It's very touching how Ron and Hermione are there for Harry when he needs them. I wouldn't want to listen to Hermione's warnings all the time - she is kind of a killjoy - but once in a while she comes up with something useful.
Aw, they're going to wait up for him . . . I guess with no electronics, people need to grab entertainment where they can. Like the Amish.
Author's Response: "I guess with no electronics, people need to grab entertainment where they can." Feeling a bit cynical today? ;)
I felt this scene was very well done. The dialogue between Harry and Snape is very engaging and true to canon. The caning itself was described enough to have us sympathise with Harry, but without going over the top. I think Snape had a tiny bit of remorse toward the end, and that's why he tried to give Harry some encouragement. I still don't like him. :o)
Author's Response: To be honest: I don't, either!
I'm glad you decided to post on this site, although seeing that the story just went up put me in a bit of a tiff. If you're not sick or dead, then where are the updates we've been waiting for on the Pit? (You know, the other site). Did you figure I'm dumb enough to read this and think it's new?! Then again, I lost my bookmark and read chapters 38-41 of "Barnaby Rudge" twice recently. I wouldn't have known the difference if there hadn't been a weird pencil mark right near the end.
Anyhoo. I, for one, think Harry's acquiescence makes perfect sense. After all, he respects Dumbledore a lot and wouldn't be likely to argue with him. I can also see him wanting to face Snape, even if it results in a harsher punishment, rather than having Dumbledore do it. Of course, something making sense to me isn't exactly a high recommendation.
Yes, I gave ten frogs.
Author's Response: Thanks for your review, I really liked your humorous comments! And thanks for the frogs as well, I like their croaking sounds....
Title: Talk
| 11 Oct 2008 10:10 pm
Reviewer: orangello (Anonymous)
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why do you have two different stories up with the same chptrs?
Author's Response: The same plot is described from different perspectives.
Title: Talk
| 11 Oct 2008 10:09 pm
Reviewer: Elania (Anonymous)
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can you please update??? really soon i have to know what happens soon i cant concentrate on anything!!!
Author's Response: Oh dear, and I haven't updated for ages! Sorry!
Title: After the Spell
| 11 Oct 2008 9:37 pm
Reviewer: ELla (Anonymous)
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poor harry, really thats not fair, snape's going to be horrible to harry, i just know it...
Author's Response: I wouldn't like to be Harry right now, either...
Title: After the Spell
| 11 Oct 2008 11:59 am
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous)
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Your story is very well written and I enjoy your writing style. Although I know you've already written it and are unlikely to change anything, I would like to address Dumbledore. Out of all the people in the wizarding world, he seems the least likely to agree with a caning for Harry. And this is said by a person who has no problem with CP. I am not offended by your story in the least. I think perhaps it might have worked better though to have Dumbledore (at the very least) have more of a struggle with his decision to allow Snape to do this. And it would be more in character, I think to have Harry not submit so willingly. I am not certain his reaction is realistic. I hope you continue on and maybe take some of the concerns of your readers into mind for your next chapters. You are an excellent writer and I hope you won't be deterred by this criticism. I'll continue to read regardless. Thanks for your effort. :o)
Author's Response: Thanks for your feedback. I can see what you mean about Dumbledore. However, this is the Harry perspective story and I think Dumbledore is not going to show the internal struggle that he has with his decision to Harry of all people! So I addressed that in the story from Snape's perspective.
I was glad to see that you decided to post this here! I added a warning to the story information, which most authors do for these types of stories otherwise some people who don't like them, read them and leave bad reviews. I don't know why they bother reading them when they know. Sigh. Oh well, it tends to be a deterrent for them to have a bold warning up.
Author's Response: Thanks ! I thought selecting the warning would be sufficient, but you're probably right. Thanks for all your help.
I remember that I really liked seeing the side of this story from snape's perspective, but I loved the original one too. Great tension and drama!
Author's Response: Thanks!
I liked how Harry rationalized that he would prefer Snape over Dumbledore. I think that the way Harry looks up to Dumbledore isn't capitalized in a lot of stories. Maybe you could add some of that in? :) Could be interesting to set a different mentor up once in awhile to foil Snape.
Author's Response: Thanks for your feedbaack, glad you liked that bit. I think in that respect I would have felt like Harry...