Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Confrontation 09 Mar 2009 12:43 pm
Reviewer: b_e_skrewt (Signed) [Report This]
    Good chapter! Love the alternating perspectives between the two stories.
Title: Confrontation 24 Jan 2009 10:49 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Well, I think this went rather well. Dumbledore explained things to Harry so that he now has a better understanding of Snape's situation, realizes his mistakes, regrets his actions and in general sees the whole picture a little better.

    I believe Harry has grown further in character by getting the courage to confront Snape and apologize. He did a good job in explaining himself and proving his remorse. I'm glad his professor now understands why Harry behaved the way he did and that they now have a better relationship, though not ideal.

    The ending of this chapter was funny, I enjoyed the slight jabs they made. Looking forward to reading the epilogue! :D

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for reviewing! Yes, I suppose they managedto establish an acceptable relationship between them, as good as it could get, I think. And yes, I agree, Harry really has been brave.

    As I already wrote, it will take a while until I can post the epilogue, but before there is still the upate on Snape's perspective you can read ;)

Title: Confrontation 24 Jan 2009 1:44 am
Reviewer: Missy Eye (Anonymous) [Report This]
    NO, no, no, no, you can NOT do this to me!
    This was such a good put-together peice of work!
    Is this the last we'll hear from you? I hope not!
    Please keep coming out with work!
    I really really love it
    and I loved this chapter! It was great! It really was!!
    Especially the end, i had no doubt in my mind that you would have snape cane him as you have done so in the past! Therefore, Harry wasn't the only one thankful that you let him off~! (if you know what I mean!) lol
    Keep writing!

    Author's Response: Yes, I know what you mean! I am so glad that you liked this story! Thanks for your feed-back!
Title: Confrontation 24 Jan 2009 1:42 am
Reviewer: Bridie (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Its obvious that its coming to an end (which is just a little sad). You managed to keep both characters in character (yet again!) and there has definately been a shift in the way they both view eachother now. It's like theyve finally come to a certain sort of understanding of eachothers attitudes and behaviour. Of coarse, though, as you said, theyd never be friends and be able to completely stand eachother at all times, but thats what made it realistic and true to their characters.

    Im glad Snape said that the caning was a mistake (i agree, it was only ever for HIS benefit anyway)and that Harry got a chance to explain himself.

    I really hope you update again soon !

    Oh and can I just ask (since you make a habit of replying, which is cool) will you ever write another story? Because I REALLY think you should! Ive never before (and im being perfectly honest here) read a story on here where the characters are as "in character" as you manage to write them. Its very cool! I bet you could come up with another story just as good ...

    Author's Response:

    Thank you so much for reviewing! I have to say I felt very flattered by your words!

    About updating soon, well, I suppose I have to repeat myself and say it will take a while until the epilogue will be posted, I am not sure about it yet and I don't want to mess the story up with a bad epilogue (then better none at all, I think!). But there is still this chapter from Snape's perspective you can look forward to ;)

    Will I ever write another story? Maybe, I am not sure yet. Real life doen't leave me a lot of time, but on the other hand, it has been fun... Sorry I cannot give you a more definite answer at this point!

Title: Confrontation 23 Jan 2009 5:27 pm
Reviewer: wellyuthink (Signed) [Report This]
    Nearly finished? *sad* Never mind, I shall enjoy the remaining time until you post the epilogue re-reading! I think this was a very well thought out story with good emotive reactions - plus there was never a dull moment! Thanks for sharing!

    Author's Response: Thanks for your review! I was so happy to read you enjoyed the story, and especially that you found no dull moments, thank you so much!
Title: Dumbledore Again 21 Jan 2009 3:10 pm
Reviewer: Rhiannan (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This is really interesting!! A lot of other stories have had Snape change quickly and significantly, and it's nice to see a Snape who is exactly as he is in the story, and then see an explanation of why and of how that's reasonable. That said, it would also be interesting to see how your Snape's perception of Harry might change.

    Author's Response: Thanks! Yes, it was my aim to keep Snape mostly as he is, so I am always happy when I get told by a reviewer that I succeeded!
Title: Dumbledore Again 20 Jan 2009 12:48 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Well written, and powerful as usual, though I really wish that Snape would stop caning Harry! And I wish that DD would stop him from doing it.
    Especially since Snape seems to be caning Harry for every little infraction!

    I'm looking forward to your next update. I hope that Harry is not going to let Snape cane him now, or maybe he'll offer to Snape and Snape will decline, and punish him another way. I really hope so.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for your review, and telling me your hopes for the next chapter, well, I can understand you... but after all my personality is different from Snape's...

    Anyway, I'm going to update today.

Title: Next Morning 19 Jan 2009 11:34 pm
Reviewer: Joey (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great Chapter!
Title: Dumbledore Again 19 Jan 2009 5:46 pm
Reviewer: TL (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Snape constantly talks about Harry being favored, but he is favored all the time, too. This is a good story, but I have the overwhelming urge to smack Dumbledore and Snape. For all of their intellectual capacity, in the this story shall they ever truly learn it requires both parties to compromise? Your story is marvelous and it makes me feel a wide aray of motions, I hope Dumbledore and Snape can see reason.

    Author's Response:

    "...I have the overwhelming urge to smack Dumbledore and Snape." - Snape I can understand, but DD as well? I think it must be very difficult for him: he appreciates both of them, needs both of them, knows they have to work together at the end of the day - and they just don't get along and always one of them is complaining about the other!

    Thanks for your review, I am glad you like the story!

Title: Talks and Quidditch 19 Jan 2009 1:28 pm
Reviewer: Joey (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chpter its good that you made harry be liek the man in charge even though its rather unfortunate that he cant play

    Author's Response: Thanks! Yes, it is hard for Harry that he can't play, on the other hand... As I also mentioned in the counterpart in Snape's perspective, he has been very privileged to be a member of the team since his first year. I have often wondered how it was done in Hogwarts. The only times you read about flying in the books is when there is Quidditch training, except for the flying lesson in book 1. So what about the children who like to play Quidditch, but aren't so talented, do they ever get a chance at all?

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