Literary Minds 05 Oct 2008 9:30 am
Reviewer: Ebony StarStorm (Signed) [Report This]
    This was a great addition to your little universe. I look forward to any other one shots you may write in the future within this storyline.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, I'm glad you like it.  I don't have any specific plans for other one shots, but knowing me, I'll get nostalgic for this universe soon enough and write a few more.

Title: Literary Minds 04 Oct 2008 6:28 pm
Reviewer: fluff (Signed) [Report This]
    Very much enjoyed this story, hope you write more.
    Nice family feel, laughed at the ending with the fireworks on the roof.

    Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.  I may write other one shots in the same universe, but I will not be continuing Literary Minds.
Title: Literary Minds 04 Oct 2008 3:43 pm
Reviewer: dramagirl007 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OH THIS CAN'T BE IT. THERE HAS TO BE MORE. I LOVE THIS SEQUEL AND I KNOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SHORT STORY, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN JUST ONE CHAPTER. I know I'm being a bit selfish, but I love this story and I wish you would continue it. :) I'm reviewing on here and not at livejournal because I don't think you have it up yet at livejournal

    Author's Response:

    Of course I have it up on Livejournal!  I always post to LJ first.  If you were watching ND through PotterPast, though, I didn't post there, because there's no actual time spent in the past in this story.  This is the end of "Literary Minds", but I may spin out other short stories in the same universe when I get nostalgic for it, probably a few featuring Albus, James, and Lily.  I'm glad you liked "Literary Minds" enough to wish there were more of it, though.


    My Livejournal post of this is lonely for comments.  Apparently more people were watching me through PotterPast than I thought.


Title: Literary Minds 03 Oct 2008 9:09 pm
Reviewer: Kris (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Love this AU!

    Author's Response: Erm... It isn't exactly particularly AU of canon, and it isn't AU of my fic at all.  I'm glad you like it though.
Title: Literary Minds 03 Oct 2008 5:46 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great, Attack! I loved it. What a wonderful addition to your little universe. I really liked Severus in this, taking his little brother to the bookstore. I am glad to see they're all getting along at least, in some fashion, like a little family. Okay, so maybe not that cozy, but hey, a girl can dream, can't she? :oP

    Your characterizations of Albus and James was great. We never really saw them much, of course, but I think you did well with them. I loved Ginny's shirt, by the way. And yes, Draco is a git. But hey, we all love that about him, don't we?

    Wonderful read, Attack. Thanks for sharing.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.  I'm the youngest of four by ten years, so I wanted to write a little bit of much older much younger sibling interaction.  And I wanted to write the blowing up toaster, because anyone who mixes Potter and Weasley genes and then names the resulting offspring "James Sirius Potter" deserves what he gets.

    They'll never be cozy, but at least they seem to be enjoying each other's company and not yelling at each other.

    I have a thing for taking characters that we don't see much of and using them.  I had a lot of fun with Ginny's shirt, and with Draco.

Title: Literary Minds 03 Oct 2008 4:09 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This is a nice one! Mila

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!

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