Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Detention 19 Jan 2009 1:27 pm
Reviewer: Kelfa (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter u are a good writer
    if you write more you will become even better

    Author's Response: Thanks - I'll do my best! ;)
Title: Dumbledore Again 19 Jan 2009 8:35 am
Reviewer: Icepick (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well written chapter, though this Dumbledore infuriates me. I'm glad Dumbledore decided to say he was proud in the end—though, honestly, I think Harry should have already been aware of it. I will mention that I do not think canon Harry would under any circumstances call Hermione a Mudblood. Granted, Snape was not exactly a bad young man, but he was dabbling in magic and perspectives that he seriously should not have been—it is hardly surprising the word was at the tip of his tongue. Harry is a more mature, kinder, and better grounded person than Snape was at that point in his life.

    Author's Response:

    I don't think Harry would ever call Hermione a Mudblood, either, and DD didn't say that. He asked in general if he never said anything to her or Ron that he regretted later. But I agree with you, Harry is probably a kinder person than Snape was at his age (which is surprising by the way, I think, bearing in mind he grew up with the Dursleys).

    I find it interesting that DD infuriates you. Well, I think the situation isn't easy for him either, as he knows how much this memory of Lily hurts Severus but he gave him his word never to reveal anything about his love to her. (By the way, have you read my other story, Snape's perspective, as well? There you find the conversation that takes place between Albus an Snape, andSNape gets furious at DD, too, because he feels that DD always takes Potter's side). Well, about DD in general, in canon it often disturbed me that he always turned a blind eye to Snape's cruelty towards students, especially Neville.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me!
Title: Dumbledore Again 19 Jan 2009 8:16 am
Reviewer: Bridie (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ahhh what can i say but...another great chapter!

    I really love the way you wrote Dumbledore there. He was what id imagine him to act like in a situation such as that: pretty darn scary. I mean not in the "im terrified" way but in the "disappointed" way. People underestimate the power of that i think. Its really quite cutting when you experience it, especially, i presume, if it was coming from someone so powerful as dumbledore...

    But anyway, i liked it how DD explained to Harry the exact situation that Snape is in. I think that was really clever of him really. He KNOWS how much Harry is gonna beat himself up about his outburst now, finally knowing the full details, and how ashamed hes going to feel about it all. I think hes only realised just now, exactly whats hes done...used the memory against Snape. Exactly what he feared Snape would always do with his.

    I have to say, if i were Harry right now, I would be very afraid. Snape would NEVER let him get away with making a comment (insult) as personal as that. And he already has access to some of Harrys most embarrasing memories which he could easily think "well, fair is fair..." and give him a taste of his own medicine.

    I dont know how Harry is going to punish himself but i think that just thinking of all the things that Snape could do/say to him now as payback is punishment enough. Like I said before, id be scared...

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for your review, I am glad you liked it.

    "I dont know how Harry is going to punish himself but i think that just thinking of all the things that Snape could do/say to him now as payback is punishment enough." - Interesting, to be honest I hadn't thought of that, that Snape would seek revenge like that, you're right, that's indeed something to be scared of!

Title: Punishment 18 Jan 2009 9:39 pm
Reviewer: Joe (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awesome chapter!
    Snape really laid it on!!

    Author's Response: You're right, I'm glad I'm not in Harry's shoes...
Title: Dumbledore Again 18 Jan 2009 9:36 pm
Reviewer: Missy Eye (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Amazing chapter!
    I mean theres so many things i could point out, like how you got dumbledore's anger and disapointment with harry and harry's reaction perfectly?! That I've never read anything like it! That I was so worried that you'd mess up the chapter but it was just wonderful? That you made Dumbledore the just mediator between Snape and Harry not completely siding with either one? Honestly, I really can't all i can say is great job
    you really wrote this one well!

    Author's Response:


    "That I was so worried that you'd mess up the chapter...", interesting, I wonder why this was? I mean, I'm worried with EVERY chapter myself that I might mess it up, but I find it interesting that you obviously were more worried here than with other chapters.... 

Title: Dumbledore Again 18 Jan 2009 5:02 pm
Reviewer: Quipped to Death (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Harry! He just can't seem to catch a break. I'm glad he didn't stay for the caning. I was terrified for him. I like this story. Can't wait till the next chapter!

    Author's Response: Yes, I can see why you were terrified for him, I felt so myself ;)
Title: Dumbledore Again 18 Jan 2009 1:53 pm
Reviewer: Marylou (Signed) [Report This]
    Very intersting story, I realy like it.
    The punishments are a bit hars, but all persons are very good in charakter, great job. Thank you for sharing!

