Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Romance and Reality 09 Jan 2009 10:10 pm
Reviewer: ILoveMoony (Signed) [Report This]
    Great story! I read it all in one sitting :P
    I have a feeling Snape wasn't about to say Mudblood but perhaps something like Muggle-born. If this is the case, Harry will probably be in even bigger trouble! You've really got me wondering what's going to happen next and I'll be patiently waiting for the next chapter hehe

    Author's Response: Thanks for leaving your feed-back, I'm glad you liked the story. Well, as for your feeling I am going to update Snape's perspective next, then you'll find out...
Title: Romance and Reality 09 Jan 2009 10:00 pm
Reviewer: LJD (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Uh oh, looks like Harry got himself into some big trouble. The last bit was very suspenseful- you had me clutching my mouse, dreading the outcome. So does this mean Harry will have to go to Dumbledore?
    Can't wait for the next chapter!

    Author's Response: I liked the image of you clutching your mouse, thanks!
Title: Romance and Reality 07 Jan 2009 11:02 pm
Reviewer: bridie (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh wow! I cant wait to see what Snape's going to do now!

    But still, I agree with Harry's way of thinking, it was the truth and Snape had no right to call his friend a "mudblood". He was deliberately winding him up...again.

    I hope Hermione helps Harry soon and Im guessing that now Dumbledore steps into the picture for Harry's outburst?

    Oh and I have to say, if I havent already, that you write both characters very well! And just in general you're a VERY good writer. I enjoy reading your style...if that makes sense to you...
Title: Temper Control 03 Jan 2009 12:01 am
Reviewer: trust severus spy (Signed) [Report This]
    What an enjoyable story! I really like your having both sides/stories running concurrently.
    One thing you might look at: 32 lines up from the bottom, the sentence beginning "Determined to show Snape he could do it..." should end a little differently. The word "not" should be deleted, so it reads "...Harry closed his eyes in order to ward off all distractions."
    Otherwise, he doesn't want to ward off the distractions, and logically, that's the opposite of what I think you're after.
    Just a slip, I'm sure.

    Keep on having Snape and Harry learning to appreciate the other's perspective (as best as they can!)--and Happy New Year!
    May 2009 be a good year for all of us!

    Author's Response: Thanks for your feedback! And thanks for pointing out the mistake - I fixed it!
Title: Temper Control 01 Jan 2009 4:26 pm
Reviewer: LJD (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great story! I read the first couple chapters on fanfiction and I was happy to see that you continued it on this website as well. I love that everyone is in character and that you can make Snape somewhat civil without making him OOC. Can't wait for the next chapter!

    Author's Response: Thanks! Yes, I really hope I'll make it to the end without making anybody OOC....
Title: Temper Control 01 Jan 2009 5:40 am
Reviewer: Bridie (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Sorry i havent updated before now...

    I like this story and think that its definately well written. I also like how you write it from both views, I cant wait to see what Snape was thinking when he agreed to heal Harry even after being disrespectful. I cant imagine why he would do that, without even so much as telling him off, but yes, I guess I will find out soon enough...

    Keep updating. This is a good story :)

    Author's Response: Thanks for your review, glad you liked it. It's good to read that you are curious about Snape's view, and yes, I'll update the other story tonight!
Title: Temper Control 31 Dec 2008 9:45 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh wow! I don't know if "I" would be able to keep that bracelet green either!

    Great as usual! I'm curious to see it from Snape's perspective.

    Author's Response:

    Well, mine definitely wouldn't stay green, not with Snape in the same room...

    Thanks for your feedback!

Title: Talks and Quidditch 21 Dec 2008 11:15 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Harry, having to play quidditch with a very sore butt!

    It shows how talented a writer you are that you can make us believe that Canon Harry would take a caning from Snape and accept that it was well-deserved, or even tht DD would allow it to happen in the first place!

    Nice work.
Title: Next Morning 11 Dec 2008 6:34 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I can't believed that Snape caned him for that! Eveytime the poor kid gets in trouble he's going to cane him? I can sort of understand for almost killing Malfoy, but for being insolent and keeping the book. This Snape is really cruel. Well I guess that he's in character but yikes poor Harry!

    Even though I hate the caning part, and think that the punisment is way over the top and abusive, and I can't believe that DD would allow this to continue, you are an excellent writer, and your story is very well thought out. I really like the two perspectives as well.

    Author's Response:


    I agree, Snape shouldn't have caned him. It would have done no harm to let Harry off, but Snape thought his reputation would suffer. In my opinion this shows above all a lack of confidence, he knows the students don't respect him for himself as they do with Dumbledore, for example.

Title: Punishment 07 Dec 2008 7:39 pm
Reviewer: kolya (Anonymous) [Report This]
    poor baby, he doesnt deserve that no one does!

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