Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Talk 11 Oct 2008 7:20 am
Reviewer: Okay, again (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Six chapters now, two stories almost wholly about corporal punishment. It's just too much, too glorifying. And excusing the action of physically hurting children. Caning is humiliating, it leaves marks, it is abuse. It has no logic, makes no sense. Harry hurt a boy, not even meaning to and in defense. He needs to learn that hurting people isn't right. By being abused? This is not Hogwarts logic, not Dumbledore's, and I don't think it's even Snape's. The story just feels wrong. Yes, there has been CP in other stories, but I have never seen an author wallow in it with so much obvious delight. 1/10

    Author's Response: Sorry you don't like the story, thanks anyway for leaving a review.
Title: Punishment 08 Oct 2008 8:30 pm
Reviewer: okak (Anonymous) [Report This]
    really good chapter
    intense though!
    Poor Harry first this and then he's going to have to go and face Hermione! He certainly cannot tell he just got caned, oh but i really like your story because it is cannon

    Author's Response: Thanks for leaving a feedback, I am glad you liked it! The story will not be completely canon until the end, but it will stay pretty close, at least that's my intention...
Title: After the Spell 07 Oct 2008 4:23 pm
Reviewer: Pellegrina (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well, I liked Snape's point of view better, it held much more insight! Though I thought reading about the caning itself was very hard to bear - not just because I myself don't believe in CP, but because you wrote it so intense and it was really touching somehow - cruel but touching! So I kind of liked it in a twisted king of way. But all that time I had my own thoughts on why and how Harry could/would accept the punishment from Snape - they were quite different from yours! And so I'm now a bit disappointed because the reasons you give are not convincing to me. I thought it was because Harry felt that both Snape and Malfoy would need this kind of closure and that they would never be able to get over this if Dumbles was the one to dish out the CP. I believed that Harry would be able to understand that this was the only way to ever prove to Snape that he is willing to take responsibility for his own actions. Maybe even make amends for the misdeads of his father. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to happen, but maybe you still plan to do that? Or maybe I expect too much from Harry?
    My other theory was that he wasn't really afraid of the punishment because he is used to it from the Dursleys, but you didn't indicate anything in that direction either so I don't know.
    For Snape, well I hope he understood something by handing out such a severe punishment - namely that it's not as easy as he thought to be in possession of so much power and that he has a great deal more mercy and caring in him than he himself might have thought. That at least I think you have planned to show. So now I'm looking forward to the rest of this story and hope the comfort part will come as well...

    Author's Response: Thanks for leaving such a detailed feedback! Sorry to read you're disappointed about Harry's motivation, you definitely had some very intersting theories! Thanks for sharing them with me! In fact I really think it would be expecting a bit much from Harry  - in this situation, I mean he is deeply shocked! - to even think so far as that he might make amends to Snape for the misdeeds of his father by choosing him. As for being used to that sort of punishment from the Dursleys, well not in this fic. I know it is generally agreed in fanfic that they abused him physically, but as in the books there is no mention of them hitting him, I don't assume they did.
Title: After the Spell 07 Oct 2008 3:50 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, I guess I can now understand why Harry decided not to have Dumbledore issue the punishment instead of Snape. Poor Harry. Such a harsh punishment.

    Well written though. I hope that Snape lightens up a bit eventually though.

    Well done.

    Author's Response: Thanks for your review, I really appreciate it, even if I didn't answer sooner. Whether Snape willl lighten up, well, I won't say anything here....

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