Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Requiem
Title: I. Introitus 12 Oct 2008 10:54 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    A very good beginning, I think. I wonder if Harry might have accepted the suggestion of counseling from a medi-witch or mediwizard who hadn't known him for all these years. The expectation of Poppy that The-Boy-Who-Lived would be able to make everything all right can only make his situation worse. As it is, I think that what he feels to be cowardice is actually his subconscious trying to save him from even more guilt. It's obvious that he is already drowning in it.

    I look forward to seeing more of this. You write very well and I think you have a definite grasp on Harry's character.

    Also, as a twin, I wanted to tell you that your having George deal (or not deal in this case) with Fred's death in the way you wrote is exactly how I'd likely respond to the sudden death of my own twin. You had me crying over those few sentences but it was far more realistic to me than the fics that have George just going on his merry way after a few months of mourning.

    Bravi, bravi, bravissimi!


    Author's Response: Thank you for your lovely review. The story is already finished, it will be betaed now, chapter by chapter. And yes, I agree, the denial really does happen when a death to someone so close occurs. Usually it doesn't last as long, but... sniff... they were so close. My brothers are twins and they'd react that way, too. Thanks again!!!

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