    Author's Response: Thanks! Yes the punishments are harsh, and when I think that in the UK the cane has been legally banned in state schools in 1987, in private schools roughly 10 years later (though probably not much used), I find it hard to believe that this was such a short time ago!
Title: Dumbledore Again 18 Jan 2009 10:27 am
Reviewer: LJD (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter :)
    Dumbledore was scary in this one! but still believable. In the books he's always stern when talking to Harry about Snape so it fits. Can't wait for the next one!

    Author's Response: Thanks! Yes, I would not like to be on the receiving end of his lectures, either...
Title: Dumbledore Again 18 Jan 2009 9:33 am
Reviewer: Just a little scared commentator (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Huh, I forgetted the rating... It's a great chapter, of course :)
Title: Dumbledore Again 18 Jan 2009 9:20 am
Reviewer: Just a little scared commentator (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I wanted to add this to the previous chatret when I noteiced the new

    Just a little note - what happened in the bathroom wasn't exactly an impuls controle problem from Harry's part. Yeah, he has a lots of those, but not this time. He firs wanted to find out what was wrong with Malfoy, maybe even help him however foolish it was to aproach him when he was crying and feeling humiliated doing so. Harry used mostly harmless curses and even though about them, but when Malfoy tried Crucio on him, Harry reacted by pure instinct. That he used Sectusempra was mostly because he was inquisitive about this curse before and was thinking about it a lot, so it was what came to his mind as first, when he was under great stres - in fact, the only time someone used this curse (except false Moody) was when harry was in grave danger, most likely to be killed. Of course, that's just my poin of view.
    I agree that Harry should have been punished even when he hadn't inentended so much harm, but more than anything that should have moved Dumbledore or anybody else to do some training (or at least talking!) with him about how to act on a battlefield and in a school, in a bulding etc. Seriously, why is Harry expected to find this out on his own? So far he had fought Voldemort several times and he would have to do so again; we haven't seen from him much more tactic than running mindlessly after sb./to sb./away from sb. shouting curses around him. Of course, that worked quire well so far, but it is exactly the reason why this situation in the bathroom occured. Hadn't been taught better, Harry just did what he does usually - struck back in defence with as much force as he could possess.
    Of course, any of this wouldn't have helped much had Malfoy really died. The first punishment, as harsh as it was, had at least some little point - after all, Hagrid certainly hadn't wanted to kill anybody but he was expelled nevertheless (of course we know that he was framed, but that's another matter). The worst on Harry's deed was thinking about using Sectusempra the weeks before, as he didn't know what could it do and hadn't made any real try to find out in a library, or at least at some beetle (no, I didn't think of Rita there). But still, almost killing someone, even unintentionally, still gets you punishment in "our" muggle world, so it should in the wizards one too. And canning... ooww, that sounds awful, but... alright, they couldn't come out with anything better. I still don't really agree, but be it.
    I absolutely disagree with the second time, though. It was cruel and undeserved. wait if I can get my hands on Snape!
    (well, one can dream :) )
    I just can't help the feeling that Dumbledore failed Harry once more in this, not by agreeing to the canning, but by not hearing Harry properly before, even if he decided to still asign the punishment. After all, what should have Harry done? Maybe less trashing and lemon drops and more talking about how important it is to use your magic wisely and carefully espesially when you are powerful as well as talking about why this situation ever occured would be more beneficial. Snape is a git, yes, but somehow Dumbledore dissapointed me more. Espesially with his sister and Grindelwald (of course if you want to keep them), he should have known better and even talked about this with Harry beforehand.
    As for Draco unpunished... wel, others had written loads of this so no need to add more. I'm a little bit suprised how calmly Ron and Hermione took the "news" and I think that at least Ron is quite OOC here, but...

    Ahem, I think I just wrote the longest comment in my history. And don't get me wrong, I really like it (well, not some parts, but that's not because of your writing,just because of some characters, and this IS a good story). I agree that you had (in some cases, most unfortunately) really managed to make Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall and even Harry quite canonic, I may be less sure about Ron and Hermione, but that's up to you. I like some of your ideas (like the bracelet) and people reactions. If I may... wil you present us more of the wizards' world? It's just that sometimes the stories are like that there doesn't exist anything else than Harry, Snape and one or two more people. I just like it when there are references to the "rest of the world", even if they are mild and not extremely important, just that it isn't some kind of vacuum with only a few characters in.

