Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Dumbledore 06 Dec 2008 6:30 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Harry didn't really get a satisfactory answer to his questions, did he? It sounds like Snape IS allowed to randomly whack him! Poor Harry!

    I'm still really liking the way you write, and I'm looking forward to another Snape's perspective!
Title: Potions 05 Dec 2008 6:57 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Snape won't hit him until he clearly spells out the rules and the consequences that he is now allowed to inflict upon Harry, will he?

    Oh Harry, do you NEVER learn your lesson? Stubborn kid, but I really hope that Snape won't wallop him for this, and only cane him for very serious offences.

    Well done, yet again. I really find it original to read the story from the two perspectives. I'm impressed that you can update the stories at the same time with the same high quality of writing!

    I'm anxious for your next update!

    Author's Response: "Snape won't hit him until he clearly spells out the rules and the consequences that he is now allowed to inflict upon Harry, will he?" - Well, this would be be the right think to do, I agree. If Snape thinks so, too, who knows...
Title: DADA 03 Dec 2008 4:20 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Hmm, poor Harry's potions lesson isn't going to be a doddle this time.

    OK, I'm off to read Snape's POV
Title: Detention 03 Dec 2008 1:12 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Snape offers to treat HArry's injuries tomorrow and raises his desk height to make him more comfortable, and yet he smirks at the scars caused by a dark object. It would seem he approves of Umbridges torture sessions last year.

    In canon, Harry was told that nothing would have gotten rid of the scars because they were cursed, just like his lighteningbolt scar.

    I don't know, I find it difficult to forgive Snape as easily as HArry seems to have when little toerags like Malfoy are running around loose.

    I can't wait to read Snapes POV. Maybe I'll feel a little better then.

    In case you can't tell, I loathe Malfoy.


    Author's Response: What? You don't like Malfoy?!  I wouldn't have guessed.... ;)
Title: Talk 03 Dec 2008 12:32 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    I can see, through Hermione's POV, that you think that this punishment was fair and reasonable. And still, nobody thinks about the curse that escaped MAlfoy's lips, and only stopped because Harry beat him to the mark. As I said before, Snape would have found them if it had been Malfoy who had Harry on the ground under the Cruciatus curse, but I know he would not have been punished.

    Treat Snape with respect because he didn't taunt HArry during the caning...Hermione is a funny sort of friend, I feel.

    And no, I am not advocating that HArry should not have been punished. But he didn't intend to hurt Malfoy like that, and Sirius DID plan for Snape to be hurt 20 years previously, and DD didn't have him caned.

    Author's Response:

    To be honest, I personally don't agree with Hermione, I think Snape was too severe. It wouldn't have done any harm had he shown more mercy...

    Well, DD's motivation for having harry caned... I have to admit that I have caused a little problem for myself here. I liked the idea of writing Harry's and Snape's perspectives in two different stories, and still do, in fact. A disadvantage is that some things stay in the dark. For example I think it unlikely that DD would reveal his real and entire motivation for allowing Harry's caning to Harry; yes, he gives him some reasons why, but Harry remains ignorant of his discussion with Snape concerning that matter, and so does the reader.

Title: Punishment 03 Dec 2008 12:20 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, didn't he love that, the absolute sadist. I wonder if Harry would have gotten this much of a punishment if the sectumsempra spell had been used against a student in another house.

    He even had to flaunt that Harry was getting the cane. Not a very professional thing to do, I wouldn't have thought.

    Author's Response: Yes, Snape obviously isn't a nice person...
Title: After the Spell 02 Dec 2008 5:37 pm
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Nicely written, although it makes my blood boil to think that Malfoy's near use of an unforgivable is always totally overlooked, even in canon, and even by Hermione. If Snape had arrivied in the bathroom to see HArry screaming under the effects of the Crutiatus curse, I suppose he would have patted MAlfoy on the shoulder and said job well done! And as HE invented the Sectumsempra spell, and tried to use it at least once...on JAmes in Snapes Worst Memory, it's reall a bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

    I know that HArry using a spell he had no idea about was totally irresponsible, but I suppose he was thinking that so far, all the unknown spells he had experimented with had been harmless. Though I don't know how he could think a spell with 'for enemies' written after it would be harmless. Foolish, unthinking boy...saying that though, he was in a panicked situation.

    Anyway, I wonder who suggested the corporal punishment. My bet is Snape...he would have been rubbing his hands together in glee (inside his head, anyway.) I do tend to agree with another reviewer who said that DD would never have agreed with the administering of CP, though.

    I wonder whether you address this issue in Snape's perspective. I haven't read any of that yet.

    Thank you for an interesting read.


    Author's Response:

    Thanks for your detailed review!

    Yes, I do address this issue in Snape's perspective. And I agree it seems unfair that Malfoy isn't punished as well. As you pointed out, he isn't in canon, either, and not even for almost killing two students (Katie and Ron), as DD feared Voldemort would kill him if he knew DD suspected Draco. I guess it would have been the same if Draco had been expelled or otherwise punished for using Crucio, I guess Voldemort wouldn't have been too pleased about Malfoy endangering his mission so stupidly! So I guess, had Snape arrived in the bathroom to see Harry screaming under the effects of the Crutiatus curse,  he wouldn't have patted Malfoy on the shoulder, but said 'Foolish boy!' . 

    About the pot calling the kettle black, yes, you're right. But well, it's Snape....

Title: DADA 01 Dec 2008 8:11 pm
Reviewer: kella (Anonymous) [Report This]
    witty witty
    poor poor harry!
    i mean seriously
    that kid has too much trouble!
    i'm soo excited taht you updatedd!!

    Author's Response: Yes, poor Harry indeed....
Title: Detention 01 Dec 2008 1:49 pm
Reviewer: wynnleaf (Signed) [Report This]
    I was reading some of the reviews. Many readers may not recall, but in canon, Filch's use of harsh physical punishments ended after Dumbledore had already been headmaster for at least awhile. Arthur, I believe, was an adult who we learn was punished severely (marked for life, I think) for some infraction while in school, but that was after Dumbledore had become headmaster. My point is that Dumbledore did eventually stop Filch from those harsh physical punishments, but not immediately.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks alot for your review!

    I am not sure, was Dumbledore already headmaster when Arthur and Molly attended Hogwarts? After all, they must be a bit older than Lily and James, and i think Arthur was punished by a different caretaker, not Filch, but again I'm not sure about that. Anyway, I think as in the UK (muggle world) corporal punishment was only banned a relatively short time ago, its possible use in Hogwarts didn't seem too far-fetched to me, after all, the wizarding world appears to be more old-fashioned (or traditional - to use a nicer word) than the Muggle world. 


Title: Detention 23 Nov 2008 4:59 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I can't believe that Dumbledore would allow such a harsh punishment! I mean, a cane leaves such horrible welts! And ten whacks as well! Poor Harry!

    I guess Snape is feeling a little remorse though, if he's letting Harry stand up, and is willing to administer a salve to lessen the pain.

    I hope that Snape lightens up with Harry eventually! Eeks! Sore butt!

    Author's Response: Thanks for your feedback! Will Snape lighten up with Harry eventually - well, I guess you'll understand I'll not tell you yet...

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