    Ergh... That wasn't a little note at all. Sorry... (hiding under the computer table). Well, I'm very much looking forward for your next chaptures :)

    I just wanted to post this when I noticed the new chapter.
    Really, at some point I wanted to tear Dumbledore apart. Again, what about caring about Harry’s feelings about oclumency before? At least he let him speak now. I still just can’t help the feeling that Dumbledore in a desperate trying to correct his previous mistake with Snape is sometimes not far from doing another with Harry. Even his questions – no, Snape hadn’t really hexed Harry, but his bullying him in classes and using Legillimens on him in their „lessons“ isn’t exactly something to build a save feeling around him. Add the black cloathes (bad associations) and Snaep at rage – I would probably have put the wand out myself, or rather run towards the door in a desperate attempt to survive. Rubbing in why Harry prefered Snape’s punishment – I think after the Umbridge incident DD probably knows about (if not, even worse) he should prefectly know why and I don’t really understand why he is asking this. After all, writing those lines really learned Harry nothing more than suppress his anger, which is not exactly the best thing to do, espesially when it burst out later in the most unwanted moments.
    As about Harry’s (dis)respect towards Snape, he is right that he can hardly respect a man who as well as werbally abuse not only him, but for example Neville as well (in fact, there I find it much worse, because at least Harry defends himself, even if in a stupid way – imagine sitting in one class with Neville and Snape, I would have expected a breakdown of some kind from Neville there; I know quite well myself how awful it is to be humiliated by your clasmates and people that were supposed to stand up for you. I experienced it just once from a teacher who strongly disliked me, she tried to threat me very unfairly and unjustly „punish“ me, fortunately my other teacher stood up for me that time. It was only once, but I can hardly describe how betrayed I felt then. I don’t feel well in her presence from that time, even when it was only once and about five years ago. An now imagine something like that for years.). On course, his pain and the life as a spy as well as the previous actions of the Marauders were and still are bad, but it DOESN’T excuse him. Of course, Harry still should treat him with the absolutely necesarry politeness in classes and call him professor in front of adults, but nothing more can be expected from him. At most he could respect Snape’s abillity with potions (and spying, of course), but not Snape. After all, I can adore some great artists work, but still dislike the person of him (considering that not only a few of them in the history were, nastily said, drunks and dopes, both arrogant and irresponsible, sometimes treating the people around them horribly).
    I can mostly agree with Dumbledore only on two issues – the first one is the pensieve thing, although I don’t agree that Harry exactly „used“ this against him – at least not purposely. He hadn’t talked about it with anybody else (except Lupin and Sirius for obvious reason), the only thing he did was that he changed his oppinion about Snape a bit – unfortunatelly, not for better. But knowing the circumstances (but that, of course, Harry still don’t), it was somehow cruel from Harry to do so. Still, how could he really understand, when he doesn’t know the circumstances?
    But I’m glad DD said to Harry that he is mostly proud of him and I think that more than punishing him, this is the thing that would make Harry trying to get on better with Snape and be a good man, as much as I disagree with DD at most of things.
    OK, I don’t want to tear DD apart anymore, at least not so much. I start to see some pattern in his behaviour towards Harry. Maybe it would be great if he cared about lot of things before, but you could hardly change that, as you started the story at some exact point.

    Sh*t, long again. I hope you will enjoy a long comment… yes? (looking very, very small) (almost invisible) ( ).

    Author's Response:

    Thank you so much for your "little note" ;) ! I really appreciate it that you took so much time to tell me what you think! And i hope you'll exuse me that my response will be somewhat shorter than your review...

    First of all, about the canings Harry got... well I agree with you that the second one was undeserved, and I think that Harry got it quite right when he thought that Snape had cleverly managed to minapulate DD to get what he wanted. I was wondering, have you read my other story as well? (Sometimes I wonder if it has been a mistake to keep the stories seperate, it seemed to be a good idea at the time, but on occasions like this I notice it's a bit stupid to refer to the other story) There you also see how Snape managed to persuade DD.

    I have to admit I didn't quite understand what youmeant with after the Umbridge incident DD should perfectly understand why Harry prefferred Snape's punishment, do you mean, because then Harry didn't show a lot of trust in DD either and never told a member of staff?

    Well, about Snape, I agree with you that he is not likeable at all. And it's that that meade this such a challenge for me to write - especially Snape's perspective - , as I wanted to keep him in character. And he is mean, most of the time! And I mentioned this before to another reviewer, actually I think that what Snape did to Harry in HBP for punishment was in a way even more cruel than in my stories. Making Harry copy James’ and Sirius’ misdeeds and commenting “It must be such a comfort to think that, though they are gone, a record of their great achievements remains”, I think that is mean beyond words.

    Well, thanks again for your detailed feedback and I hope you'll follow the story in the future as well!

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